Female Character Customization Continued

Female Character Customization Continued



Open it in another tab.

Sup Forums needs some /xc/

With 50 points you can pick every boon with what ever body type you want. What's the point?

That doesnt work ja dip

The problem with these images is that everyone who makes them can't write for shit.

You're genuinely retarded. It's 1400x5500.

He's posting on a phone.

There's 5 more pages user

I'll post them just for you

I really wonder why



>no thicc/bara
shit chart


Thanks brah, I'm a faggot and genderbending is a major fetish of mine.

What if I want to be a cute male cat?


What is all this gay shit.

>spent 18 points on the whole thing.

Am I doing something wrong? I seriously think 50 points (plus all the bonus points throughout it) is far too much.

Something that's not a video game.

What triggers me most about these images are seeing anime characters I know getting stolen and given new names and personalities.

>5 whole pages of wall text
looks fun but im not going to spend 10 minutes reading everything

>this thread
>too sick to get a boner

>too sick to get a boner
What did you get that trans mental illness?

>Great premise ruined by masochism
Why must people do this?

>Loli 2p.
>Gentle Puberty 1p.
>Public Speaking 2p.
>Cosplay 1p.

>Suburban 2p.
>Small Apartment 0p.
>Outdoor pool 2p
>1 Live-in maid 1p
>Simple 0p

>Married 5p
>Lax 1p
>Small Allowance 1p

>Rin 2p
>Gil-kun 2p

>Gilgamesh 2p.

>Hailey 2p
>Cecily 2p

It way too much points man, I only got 28 and it's way too generous.

you wouldn't happen to have other CYOAs? I'm looking for an anime one that had the Yuyushiki sensei.

Did you get that Republican Snowflake Illness?

I fap to futa I'm not republican

Nope, just running 102° when I'm normally 97°

>bloodrelated 1p
>adopted 1p

Is it random you don't choose?

You start off not blood related, but your parents think you're their's

where's page 7?


Where's page 8, where you choose your method of suicide.

but user, you don't need any points for that.
in fact, you can actually make it real!

in how many countries is it illegal to save these?


Mother fucker, just finished mine and now I see this shit.

Now I gotta wipe the extras I grabbed and add this shit.

Anone interested in mine when I'm done? Noone else has posted one.

Did you not notice that the last image posted by OP had page 6/7 at the top?

I didn't, it was small and it's late so my eyes aren't operating at 100%.

I'm a huge sucker for any sort of CYOA though so despite needing to be up in the morning I'm doing this shit into the night instead.

>Noone else has posted one.
I did.

Go to the CYOA General on /tg/ ya bongo

I'm sorry, but I appear to be blind, deaf, and dumb to what the fuck is going on in this thread.

You should maximize your points though dude, get as much as you can. Also I don't think you can take any maid options if the room doesn't accomodate for it.

You can take maids/etc without the Live-In special room, it just means the maid doesn't live at the house with your family

Ohhh ok. That doesn't change my answers (Thank fuck) but still cool.

Gonna try and post mine next post, here goes.

Page 1: 50 pts (Start)
Endowed (-4)
Bubble butt (-2)
Quick learner (-3)
Safeguard (-1)
Easy Gains (-2)
38 pts (End)

Page 2: 38 pts (Start)
Suburban (-2)
Small House (-5) (+5 Siblings) (+2 Rooms) (+1 free young sibling)
Outdoor pool (-2) (-1 Room)
Huge Kitchen (-1) (-1 Room)
Shared Room (-0) (+1 Siblings)
Artistic (-1)
27 pts + 5 free pts = 32 pts (End)

Page 3: 32 pts (Start)
Happily Married (-7)
Strict (-0)
Loving (-2)
Wise (-1)
Ambitious (-1)
Supportive (-2)
Ara Ara (-3)
16 pts + 5 pts = 21 pts (End)

Page 4: 21 pts (Start)
Dylan (Free)
Hina (-2) (Shared Room)
Yacob (-2)
Eleanor (-2)
15 pts (End)

Page 5: 15 pts (Start)
Kiera (-3)
Kenneth (-3)
9 pts (End)

Page 6: N/A

Page 7: 9 pts (Start)
Thor (-1)
Hana (-1)
Sophia (-2)
Aaron (-2)
3 pts (End)

Re-run: 3 pts (Start)
Creativity (-3)
0 pts (End)

And there it is. I love to format shit for readability so I hope it's alright.

I took the live in maid option man, it's just a jam packed Apartment. I already had all that I wanted or needed, everything else is just fluff.

Though I'll admit I didn't think the "there's room for 2 siblings" meant I was only allowed two people.

I figured that meant you + the number of siblings, since you wouldn't really call yourself a sibling. So I took small house and got 5 siblings + 1 from shared room.

I'll just switch it out for a Small House, I still have just under half left anyway.

This one's not very fun considering how generous it is though.

I do these for escapism almost 100%, so imagining having a loving childhood/home life is fun, and I like this one.


Loli is basically eternal youth, which is highly tempting. I don't want to be a board, though. If I decide to be curvy I'll be an old hag one day, though.

>tfw shota with a huge cock, and a single mother and older sister in an apartment with thin walls

>can't pick bubble but for boys
>can pick amazon for boys

you can pick it for boys, it just costs less for girls

>can't pick bubble butt for boys
But you can. It's just cheaper for girls.

>can't have a muscular brown catgirl without wasting points on the objectively shittier easy gains


>5 more pages
I don't know if I have enough autism for this

I believe in you.

wow, that's really sad
i understand you ;_;

Feel free to substitute depression if autism won't get you the full way.

Trap 4
Quick learner 3
Bubble butt 2
Creative 3
Safeguard 1
Total 13

Suburban 2
Small house 5
Electronics 1
Neat 1
Total 9

Happily married 7
-Housewife 0
-Loving 2
-Lax 1
-Supportive 0
-Wise 1
-Hardworking 1
-Ambitious 1
-Teacher 1
Big allowance 3
Blood related 1
Total 18

Ben 0
Hina 2
Total 2

Charlie 5
Stella 3
Nathan 3
Total 11

Cecily 2
Total 2

Thor 1
Aaron 2
Sophia 2
Total 5

Happily Married was one I needed to take, despite the 7 points.

me too user, me too

Phoneposters are cancer

Pretty cool choices my dude, I like your dad. Big fan of the older siblings though, I see. As the oldest sibling myself I had a hard time taking any older siblings but I figured what the hell.

The idea of a happy/close relationship with my siblings was what got me the most though.

>Easy Gains
>Big House
>Home Gym
>Outdoor Pool
>Blood Related
>tfw it will never be real

>muscular brown catgirl

jesus fucking christ user i want the same thing

>regular body type
>cosplay x50
>now a master of disguise and can take on any appearance I desire
fuck you

enjoy your shitty life user

no disguise will fill the family-less void you will have

Don't forget amazonian.

Jokes on you user, I murdered one of your parents and have been impersonating them for the last 4 months


Just roll my age back with the same seed.
I'm not some savescumming LOSER.

That's what savescumming is though

This is more like rerolling




>Oppai Loli
>bubble butt
>Public Speaking
>Gentle Puberty
>Quick Learner

>Big Apartment
>Huge Kitchen

>Single Mother
>Big Allowance
>Momma's Girl



Cannot even use all my points fuck.


It's still true though. It's pretty hard to get to 50.

I mean fuck, why would you even want siblings? I re-did my own life with the chart and got to 38 without any.

>complaining about not being able to use all the points
Don't you get it? That dumb bitch Clarice wants to give you a better life, Sup Forums.

Past the escapist sentiment, it's a game.

And this game has no challenge because there's no trade-offs. You just take everything.

I want Clarice to be my protective older sister.

Back off, she's my sister.

Gayest shit I ever seen

upgrade your home (unless you like an apartment apartment), get some more friends/caretakers if you don't want more siblings. also pick out more traits for your mom, guide recommends at least 3

>this will never be real

We just gotta believe

Oppai Loli 5
Quick learner 3
Bubble butt 2
Creative 3
Safeguard 1
Total 14

Rural 3
Big House 2
Outdoor pool 2
Hot Bath 2
Huge bedroom 1
Feminine 1
Total 11

Married 0
-Housewife 2
-Loving 2
-Lax 1
-Protective 1
-Wise 1
-Hardworking 1
-Handyman 1
Blood related 1
Total 10

Anya 0
Nadia 2
Total 2

Gilgamesh 3
Arthur 3
Clarice 3
Total 9

Cecily 2
Total 2

Teri 1
Hana 1
Total 2


Everyone choosing Arthur + Gilgamesh has grade A taste. Arthur becoming beleaguered and tilted by Gilgamesh messing up his order and Gilgamesh's carefree attitude constantly being challenged by Arthur is the best interaction. Throw in Gil-kun and an older sister for more antics. Arthur is enforcing bedtime, only for Gil-kun to plead to Clarice to stay up later. Clarice immediately capitulates, to the causing Arthur immense frustration, especially since Mom left him in charge in the first place.

Can we be sisters too, user?

you actually have a few points extra. big house lets you get 1 free special room and you also get 1 free personality trait per parent.

Boy, Muscular -5, 45
Early Bird, Unassuming, Impressive, Allure. -9, 36

Suburban, Estate, -11, +5, 30 (Rooms 1 point Cheaper)
Huge Kitchen (Free), Outdoor Pool, Hot Bath, Sauna (Free), Home Gym (Free), Huge Bedroom (Free), Live-in Help (However Many is Needed, Free) -2, 34 (I actually went back and switched to an estate from big house because it let me get more stuff for cheaper than it was before)

Electronics, Neat, L-lewd!!! -5, 29

Happily Married, -7, +5, 27
Mother: Wise, Housewife(Free), -1, 26
Father: Jacked (Free), Outdoorsy, -1, 25
Cranked Up Lax x2 (The CYOA may state age regression, but I'm still a full grown adult, damn it. I'll do what I want.) -4, 21
Big Allowance, Adopted, Open-Minded, -6, 15

Katarin(Free) Clarice, Daisy, Nicole, -9, 6
Hope they don't mind sharing.

Rhea (Free, Live-In)

Kate, Lacee, Virginia -6, 0

This actually took me quite a while
p-please read it

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I had to jew every point out of the system, but I guess I'm just a bit greedy

Sure, I'm surprisingly okay with this.


Deliciously Brown
Gentle Puberty
Quick Learner
Easy Gains
Bubble Butt

Big House
Home Gym
Outdoor pool
Electronics & Neat

Single Mother

Home schooling
Momma's Girl



Is there such thing as a deliciously brown boy?

All I have in mind are qt niggers



>Quick Learner
>Easy Gains
>Public Speaking



>Huge Kitchen
>Outdoor Pool
>Hot Bath
>Home Gym
>Music Room


>Happily Married


>Home Schooling





