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With those eyes he looks more like a bitch now.

Anybody else fucking hate beards?

t. man with homeless beard

i don't mind shorter ones. other wise yeah, over an inch or two just looks bad to me especially if unkempt

He looks like a dad or a friendly uncle tbqh fampai

beards are a meme used by nu-males to conceal their genetically defective anti-chins

>hipster nu-male beard

What is he, the persian god of war?

He just looks a bit older.
The beard makes him look like a nerd, but that's a more modern meme.

Actually he looks fucking retarded and much less threatening with the big beard.

People who think bald head + huge beard combo is good/cool are some of the biggest pussy-repellent neckbeards on the planet.

>jaw of the (actual) gods


>the fat numale loser from red letter media with the beard

Why is his tattoo tiny now?


Goatees are the stupidest and ugliest facial hair style a man can have

I think they look great...

Looks depressed.

t. mad beardlets

Nah, we can actually grow one, you feminine twat

One on the left looks like as if he could single-handedly murder the whole population of a smaller country with a butter knife in a single day.

The one on the right looks like he's had a bad day at the office and now he found out his car's been towed.

agressive man in his prime with a powerful jawline

fat old nu-male

says the faggot who posts on Sup Forums

It's about time they got rid of that gay limp bizkit beard

>tfw wizard that can't grow any real facial hair
I've still got a great head of hair though so I suppose that's something to be thankful for.

beards are gay.

Nobeard fags are really enjoying the numale hate wave huh

I actually like them, it's just that most people don't take proper care of them and it makes them look like shit, it doesn't help that there's this whole "Manly and Cool" mentality, it's like fedoras, the hat itself isn't the problem, the problem is the dumbfucks that wear them look terrible with them.

say that to my face faggot

>all these nu-males with their lush, long hobo-beards
>tfw can only grow a goatee
>tfw it's patchy as fuck
>tfw 25

I only let it grow when I really want to look older than 20.

I dislike my beard, but I dislike my acne scars more.

>tfw don't do anything with my hair or beard and look like a gay hobo
>people online get mad
Fuck you, I wear it not to look good but because I'm an autistic cave-dwelling creature.

Fedora is actually the problem. Anyone who wears it will look stupid, because it's not the 50s anymore.


How the fuck do I get a 5 o' clock shadow?
Fuck this beard, it hasn't gotten me laid yet.

He's got a "I'm getting too old for this shit" look to him now.

I find people with beards less threatening for some reason

>determined, angry gaze, focused on his goal
>well groomed goatee demonstrating diligence
>fresh scar indicating active warrior life
>sharp masculine jaw & cheek, showing his excellent /fit/ness
>a deep scowl shows his personal and emotional investment for the task at hand

>empty gaze at nothing in particular, as if distracted
>a full beard, having given up and decided to slack off
>no new scars, old one has long faded
>softer cheeks and jaw showing how out of shape he is
>dazed, slackjawed expression, as if he's stopped caring

>5 o' clock shadow
Kek, got meme'd into keeping dirty beards huh ? girls don't like it when they kiss, caressed or eaten by that spiky bush.

Be a real man, be like the 1950s, shaved clean. Not some 1960s war hobo.

Shave before you go to bed, not when you get up.

Not him, but being this mad because someone you've never met dislikes some shit you're probably just trying out is kinda' gay, my dude.

Beards are for men with weak jaws. Kratos does not need a beard.

he looks like he browses reddit now

been growing mine for a year or more, lost track 2bh. look more feral day by day.

Beards are k. Too bad they were stolen by the trendy crowd, and now a have a meme stigma.

>>well groomed goatee demonstrating diligence

>be an alpha, masculine god of war, symbol of manhood
>grooming yourself like a faggot instead of letting your hair grow wild

t. patchy nobeard queer

strike while the iron is hot ! quick ! make some SJW jokes with kratos's personality !

>lack of self-control is what makes a man
Untermensch as fuck.

but he had a beard before...???

>losing the war and eating a bullet is what makes a man
Back to your containment board, naziboo faggot.

Cant see his fuckawesome jaw


>implying it wasn't part of the plan

Low-IQ genetic underclass right here.
You should be out lifting rocks, because your thoughts are worthless.

>letting something natural like facial hair grow is lack of self-control
Are you retarded?

i've come to associate beards with hipsters and muslims.

I shave every day now.


It's 2017, gays should be open about their sexuality.

he had a beard before though

are people blind?

Unless you're a living like a caveman, not having a well-groomed appearance denotes an obvious lack of discipline.

Left: Manly facial hair
Right: On his way home from a "not my president" protest

Right doesnt suit him at all, jesus what a fuckup.

His douche beard on the left sucks too though.

Shouldve been all bald. No eyebrows.

Fedoras are pretty ugly desu.

delete this right now faggot

Grooming yourself is metrosexual, and caring about what people think of your appearance is the opposite of manliness. A god of war should not give a single fuck. You are thinking like a little bitch.

His fucking expression isn't even the same you retarded faggots.

And here come the buzzwords

Looked way better before desu.

>beards are now associated with "nu-males"

The new VA bugs me.

A new voice after all these games just feels off.

It's more about self-respect than what others think about you.
And you're trying to think like a video game character, idiot.

Lift several times per week if you want to distance yourself from the numales. Being an effeminate girly boy who's never set foot in the gym is a far bigger indicator of being a hipster than the presence of facial hair.

Trim and shape your beard if you want to separate yourself from the Muslims.

like staches-only ended up being associated with fags because of mercury and the village peoples

>mfw all these fags on Sup Forums think being obsessed with their appearance and lifting weights and growing beards is manly


i bet you just have a weak chin/jawline

I was talking to a guy at work about this once. I work in a casino so I see thousands of people pass by every day. I saw a group of hipsters with their beards and shit and I tell my co-worker that it used to be if you saw and guy with a thick beard you would think biker or trucker or homeless guy now you think "wow, what a fag."

The world has really moved on without me.

its the easiest way to make up for their lack of masculinity

you literally just stop taking care of yourself and you think you look more like a man


Staches are the epitome of masculinity

>being obsessed with their appearance is manly
Literally the opposite of what the post says, you illiterate retard.

You gotta look at it in the context of the time it's set.
Back in the Middle Ages being consistently well groomed/clothed/geared was more work than any one person could do. Which means you'd need other folk to clean your shit, maintain it and keep you looking good too. So if you were well kept and fucking buff everyone knew at instant one that you were not someone to be fucked with because you'd been in enough battles to come out the other end with money, slaves and a scar or two.

I'll agree that nowadays preening is immasculine as fuck, but back then if you looked like you had a big rough beard and were covered with stinking furs you probably only got into fights with a few doze people over a cow rather than actual war.

Femanon here,
There's nothing hotter than a man with a beard, they make a man so rugged, I instantly want to stroke his hairs and ride his face.

Fuck off slut

Beards are manly you pussies

t. unfit balding fag


he's the one talking about appearance and letting an itchy beaver grow on his face to look more manly

> Sup Forums - Beards

If I had a beard I would never go down. Shampooing that shit out of your beard would be rough.

a beard wont grow noticeable in 5 or 6 hours. 5 o clock shadow is a meme and is actually determined by genetics. The more hairs per sq/in of face gives a very dark look even when completely shaven

Beards are fine, but the beard+handlebar mustache meme needs to fucking die. There is no faster way to spot a cuck.

It just goes in circles.
When the hippies grew megabeards the more conservative dudes went all clean shaven.

>tfw always see this bald fat faggot with a shitty pubic goatee
>he has skull tatoos all over him
>always wears edgy tshirts
I want to die everytime i see him


>26 years old
>still cant grow a beard
How do i kill myself

>Grooming yourself is metrosexual, and caring about what people think of your appearance is the opposite of manliness.

I've seen that same argument passed around by male members of the fat acceptance movement. Being a fat, greasy-haired, acne-covered fuck that you can smell twenty feet away is not manly. It's slothful.

I understand why the meaning behind this value has been lost in a feminist society which has stripped the men of their pride and cheapened the women, but many important parts of being a man are defined by being attractive to women. Furthermore, you need to demonstrate to your fellow men that you're someone that they can trust. The face of a slob is not the face of a reliable man.

what girls really like is a nice jawline and 6 o clock shadow, but low testosterone heavily correlates to leftism, which is why cucks all have weak chins, which is why they grow big beards, to cover it


>Hair grows a lot and fast
>But only on my chin

This. Picrelated , manly fucks who still look manly with that pansy swim wear. All bearded dude are just nu males who are making open world survival indie pixel games

Shit forgot pic

>cucks all have weak chins

>Really want to have a beard since I think they look cool.
>Hipsters and fags are associated with beards.
>Don't want to look like one of them but I still want a beard.

Fucking dammit stay away from the things I like, I hate this whole nu male, SJW hipster shit that has been growing these past few years.

He already had a beard.

nu kratos looks fine

>Hating beards
Found the fuckboy