Broken mess of a story

>Broken mess of a story.
>Shortest Final Fantasy game on record by story length alone.
>Sidequests = MMO-tier fetch quests.
>Overwhelmingly weak supporting cast.
>Melodramatic pointlessness.
>Easiest final boss since Yu Yevon.
>Four walking cliched protagonists.
>Useless love interest.
>Lying director who ruined The 3rd Birthday and Type-0.
>Everything after Chapter 8.
>Chapter 13.
>10 year time skip.
>"Selfies are an actual skill to learn."
>"I've come up with a new recipe" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...
>Worst driving controls in an open world game since Driv3r.
>Chocobos make Regalia mostly pointless.
>Super Saiyan shit outta nowhere. Twice.
>Luminous engine is unstable.
>Ugly hair textures with poor aliasing.
>Avenge Jared!!!!
>Most generic speech in videogame history in Altissia.
>Gentiana is an asshole for not revealing her true form sooner.
>Forces the player to reach for outside information to understand story and lore.
>Changed directors halfway through completion.
>Season Pass Bullshit.
>Gladio leaves because "play the DLC".
>Ignis got blinded because "play the DLC".
>Prompto's from Niflheim because "play the DLC".
>"a stitch in time" WTF
>Luna never becomes a party member ever.
>Ardyn's dumb wing accessory.
>Graphical downgrade from Episode Duscae.
>Lowest scoring mainline Final Fantasy game since XIII.
>"OMG!!! BEST GAME EVAR!!!" - modern shit tasting Final Fantasy fanboys

Seriously, what the bloody fuck happened to JRPG gamers these days? Whjy do they defend shit like this, but criticize "boring stuff" like FFVI and Chrono Trigger, games which are miles better than XV will ever be?

Anti kun you're really on suicide watch huh?

>Graphical downgrade from Episode Duscae.
You mean upgrade.
Nice try AntiXVkun. Stay triggered that it's the best FF while you spout all that meaningless shit.

>Different time of day.
>Unfinished story = "best FF game" in the eyes of modern pleb gamers.

Thats the same exact time of day as soon as you wake up from camp anti kun. Holy kek you're ass devastated.

Are you retarded?


Of course he is. He's anti kun.

>TFW anti-kun and kun are getting BTFO alike

>Can't even come up with an argument

Ebin retort.

I place this game in the same category as fallout 4. I was really into it for the first 30ish hours, glancing over the faults because it was fun, and then something clicked and I really started to dislike everything about it. I will never finish fallout 4 and I will never play ffxv again.

so many butthurt XV fags getting triggered XD

I like XV, but the Duscae demo certainly looked better. The dropships were far more impressive.

This, except it took me 5 hours.

Damn that upgrade. Holy shit antikun BTFO.

No way, and the drop ships are the same in both only now they have more enemy variety like the mech walkers and imperial troops.

More like you getting BTFO.

Only problem was the lag, but the aliasing and ground textures were better.

The entire aliasing, ground textures, grass, trees, bushes, shrubs, draw distance, performance etc are all improved in the final game compared to episode duscae. Are you actually blind?

I was too blinded by hype to stop after 5 hours. Hell I was still just running around ""exploring"" in those hours because I didn't know the game was barren and empty as fuck. I thought the combat was good until I realized that you literally can't die and get a game over even on normal difficulty, as long as you have a phoenix down you can use that on yourself EVEN IF EVERYONE IS CURRENTLY KO.

Squeenix fanboys like getting throatfucked by Tabata-dono's razor sharp dick as he splooges lies into their throats while they fail to see why Persona 5 and Xenoblade 2 will rape their sacred cow into the ground XD

You don't even need a Phoenix Down because of that grace period they give you, just buy 99 potions and you're invincible and if you somehow run out of potions just use Ignis' regroup.

Thats wrong tho

Shut the fuck up antikun you suicide watch faggot.

P5 and XBC2 are already shit compared to XV though.

I liked XV but Persona 5 is better on all accounts.

No it isn't.

>I like XV but then proceeds to shit on XV or say things worse than XV are somehow better
I see this is Antikuns latest tactic.

This game is a fucking joke.

I'm not anti kun though.

So because you are so shit at the game that you keep getting wrecked you hinge on spamming potions instead just to cheese it.

Nice try.

Triggered, user?

If I'm shit at the game how was I able to beat it?
Checkmate XV-kun.

Just dump 'em lads. It's so fucking easy to btfo XVfags. Why? Their game, on a fundamental level, is flawed.

How insecure do you have to be to keep a thread like this alive for so long

He's not wrong about the aliasing, though. The hair graphics look god awful. Look how grainy that shit is. It's worse than XIII's hair textures.


Why do you do this you nerd? You people still have cyber wars with each other even after the game releases.


That hair aliasing, though.

>just gimp yourself
You always tell others to use the "full spectrum" but make up your own rules of what counts and what doesn't

I've been playing their latest games by myself and I've been playing them with my son, and my son knows so much about games, and he knows so much about JRPGs and Final Fantasy, he has such a good brain and knows lots of things and he tells me "Dad, why are these games so bad now?" and I don't know what to tell him. It's incredible, you look at the sad state of the series right now and it's unthinkable, it's SAD! And you have all these liars in the press, and I don't even know who they are or what they say, but I know that because of them, Final Fantasy XV has a score of 80 on metacritic and they're telling you that it's a fun game. Let me tell you: NO FUN! You know how many people have had fun playing XV? Let me tell you, my friends: Very, very few. It's a tedious game, and the lying press tells you otherwise. And you have all these Japanese, and I love the Japanese, they're great people, but you have these Japanese making these terrible games, and nothing is being done about it. I alone can fix this. Nobody makes games better than me. I have tremendous plans for the series, you let me in and I'll do Final Fantasy XVI and I'll do it very well, it's gonna be wonderful, the game is gonna be beautiful, it will be the greatest video game you have ever played and you're gonna be amazed, you won't believe how great Final Fantasy XVI will be. I was shocked to hear so many people calling the developers chinks and gooks, if I get chosen to head development on XVI, I think they're gonna respect me, I think they're gonna like me, I think they're gonna praise me, I'm the most likable person I know. It will be a flawless game, people will look back decades later and consider it the greatest game ever released. They'll never want to play anything else ever again. Just think: What have you got to lose? It's not like the series can get any worse than it already is. Nomura doesn't cut it anymore, Tabata is a JOKE. All you have left is me. I am gonna make Final Fantasy great again.


Because you cheesed the game.

i knew it was copypasta right after the first comma

Why does Sup Forums hate FFXV now? When it came out Sup Forums was cumming all over it.

Thats you antikun.

Antikun literally triggered beyond belief because XV is the best FF.


Jesus fucking christ have you ever been this autistc that you literally dump the same shit over and over just to desperately shit on the game?

Game was in development hell and was cobbled together finally after years just to have people shut the fuck up and have another Final Fantasy. Are people really genuinely surprised it's mediocre and feels hollow?

why lie

How so?

The only complaint I don't really get is the sidequests one

Like what the fuck were sidequests before? The same shit usually minus a marker

By this logic you have no reason to play on hard or harder difficulty because you're just gimping yourself compared to easy difficulty.

No we weren't, are you crazy? Conanposting was at an all-time high.

Because you spammed potions every time you got wrecked instead of getting gud so that you wouldn't having to keep using potions in the first place.

Final Fantasy IX did frog collecting way better, just saying.

>release a limited-time, MMO style event for a single-player RPG

How fucking dumb are they?

It's literally just one guy shitting on the game here every time.


Yes they were anti kun, you were the one doing that and look how quickly it died off once you got BTFO.

How is using potions cheesing the game?

>oh man the game does some fun limited stuff better complain
>b-but MMO!


Because you are spamming potions to instantly heal, get chip damage in, you get wrecked, you spam potion, get chip damage in, repeat over and over until you eventually beat the enemy, that's called cheesing instead of getting gud. Are you dumb?

Whoa now hol up! Ayy! You mean to tell me people play FF games after IX unironically?

Ya I don't understand that at all...

I'm an adult and I have a job, I'm not going to play by Square Enix's schedule and I deliberately refused to play the Chocobo Festival because of that, despite having plenty of time to do so

I wonder when user will realize that I'm the real anti kun all along...

I thought the game was fun but flawed
The framerate made me want to gargle a cactus, I drove 2 hours to get this game and a ps4 from my bother to play it since I'm on PC and i honesty felt sick that this game runs this bad

Gonna give it a year for the eventual Pc "GAME OF THE YEAR ULTRA CLIMAX MODE" edition with all the dlc for less

>He's still posting judgment demo screenshots
My fucking sides.

>He's still responding to himself
My fucking sides.


Have you not played another open world RPG before? A single side quest in TW3 has more story than all 100+ of them in FF XIV combined

How is that cheesing? Using consumables is an intended mechanic of combat.

>muh fake sense of standards


Are you fucking stupid? Do you even know what cheesing is? Cheesing is purposely exploiting some mechanic to get an advantage instead of actually getting gud.

>don't use game mechanics
So basicly using anything but physical attacks is cheesing? Nice balancing you got there

Worst fucking boss battle I've ever experienced. I dare you to defend this shit.

>fight through a narrow lifeless hallway filled with grunts
>Prompto shows up on a harpoon somehow
>"Just jump bro!"
>QTE segment on harpoon
>land on leviathan and are prompted with an inconsequential dialogue choice

>boss fight starts
>debris falling into water but making no visible splashes
>random buildings just hovering staticly as if held up by whirlpool gust
>warping in and out, not sure if dealing damage
>qte to break wing x2
>noctis gets hurt
>luna does some cuhrayzee magic and gives noctis super saiyan (why didn't she just grant it to him before???)
>spam weapon missles
>more break wing QTE
>incomprehensible action

If only those could see the truth...

Blame the game for not putting a cap on shit like that. It's the game's fault, not the player. The player can abuse whatever mechanic the game gives you. Using an intended mechanic, no matter how """"""""cheap"""""" you think it is means that user is cheesing the game. No one cares how good you are at games anyways, faggot.

Using potions isn't cheesing.

>Seriously, what the bloody fuck happened to JRPG gamers these days?
Skyrim, otakus, and appealing to Japanese normies who have awful tastes in general.

No it's called using proper defensive manuvars like shield blocks, dodge rolls, impervious etc instead of hinging on potions like a little bitch who keeps getting wrecked and then just spamming attack to do little damage to just heal again to just spam attack to do little damage to get wrecked and heal etc.

If you are spamming potions are literally telling me you suck fucking shit at the game.

Dungeons and hunts are pretty sweet, and by percentage, make up most of the game.

XV fags will defend anything for their sacred cow.
It's like Twilight, but gayer and interactive, making it worse.

Just stop, why is so hard not to reply to obvious bait. Does your life depend on it

We all know you never played the game, who are you even trying to fool? Also the Leviathan fight was just an interactive cutscene.

Except it has more positive reviews than FF13 and any other FF.

is not the same as better

No it's the players fault for being fucking shit that you need to hinge on potions, the game allowing you to is making a concession for you being a piece of shit, you should aim to better yourself not do the absolute minimum. You are objectively cheesing the game and you are in denial about it.

Using only potions every time you get whatever damage you have in the game until you get knocked down to 0 to heal again over and over is cheesing.

>Dungeons are too short.
>Hunts ripoff FFXII's Marks & significantly easier due to warp attack exploit.

>IGN review of XIII
>IGN review of XV

What did they mean by this?

You don't even need to spam potions with Ignis' heal technique which you can get pretty damn early.

So what? It's still not cheesing, not everyone is as MLG as you and it's not like you need to play it in a certain way to play it "right"
A while ago you said shit like "no the devs balanced it for magic and item use!" but of course that was totally not you

No it's not.

One review was from before Final Fantasy was conclusively dead and irrelevant in everyone's minds, and the other was after. The scores will continue to drop year after year.

Not everyone was. It's a game made up entirely of half measures, it was bad.

This was the point where I quit the game.
This was the point where the devs gave up.
This is the worst designed boss in the history of Square Enix's reputation as a video game company.

>really into something for THIRTY HOURS
>about the length of watching 15 films in a row

I still see the final product as the best-case scenario. Fabula Novella got its ass beat by the shit show that was the initial XIV release, hopefully proper resources are allocated for XVI

How was it conclusively dead if it was still shipping millions of copies?