No matter how shit a game is

>no matter how shit a game is
>there are faggots on Sup Forums who defend it

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Now matter how shit X is, X will defend it
woah.. it's like you can substitute anything into those and churn out low quality shitposts
kill yourself

>No matter how good a game is
>People on Sup Forums will shitpost it

Why the fuck does he keep doing these?
Like, what is their purpose?

But someone on reddit liked it. That means it's shit! >:)

Zelda cycle if the game is from sequels

I unironically enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever


Name several

The artist is chinese learning English, and apparently some French now and again. I honestly think it was just a case of an artist having fun while learning that gained a little traction and went too far.

>Why the fuck does he keep doing these?

all 3D zeldas have been bad.
skyward sword was the first one to finally ruin everything but the dungeons, where the rest just have awful dungeons.

>mfw i defend games unironically

>mfw botw

thats the point.

>aliens colonial marines ended up in a fuck you I liked it thread
I wonder if ride to hell will join it soon.

reminds me of infinite.
A lot of people just don't seem to get context for hatred.
Like DMC: DMC. It's an OKAY game but if you were a fan or even following the development it was nothing but middle fingers. That and a ship that tameem set on fire that plummeted while screaming "FUCK YOU!"

>no matter how good a game is
>there are faggot contrarians on Sup Forums who will shit all over it

