What minimum specs do you think I'll need to run it?
What minimum specs do you think I'll need to run it?
An xbox one or playstation 4
An Xbox One. Recommended would probably be a PS4 or equivalent.
Recommended would be the Pro
I'm gonna l o l when this is announced for PC.
It's gonna be a shit port
Witcher 3 will remain superior
Does anyone genuinely believe it won't come to PC?
There's literally no reason for it not to, R* are just trying to get people to double dip like with GTAV.
Hoping there's no shark cards
Im gonna lol when its not :^)
Yup, it's going to be hard not to buy it on launch though. Might have to redbox it and burn through the story so I don't get spoiled.
Hmm, could someone please decipher this message? Please put the answer in all caps.
THE ANSWER, read it in reverse dumbass.
GTAV's port was goat tho
I don't want to be this "thanks for betatesting" kind of guy, but you have to admit there's some true in it
I think it'll run bare minimum on- WHERES THE FUCKING TRAILER I NEED TO SEE GAMEPLAY
Scorpio should be out by then.
Also, Spring 2018 is more likely.
>implying it will ever be on PC
PC port will be bad optimized, even with a 1080 you would get 0fps
>Not hearing about the Denuvo leaks.
a shittier AMD HD 7850