>n-no! overwatch is totally alive
N-no! overwatch is totally alive
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It's monday
and psn is down for a lot of people
>1 minute of waiting
>it's dead
Man I got that skin today, after not playing since the event started
Wish I could get the D.va one instead
I wish it was cause they take forever to update shit
If it had a server browser you could join any game you wanted instantly. Shit game.
>playing Overwatch on console
ishiggy diggy
There's nothing fun about this game anymore, Blizzard ruins character balance even more every time they touch the game and the game modes are shit along with the shit maps.
I bought Overwatch and the queue time is even longer than Battleborn...
HOW IS THIS SHIT POSSIBLE? And the teams are so unbalanced that I don't understand why the waiting is so fucking long. I literally now wasting over 10 minutes in the fucking quick play queue... WHY??? This game has over 15 bazillian player who play 24 hours aday according to Blizzard...
The sims now has multiplayer?
This desu, only thing keeping it alive are people who play it casually including on console and former LOL twitch streamers who do it for money and don't even like the game
went back to playing tf2.
fuck why can't they just make a new tf2.
the game was never fun
>bad tf2
pls go back to your containment general
>bad tf2
That's been redundant since 2011
>overcucks getting killed by battle born
This is so good it has to be fattening
>fat characters in video games
>tfw finally broke 3400 today but then promptly lost 5 games in a row
How's your comp season going, user?
>Painted nails on a video game character
I dont know why but this is my ultimate pet peeve
>playing on FPS on console
jesus fucking christ
You're not the only one seeing it, user. Gave me a chuckle.
At the start of each season I always psyche myself up to get to Master. Then I never touch it and just fuck around in QP with my mates. So still where I got placed at ~3000.
Painted nails in general usually look like shit to me. Seeings girls wear it and let it chip down or wear off is even worse. Autism, I know.
I have noticed that a lot of people (good players as well) don't bother to rank up after they hit diamond because of the auto decay bullshit, wish they would get rid of it, until you hit GM
Are there any games with quick ranked matchmaking? Or am I missing something here.
This garbage doesn't deserve to be even compared to TF2
Actually, Overwatch is good
>flat characters in videogames
Mei is actually the cutest video game girl ever.
even blops1 on ps3 puts me into a game within 10-20 seconds without owning any DLC
blizzard is fucking incompetent retards
Of course it does the matchmaking doesn't take skill into account at all in that game. Are you dumb?
>play a game in overwatch
>it's over in 10 minutes
>wait for the game to end
>wait for the play of the game
>wait for the inbetween time
>wait for the load map
>wait for the game to find other players
>wait time for the match to start
>wait for the players to pick characters
>wait for the setup
>die and wait for respawn
jeez blizzard.
>starting to play less and less
>sombra update comes out
>she's shit
>the update and balance patches completely ruin what little interest I had left in it
>only start it up maybe once every couple of weeks
>lose most games because team balancing is a joke
>get a single win, get off immediately because I'm afraid if I play more I'll just go back on a losing streak
>not being obese means automatically being flat
bliz doesnt match skill either, dumbfucks actually think that, all it does it try matching people within an SR rank in comp
everything else they just match based on your level or if your in a group(regardless of lvl)
Oh sure they're only pretending!
The new skin solidifies this
just like every other shooter, the biggest population will be on consoles to escape hacking and aimbotting.
sorry to say but PC is becoming obsolete...
>there are fat fetishists in this very thread
How did it come to this?
That's what happens when you make feel good games where everyone can win. Long term players realize the game is shallow as fuck
if skill was involved they wouldn't need an SR system
hell, placement matches are a fucking joke
>3AM in NA
No matter how hard you meme it, OW won't die. It didn't die one month after launch like you hoped and it won't die now.
weak bait
you dont even deserve a (you)
Bastion, Roadhog and Soldier 76 all need to get nerfed
fuck those niggas
>fat fetish
I don't even think Mei is best girl or fat though.
Have you seen her nails when you play as her?
This. It's an excellent short and midterm game, then it'll show its ugly face.
>tfw have to play all my multiplayer games on console because friends refuse to build a PC
Why do I even bother?
Just imagine the disgusting sweaty slapping noises her thighs make. That's fat.
>tfw you realize Reaper is a filthy Mexican
It's because they know most people don't take quick play seriously. I don't use any of the characters im good with in quick play and neither do my friends.
I see no point in playing ranked aside from the initial 10 placement matches so you can get your purps. QP and Mystery Heroes is so much less of a headache.
so obviously D.Va and Mercy are the most desired waifus
but.. who is MOST desired of the two?
Bastions useless right now though. He's getting a significant buff for a reason.
>Waah I have to wait more than 5 minutes for the matchmaker to let me play video games!!
Fuck off retard.
Alternatively, stay right where you are:
>playing Competitive at all ever
>playing Overwatch
Even modern TF2 is better than Overwatch. Not a redundant statement at all.
She's not fat in her new skin.
I got the alternare color version of that skin and Bastion's. The skins I do want are Roadhog, Winston and D Va.
>never bought overwatch
HA I knew I made the right decision
spot the honkey
Maybe if you have boring taste.
Since Sup Forums tards couldn't use twitch number to meme ded game anymore they have resorted to queue time.
Don't kid yourself modern TF2 is sad now.
>decide to play QP after half a year of absence
>just Widowmaker, Genji and Hanzo on every goddamn team
>get retards who play Torbjorn on attack.
>no-one ever chooses healer or Reinhardt besides you
Guess I'll stick to comp.
Her new skin was a "bug" that Blizzard "fixed" after it was "reported" by shecows on tumblr.
>implying thats long
ive waited 10mins+ for games in siege and that shit just hit 60k peak on steam the other day
I haven't seen them fix it yet. Anyone got an image?
current Siege matchmaking sucks
cant wait till they revamp it
show me ONE (1) shred of proof of complaining by said tumblr shecows
inb4 google
Roadhog and 76 yes. The damage buff was completely unnecessary
It's dead.
Sombra is mexican, Reaper is a filthy chicano.
60k was because of free weekend. But yes, queue in siege is long as fuck yet is conveniently ignored by Sup Forums
I want to _be_ Mercy
Pic related
>taking bait from fat fetishist niggers
>n-nerf bastion!
That's one way of admitting you're garbage at the game
more time to alt tab and shitpost on Sup Forums :^)
Need another publicity stunt.
Dva has a black bf
Mercy is married
Sombra is transgender
s76 is gay
2.2 KDR bitch nigga
>people watching the game == people who play it
10 INT
>mentions kdr in overwatch
Yeah you're garbage alright.
Overwatch uses EDR you fucking idiot. And an elimination means you just contributed to a kill.
>blond hair and brown eyebrows
t. people with shit kdr`s
jealous asf
I don't look at eliminations bitch nigga, I look at final blow, aka Overwatches "kill"
>people actually bought this slow baby handholding console TF2 press Q to awesome for horny teenagers edition the game
I swear if more multiplayer shooters follow this shit I'm done
Who /oneblueandthreewhites/ here?
I went from 1600 to 2300 this season. I swear to god im reaching masters one day.
>playing overwatch
PC gaming is trash
>mfw it takes me 2minutes just to find a normal game on league sometimes
>5 minutes if only all pick on dota2
>cutest vidya girl
>when JRPGs exist
yes, consoles are the pinnacle of gaming
>slave over several hours doing numbercrunching and pouring over statistics
>come up with one big comprehensive list pastebin.com
>get no (you)s for my autism
Fuck at least mock and laugh at me I just want someone to see how hard I worked on it
user you have given me enlightenment
i have never even dreamed of reaching levels of idiocracy as i am experiencing right now