TES:O Morrowind thread

Why aren't you playing the best vanilla Elder Scrolls experience since Morrowind user?

>best buy2play business model I've seen in a MMO
>steady stream of content (player housing just released today)
>new in house engine, runs on fucking anything
>Orsinium/Imperial City/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood expansions released (get them all in Gold Edition)
>Vvardenfell soon, spellcrafting Q4 2017
>awesome three faction territorial PVP
I played it during beta, hated it, thought it'd fail within 6 months but it had a bigger turnaround than TORtanic. Seriously, before shitposting, give it a chance.

If you know where to shop, you can get the base game for $10 and the Gold Edition that includes everything for less than $30bux


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MMOs are boring desu

>give it a chance.
you get one chance to make a first impression
when you fail, you don't automatically deserve another chance

>Hotkey based MMO

How about you suck my dick?

>took a complete shit on the lore
>best vanilla Elder Scrolls experience since Morrowind

PLEASE kill yourself


fuck off trainwiz, you're dead to me

This one isn't bad. Classes are very open and once you start the game, you can do literally anything you want.

As a UOfag, I've hated every themepark MMO since Everquest. This is my favorite MMO next to EVE and Star Wars Galaxies.

Well obviously it had a turn around and it's doing very well so if you choose to ignore it, that's on you.

Enjoy your pseudo-action combat in Black Desert Online :^)

>implying they need to shill with 10 million players and that $500 million facebook lawsuit money

You don't seem to understand Kirkbride's TES canon. It's up to the player to decide what is canon and what isn't.

If you're going to criticize the "canon", at least read c0da faggot

>no spears
I would literally take a bite out of the CD

They haven't announced what's coming in the Morrowind expansion but I suspect spears might be part of it. They were definitely in the trailer and they're good about including what's shown in the marketing material.


>Enjoy your pseudo-action combat in Black Desert Online :^)
>Implying I play any MMO

Name one single MMO with actual good gameplay and I'll eat my shorts. PROTIP: You can't.

Until they can make an MMO with the gameplay of an actual game and not just a glorified chatroom with some grinding minigame attached, MMO's as a concept can fuck off.

I wonder if I can pirate it

I hear you can solo most quests

>Name one single MMO with actual good gameplay
Not that user, but Dragon's Dogma Online is pretty good gameplay wise.

Planetside 2/Gloria Victis (MMO made by former CD Projekt Red devs, plays like Mountain Blade)

Also I'll take a hit on gameplay if it means I can do the crazy shit that I can do in Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies and EVE.

>If you know where to shop, you can get the base game for $10 and the Gold Edition that includes everything for less than $30bux

Where do I find the PS4 version for that cheap?

i wanted to enjoy TESO but i feel horribly limited when i'm playing it, and i'm not a fan of clicking a million times to kill enemies.

why would you buy a MMO on console? MMOs outlast consoles by like 15 years. Look at Everquest, shut down like 8 years ago and it's approaching its 20th anniversary soon.

>Playing MMO on console
For what purpose

I dont like to admit it, but its actually the best Elder Scrolls yet for the single reason of actually begin able to travel all of tamriel and also the fact that some of the quests are way better than skyrim.

>some of the quests are way better than skyrim.

ive never seen anything more convoluted in my entire life than the quests in this game, i tried reading them all at first but holy fucking tits it became like a parody of itself

>Nerfing the shit out of Templar offensive moves
Especially nerfing Blazing Spear by removing stun is triggering me hard. Now I have to find another AoE

I heard they also nerfed DK, how bad is it?

Is it me or they are doing this for Warden class? Then again, they fixed restro staff regeneration and other stuff so it isn't that bad as a TempHealer

>playing an MMO

>best vanilla Elder Scrolls experience

I could never get into MMOs. The fact that there are thousands of other people in the game world doing the exact same quests I am is too immersion breaking for my autism.

Never played ESO but you shouldn't post about it here in good terms.

As someone who has played this game for almost 2 years don't get it. It's a blatant cash grab at this point and they do whatever they can to screw you out of money.

Not only that but the servers have extremely poor performance and instead of giving us some better servers, they spent 5 million on a Superbowl commercial.

And to top it off the dev team is incredibly incompetent. Simple bugs can take a year to fix and they don't listen to anything the community says.

My honest opinion.

>they spent 5 million on a Superbowl commercial.

i caught the game from halftime on where gaga was doing her shit, when did this air???

also holy shit those graphics in the ad are such a far cry from actual graphics in TESO.

anyway what's the deal, is this a free upgrade when it comes out?

i want to want to enjoy TESO but it just feels pay to win or pay to get ahead somehow since the actual gameplay feels impossible to go anywhere.

Cinematic Trailer, Expansion that costs 39.99 to upgrade for existing owners.

Game actually isn't P2W at all. Subscription gets you all the current DLCs (doesn't give Morrowind) an XP bonus/Research time reduction, special storage for crafting materials (probably the best part) and 1500 crowns a month to spend.

>spending real money gives in game money

>not pay to win

ok i'm actually gonna go play this shit until my ebay item gets near ending auction and see if you're right about this shit, i quit playing out of frustration that i couldn't get shit done because i was broke and couldn't get anything made and spent all my good boy points playing TW3 where i actually get rewarded for hacking and slashing.

will return with obvervations.

The crowns don't give you anything that can turn into Gold and the cash shop is purely cosmetic.

I just want a new single player Elder Scrolls.

You want Todd to lie to you one more time.

>Name one single MMO with actual good gameplay and I'll eat my shorts.
>I've never done real endgame in WoW before
Not even WoW, but the challenge of MMOs from a sheer gameplay perspective has usually come from requiring a high level of coordination between multiple players. But then, you sound like too much of an asocial loser to handle that, so GTFO of this MMO thread, loser!

Be honest with me, I wanted this game for a while, but how active is it? Is it worth the price-tag?

Lolshill thread, but ironically, I am playing ESO right now. Playing it but...not really "enjoying" it.

I have a horrible completionist streak in me. Give me a map full of markers to clear and even if it's junk, I most certainly WILL spend time clearing all of them.

Which is a problem in a game like ESO. It's a game where there's a TON of markers to clear, places to explore, books and shards and other things to find, but all of it is exactly the same at level 1 as it is at Champion Level 200.

Which I think is why I'm not enjoying it. I just want to...do something new. The combat doesn't feel nice, it's not fast and fluid, and and nothing really changes.

I dunno. I just want to clear the world map and move on I guess.

The girls have nice butts though.

>but how active is it?
Fairly active, though it's not really like WoW, you don't need an active guild or server to play. 99.9% of the game is either solo, and a lot of the "dungeons" are Public, meaning you just walk in and fight with whoever happens to be in there at the time.

It's not really much of a multiplayer game.

this sums it up, exactly why i haven't went back into TESO.

i might when i finish TW3.

Its pretty much Elder Scrolls x Runescape

if that sounds appealing to you then it's just as good as it sounds

>you can do 99% solo
whats the purpose
just make it singleplayer then

>This Jak and Daxter tier voice acting

Yes they do. Crown store motifs and stones are easily used to make gold.

I'm going to be honest didn't think about that, my first thought was all the scrolls and stuff but that's bound.

So I take that pack you could convert crowns to motifs to sell.

>i might when i finish TW3.>>

To be fair, minus the actual controls and speed of the animations, TW3 is the exact same game as TESO.

you click a millions times to kill enemies in normal tes as well.

Best Class?
Best Race?
Best Faction?


because i was levelling a nightblade and gave up after how weak and shitty it was to level it, it seems that sorc/dk/templar can just do everything i do except far better

id like to either reroll but ive spent a bit of time on the character (like 10 hrs atleast, level 26) but all the levelling guides out there assume you are already max rank and level 50 with every skill tree, it's so fucking stupid

>best buy2play business model I've seen in a MMO

You're practically forced to subscribe if you want to be competitive.

Not him but calling that game an MMO is a fallacy like calling Vindictus an MMO

to be fair, there's something about TW series that makes me want to actually play it, and TESO has not.

it could be that TESO has a complete dog shit 'story' and characters that you don't give a damn about.

Levelling guides are pretty much just for people grinding to cap, and they're for getting the maximum xp/hour, because at that point you can. Levelling in ESO is easy. If it's not your 9th character and you can't twink out right from the gate, just pickup the gear you find from playing the game. Just by doing the vanilla content alone can get you from 1-50 quite easily.

I havent played this is a few months, still have it installed. Its just boring as shit.

yeah but the point is, it takes me forever to kill single mobs (quest mobs with 100k hp +), i will always get killed in groups of 3-4 mobs and then i look over and see a sorcerer destroy a pack of 5 in 3 seconds and a quest mob in under 10 seconds

I get an urge every once in a while to give this game another shot.

Then I remember that that all armor in the game are just skins. That even lategame players have the same silhoutte and look to their characters just in different colours. The only variations I see are helmets, pauldrons and the pants.

gift it to me user ill play it but im a poorfag

You do realize that the vast majority of MMO players are in their mid 30s to 40s right?

Why? because a bunch of faggots who don't like/play video games don't like it?

They're wrong and anyone who takes Sup Forums's opinions seriously are idiots. Sometimes they hit the mark in the same way that the National Enquirer is sometimes right.

500 crowns gets you a motif that you can get 7,000 gold for.

I'd much rather have the $5 in my pocket than 7,000 gold which I get in 10 minutes of playing the "end-game".

Ragnarok had a skill shortcuts bar but it was more like Diablo 2 than the WoWclone style that came later.

lmao at people shitting on ESO being the next TORtanic

You do realize that SWTOR is insanely profitable right?

Insanely is probably a stretch now that the F2P surge has worn off for TOR, both games turned around from launch.

Those people must be huge losers, then.

TOR is still getting regular expansion content updates. Listen to the EA investor conference call.

After FIFA/Madden and major releases like Battlefield, it's their most profitable thing they operate.

i'll give you my account


You're a cool user but to the other guy, what if you spend 1000 hours on this game and that guy decides that he wants his account back?

Spend the 10bux

I had fun with it but dropped off cause my regular group broke apart, but I've got some irl mates interested in it so we are all gonna start up with the expansion.

You're making a good decision. You'll have a good time with a reliable group of friends, but I'd get involved with a guild so you're not stuck if they disappear on you.

How do i make a fun sprllsword or battlemage?
I'd like to use both melee and magic.

Yeah I already found a pretty good guild, but still holding up off.

You can still be Stamina focused (weapon skills) and use spells. The only issue is trying to split Stamina/Magicka stat-wise for damage. Just use weapon skills and magic buffs/cc

They had me at "you can go on adventures with your bear bro."

Getting it on PS4. Do I need to buy the Gold Edition as well or is everything included in Morrowind?

Morrowind is just the base game so I would say
>Get Gold Edition on Sale
>Then upgrade to Morrowind

That covers everything, or if you just subscribe you get all the DLC but Shadows of the Hist. Realistically the DLC is mostly secondary stuff outside of Wrothgar which gives some endgame PvE weapons. Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood are just non-combat skill lines, Imperial City is some dungeons and PvP stuff, Shadows of the Hist is just two dungeons. Otherwise just get the base game and go with that.

This. Get Gold Edition (Imperial City/Orsinium/Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild) and Morrowind. You could easily get both for $60-70.

but black desert is the best buy 2 play mmo


Only in the shitty ones.

>literally pay2win/afk2progress: the game

If it weren't for the jews running it, it might be decent but it's the most unsocial MMO I've ever played and that's saying something.

I wish they would add conjuration so I could have some magic damage melee weapons.

Also I'm looking forward to the warden but I can't believe it's taken them this long to add new classes or that they have yet to make new weapons or combat skill trees. Hopefully the warding is just the start of upcoming classes

Not gonna lie, kinda want that CE. The art book of the original is fucking beautiful.

Gold Edition does not include the Morrowind expansion so I'll have to pay an amount thats almost 2 new games. Please tell me how thats a good deal?

Can I access Cyrodiil in this game, or do I have to wait for an expansion?

Cyrodiil is the PvP zone between the 3 factions.

Cyrodiil is a large PvP zone with daedra everywhere.

Will there be bonemold armour in the vein of the old game?

>literally 1000+ hours of content in the Gold Edition
>you have to pay for a massive expansion wtf
Go play the game for 1000+ hours, then pick up Morrowind when you feel you've gotten your $30 bucks worth

Or would you rather get fucked in the ass by the publisher and be forced to pay $500 a month to be viable in PVE/PVP end-game?

Cyrodiil is the PVP zone and it's fucking amazing. It's basically Dark Age of Camelot but better.

They've shown a snippet of the Bonemold Armor

trying too hard.

Eh...not a big fan of PvP. I know that sounds stupid if I'm interested in an MMO, but I'm never any good at it, I don't have a fancy keyboard/mouse with a bunch of buttons and I'm fucking awful at rotations and shit.

Thanks for the info though!

Each faction in Morrowind will have their own set btw

MMO's are such a drag, because you always have to keep playing them especially if you're doing content where you need other people. If you take a break from a MMO for a week the people who you "should've" played with have long forgotten about you and it feels annoying to always consider other peoples anyways . That's the reason why I don't play MMOs, just thinking about "having" to enter voice coms and greet guildies or whatever makes playing the games too much of a burden for me.

This isn't that kind of game. You could log in once a month and have a good time.

I know top tier players that log in once a week for 2-3 hours on Saturday and that's it.

Will suck virtual dick for the gold edition


That the gameplay is flawed if you're not forced into a social group. It's literally what MMOs are supposed to be about.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, that looks nothing like it with the exception of the helmet. Looks like metal, not bonemold.

>it's fucking steel
Glad they fixed this transcription error.

It's not bonemold, it's one of the faction armors. ESO Morrowind takes place like 700 years earlier. The helmet is a metal design that Bonemold was based on.

Here's something you'll recognize though.

fuck that looks so good, and it's so similar to the concept art

don't think skywind is going to be good tho, instead of wasting time on voice acting they should redesign the dialogue interface to allow for lots of text to be visible

It's partly the fault of the engine ESO runs on, armor has that painted on effect outside of helms/shoulders. Lately with "new" gear they've been adding shit to the sides to make it pop out a bit more but that problem still persists.

It's nice of them to get that fucking backwards.