Rom dindu nuffin

Rom dindu nuffin

Seriously, he was just minding his own business in the lake, when some hunter comes into his home and kills him for no reason.

He doesn't even fight back until phase two


Boss monsters in Japanese games that are female closely resemble human woman and have boobs.
That doesn't describe Rom in the slightest, therefor he is male.

he was a good boy, he was going to the Healing Church, we need mo money for dem Byrgenwerth programs


Fuck this boss fight

It's true though. Just look at that spider lady in Dark Souls, or all the female bosses in Final Fantasy.


Rom literally did nothing though, by the very definition.

Rom's just a brain dead school girl, isn't she? Or I guess college girl.

it's easy

if you run circles around her you literally can't take damage

I don't think they let girls into Byrgenwerth

making it to 30 as a male virgin gives you 60 insight

I seem to remember her being the first one they put "eyes" into or something like that and there's a girl right before her boss area with the Air Freshener weapon.

Either way I'm pretty sure Rom doesn't do much of anything anymore, beyond flailing around to shoot lasers anyway.

Cheese her with the flamethrower

>"That's a penis".gif

Fuck off, faggot.

Cannot unsee

Miyazaki referred to Rom as having very cute and girlish animations and is called 'her' in the interview.

Sooo... how exactly did killing that spider turn the moon red again?

*insert theory based on autism*

You rang?
>The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals, and keeps our lost master from us
>The spider hides all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing
>Great volumes of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep
Rom was like a giant cork, stopping certain shit from getting out of hand. Whether Rom was doing it on purpose is anyone's guess.

>he was just minding his own business in the lake

Rom is a Female. She's a girl, fuckin' noob

Rom-chan is cute ! CUTE !

Buying a ps4 for Bloodborne. Base model or Pro?

It doesn't have a Pro update, so no difference for Bloodborne

But I'd still recommend a Pro for some other games, like The Last Guardian being close to unplayable on the basic model

Might as well go for pro. Bloodborne is probably getting a frame rate update quite soon.

just get the pro for the boost update

I know this is late but


hahahaha bro
lmao... made me think

It's a fucking Lovecraftian alien. That's why.

>apparently giggled with delight when he saw Gwyndolin's ingame model for the first time because his head was slightly too large for the body and he thought it was genius in making him look like a little girl and fit the fertility goddess shit better
>the guy who actually copied the model into the game actually just made a mistake and made the head scale larger than the rest of the model
>Miyazaki decides to keep it in anyway because he's weird
Miyazaki is such a fucking pervert but damn he knows his shit.

It's theorised Rom was a student of Byrgenwerth since Byrgenwerth experimented with Kos' corpse and Micolash directly refers to Kos being involved in Rom's transcendence.
>As you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes, grant us eyes.

However some user in /bbg/ a while back pointed out something interesting which changed my mind (although no-one else seems interested in it). He said he believes the chalice dungeons to be nightmare realms themselves, sort of depicting the past in a way; this is based on the fact Queen Yharnam is clearly pregnant when we fight her in the CDs and attacking her causes Mergo to cry as he does in the main game after Rom. There's also the three main-game bosses you find in the CDs, Rom, Ebrietas, and Amygdala. Ebrietas is directly stated to be found in the dungeons, and Amygdala is hinted at being found in there (his Nightmare Frontier resembles Loran, Loran is full of his nightmare apostles (the spiders), and after you kill Amygdala and speak to Patches he says he must go away to find a new god after which you can find him in the Chalice Dungeons). Based on this he theorised that Rom was also found in the Chalice Dungeons, rather than being a product of Byrgenwerth experimentation. The only real clash would be Micolash's dialogue, and people would rather believe that the meme-man is right about everything.

u should see a doctor

it's a mercy killing 2bh

ebby dindu nothing as well, she was just minding her business

Rom is a complete fucking moron and probably was just as vapid before his ascendancy. It is more than likely that what granted him eyes was either recklesness or blind faith and more functional people have hard time following.

He still is much closer to the Great Ones than any other in Byrgenwerth, Healing Church or Mensis so it is not actually that far fetched that he exists in many places in the nightmare at the same time.