Fire Emblem Heroes

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Playing Takumemes : The Experience

baby we done it

Waiting on daily reset for my 2 orbs so I can attempt to get Nino again.



babbys first mobage

you fags already have a thread going. contain your moabage shit in one thread

so is it actually worth restarting getting 20 orbs until you get a 5 or some 4 stars? or are the default people fine

If you're not invested yet or have linked your account, may as well restart until you get a character or two you like, but you'll run into some hurdles quickly if you don't have a couple of 5*s

*or haven't linked

I've only done the 4 roll and I know many others that have settled for 4 instead of 5.
This is assuming you're doing it for reroll purposes.

When will Ike come out so we have new meta cancer?


>get to chapter 9 battle 5
>boss near invincible

It's fire emblem alright.

i GOT 5 STAR MARTH on my first roll. How good is he?

Wait till you do the lunatic version. Xander will wreck your shit.

Legendary Heroes or Deep Devotion?

LH has Lucina and Chiki
DD has Takumeme

Deep Devotion because fucking Takumi son.

If you don't have double 5* Takumi and Hector your roll is shit.

Time to tip the scales.

is Ike in the game?


Not yet

what does this triangle mean?

what does the number mean?

It means "Watch out!"

Health remaining

I mean the purple

Attacks until their skill is ready

Ok and what about the blue?

Who won the popularity poll?

That's health

R8 me

They're not releasing results until Ike is released

When's Ike?

No clue

Never because he didn't win the poll.

From the /vg/ thread, a reminder that balanced team compositions are a good idea

How do I unlock very specific characters without grinding for/buying orbs?

>laughing heroes.jpeg

Reminder not to blow all your orbs on the games very first banners. It's practically guaranteed that future banners will have way better shit in them than these ones and if you don't whale then you won't have a chance of getting them.

Clear data, reinstall, get your free orbs again, reroll.
That's the only other way. That or wait for a character to get a special map to beat that unlocks them, but there's very little chance of a character you want being unlockable like that. Even if they were they'd be 1-3 star.


you pick and orb and pray.

Yeah, did I mention I linked my account when I first started?

I had a good run. See you fags on the other side.

Oh okay then its actually much more simple:


Unlink it then you nigger. The game literally has a reroll button in it.


>teaming Hector with post-Awakening whores

Power creeped in a month with no orbs left to keep up.

>do advanced arena
>every fucking nip has a tiki or nowi

How do I slay these dragon cunts?

so how is this game compared to the main 3ds games? should i keep playing my 3ds ones or waste my time on this one?


Not even a green orb today, fuck this shit.

Caution: wet floor

Falchion users

any good reason to have more than 1 pegaslut? too many takumemes around

stat boosts have been converted into stat reductions

Got Camilla dupes today. Fuse or send her home for feathers?

Palla is a fucking beast

Have a seat right over there

grind both, then fuse them at max level so you can break the level 40 cap.

Is a 4star Donnie viable?

Is there even any difference between fusing lvl1 dupe and lvl40 dupe?

gat dam whales have taken over the arena my teams 30-35 and got put up against at least one or two lvl 40s i couldnt to jack shit to each time

Honestly, i don't know the exact details other then same characters with the same stars are needed

>Restores 8 HP to target and all allies within 2 spaces of target
>tfw it doesnt do this at all and is just a ranged heal
Not that a ranged heal is bad or anything.

The only reason to level both up is to see which one is blessed/screwed by RNGesus.

Lissa on the front page!
She seriously has that "Umaru" like face on this shot, it's pretty disturbing

The idea is to level them both to 40, then fuse the one with a worse stat spread into the better of the two.

Hey man don't talk about my wife that way. I fucking hate Umaru and now I can't unsee it.

Sorry not sorry
it literally is the same fucking face

Edit when?

>all three star.

At least they're all new ones for the collection.

I filtered out all my 3 stars for feathers and now have enough to make one of my 4*'s a 5*. Who should I upgrade so I can beat the game already?

Is she good?

didn't mean to quote you.

Enjoy never being able to level any other character again.

What do i do with all this trash? Do i just throw away al dupes?
I'm such a hoarder i must have at least one of each character.

Dude what the hell? I roll three parties.

yes she's my oneesama

Send home dupes for Feathers. 5Star dupes should be leveled and the weaker of the two fed to the other one.

Feeding low-star dupes to higher-star ones isn't worth it for the pittance of SP you get for it.

The low star ones are cheap. Use them to boost the higher quality dupes. Sell every character you won't be using or collecting.

disenchant them for dust so you can get better legendaries

>no rewards for collecting all of _ series or 3 flyers, etc
nice one nintendo


I recommend Robin.

Maybe an encyclopedia with info of every character for casuals to get to know them

Yes, you just need luck with the speed,

Where do you get the great badges to upgrade 4* characters?

What color are Tharja and Nowi?

got 20 orbs about to do a summon for just their colors

I've had shit luck with every summon so far, only the first one was good

I have a second 5* Camilla, I'll level her up and see which one is the true one.

Nowi is blue and Tharja is red iirc.

fair enough, Mine is level 24 with 17 speed and does good enough, it could be better though

>res 15

Tharja red, Nowi blue.


>5Star dupes should be leveled and the weaker of the two fed to the other one.
What? I can't merge my two robins