Let's settle this once and for all Sup Forums

Let's settle this once and for all Sup Forums.

1. What was the most challenging raid in WoW?

2. What was the most challenging encounter in WoW?

3. What was the most atmospheric raid in WoW?

4. What was the best raid in WoW?

1. Tier 3. Naxxramas. Literally no other option here
2. So fucking many I don't even remember
3. I don't care what people say, ICC was the best atmospherically because it felt like the end of an era.
4. Ulduar or Karazhan

>Challenge in WoW usually translates to utter bullshit, and there's nothing more bullshit than having to grind resist gear for months so you wouldn't blow up in Naxx 40
>Yogg 0 Keepers

Kael'thas is the best raid boss

Debate me

Pretty much this, yeah.

My favourite boss is Mimiron.

1. Heroic Firelands

2. Heroic Firelands Ragnaros

3. Firelands


1. sunwell
2. heroic rag
3. ICC? Ulduar? Really anything pre cata is decent-godly

Kael/vashj do not get put as hardest boss because they were literally overtuned to the point of being pushed behind BT progression.

1. Naxx 40 ; nothing even comes close.

3 & 4 both go to Karazhan, it is undeniable.

Mythic Blackhand was hands down the hardest boss WoW ever had. People harp on about Naxx but that just came down to a mandatory 8 geared tanks. Mythic Blackhand was actually just plain too hard, and had to be nerfed 3 times before anyone beat him, despite most of the top guilds having 600+ wipes by the time that happened.
Time until a boss is killed is irrelevant, it's the wipes that count.

For what it's worth, by the end of WoD, Mythic Archimonde had been killed by 5.3% of players, after 14 months of being current content, and mythic Blackhand had been killed by 2.3% of players, despite spending 14 months as a previous tier and 4 months as a current tier.

How many wipes was heroic rag? I'd argue that literally overtuned bosses shouldn't count.

1. Naxx 40 or Pre-nerf sunwell

2. Heroic Rag

3. Ulduar

4. Ulduar

I think paragon said around 500 for there first kill.

Blackhand wasn't numerically overtuned, it was the mechanics. You had to have your ranged and healers rotating healing CD's and Fox to dodge Demolitions, they had to LoS the knives, melee had to dodge and clear bombs, tanks had to aim the smash, and if anyone fucked up once it was a wipe. Then you get to phase 2 and your Rogues had to pick up and kite the fast Siege Engines, your Hunters had to pick up the slow Siege engines, your Tanks and Boomies had to use the smash to knock them up onto the ledges (which wasn't a scripted move, it had to be aimed and you could completely miss if you didn't do it right) so they could clear the adds, while everyone is catching embers and not getting knocked into a corner and raped by the tanks and there's fire everywhere and then you had to meet the DPS check while doing all this and hope your boomies are clearing those adds quick enough so the healers don't fall behind while the Rogues are kiting their fast tanks over bombs so there's space to stand. And if ANYONE fucks up once you wipe.

And then you get to phase 3 which I don't even remember much of because I hardly ever saw it and it was honestly just a enomous clusterfuck of fire and bombs and people getting punted off the edge of the platform with the giant knockback.

Blackhand was only a 5-6 minute fight, half the length of Archimonde and one third the length of Imperator, but it had so many mechanics that would wipe the raid with one fuckup that I honestly think it was plain unfair. It's the only fight in WoW i'd say has ever been TOO HARD mechanically.

>2. What was the most challenging encounter in WoW?
that one guy in stranglethorn

But that's all Naxx was. Overtuned to the point where you needed to farm resist gear just to get in.

Here's a more interesting question: which was the hardest boss MECHANICALLY, for the whole raid?

Never mind, found my answer I only ever did WoD content on HC, for a somewhat casual player I remember him being pretty tricky.


Pre-Nerf Sunwell Or ICC 25 Heroic No Buff, pre-nerf.

Not taking hardmodes into Acoount. M'uru or Lich King 25 ICC pre nerf and no buff


Ulduar and Karazhan

Naxx40 gets an Honorable mention at being 3rd or 4th for most of these.

Objectively? Most likely Vanilla Naxx

2. Dunno. Wasn't Algalon pre nerf considered a fucking monster (that combined with his timer / attempt counter?)

3. Ulduar most likely. Although from a personal nostalgic perspective nothing compared to fun times with 40 of your pals in Vanilla Molten Core and finally confronting Ragnaros for the first time. Shit was fucking epic

4. Ulduar or Kara

Pre-patch Lady Vashj is the hardest boss.

Algalon wasn't all that hard though he did give the tanks/healers some pretty massive pressure. It was mostly the silly one hour per week limit of his, you couldn't really get all that many attempts done in that time since the run from wipe took a while and since the DPS check was harsh you had to wipe after someone died.

Excellent taste in bosses, FRIEND.

Is there even anybody here who raided every single raid progress to actually tell which one is the most challenging?

Like I doubt that any of those fagboys here who wax on and off about Naxx40 actually did it, or did that and then did something like Firelands HC or Throne of Thunder.

Imperator was the fucking worst.
He only became properly fun in the last two minutes of the fight, everything before that was a snore.

Blackhand was just assraping start to finish.

Princess Huhuran as Alliance