3rd Person

>3rd Person
>Crafting system
>Pick up enemy weapons
>Finding item boxes in the wild/city
>miniature "dungeons" in the world(Assassin sigils=Shieka stones)
>mixing items together for added benefit(Far Cry 3's herbs=BotW Food crafting system)
>have a universal "vision" like ability(Eagle Eye=Shika Slate)
>odd timeline explanations
>lack of a overarching story
>minimalist characterization in the protagonist
>protag wears uniform clothing with matching color

Tell me how BotW isn't complete shit for imitating Ubisoft, of all fucking companies.
I haven't played it, though.

Oh fuck, I can't answer. Shit, I didn't think about this AT ALL.

Have you played the game?
Also most of those things were already in other zelda games.

Fuck, user. You've beaten me. Cancelling my pre-order right fucking now

>protag wears uniform clothing with matching color

What the fuck does this mean retard?

You mean ubisoft copied nintendo

@NintendoArmy get in here senpai!

Assassin's Creed doesn't have a cute crying waifu.


>penis story
>penis clothes
>same penis mechanics
>never ending penis arc
The penis dlc subscriptions
>always online penis mode

Post the fish

Picking up enemy weapons has been around since Wind Waker.

Yeah, they even added climbing surfaces, just like uncharted. They might as well just steal all of Sony's ideas. Haha.

>Every Zelda Game
>No Ubisucks game is truly open world were you can beat the final boss right away like in BOTW
>Not Ubisoft Exclusive
>You could do that in Wind Wakef
>Other Games had that
>A Map.
>Every Nintendo Timeline is fucked look at Pokémon, Mario or Fire Emblem
>It's a fucking Fable/Myth not a chapter in a book faggot
>Link is already an established character

Didn't SS introduce that?

Uncharted 1 release date 2007
Skyward Sword release date 2011
Get cucked.

>Zelda invented everything
Was done in Tomb Raider too

The framework is nearly identical to Assassin's Creed (and most other open world schlock), so my expectations aren't high. But the actual gameplay with regards to how you control your character and the enemies you fight will easily be better than an Ubisoft game, so I'm willing to give it a shot. It's just a matter of whether the gameplay being better than assassin's creed is enough to save it, it's not like you have to shoot terribly high to achieve that.

I've never seen shilling this bad

Don't put words in my mouth.

preach it brotha!

I said I don't have much faith in the game and my expectation is "slightly better than a garbage yearly Ubisoft franchise". Can you read?

don't be a bitch playa

>Can you read?

Can you? I'm sure your employer included instructions on how to shill your shitty game effectively so you should really follow them if you hope to blend in.

People have been saying Zelda needs to go back to it roots, instead it turns into another generic open world game, nintoddlers eat it up. Are we really surprised at the course of events?

Obviously you just don't understand that, maybe, someone can compare these two companies without having to hate either of them.

I've pre-ordered the Switch and Zelda and I can't fucking wait. No amount of shitposting is going to stop me from ENJOYING this game. Remember what is was like to enjoy games op?

sukin dat mad dik i see

rd Person
Ocarina of Time did this

The first Zelda game did this

>>Crafting system
They've been doing this since at least LTTP and Link's Awakening where you get the mushroom and have it turned into magic powder. Subsequent gave have you collecting materials to make items better too like getting the gold dust in Majora's Mask and having the Gilded Sword be made.

>>Pick up enemy weapons
You get the boomerang from the Goriyas in the first game, though Wind Waker was the one to really do it.

>>Finding item boxes in the wild/city
They've been doing this since LTTP.

>>miniature "dungeons" in the world(Assassin sigils=Shieka stones)
Mini dungeons have been a thing since LTTP

>>mixing items together for added benefit(Far Cry 3's herbs=BotW Food crafting system)
Link's Awakening let you combine the Pegasus Boots and Roc's Feather to jump across large gaps, and you use arrows and bombs at the same time to make bomb arrows.

>>have a universal "vision" like ability(Eagle Eye=Shika Slate)
It goes with the territory of being a large open world

>>odd timeline explanations
Who gives a shit about the timeline?

>>lack of a overarching story
There's this.

>>minimalist characterization in the protagonist
Link has never been about his characterization.

>>protag wears uniform clothing with matching color

>vague criticism with blanket expressions
I bet you could make even FTL look like an Ubisoft AAA knock-off if you tried hard enough.

man people really got upset that someone genuinely thought that robot dinosaur game was presented at ubisoft's conference, huh

>looks like an ime

pick 1

remember the last time people were overhyped for an open world exploration game?

i will enjoy your tears

>midna but more human
>not cute

get some taste fag

THat explosion looks like a pizza.


all it needs is a hunger system desu

>open world

Well that's enough to drop a game right there.

its better than nothing.

The manchild doth protest too much, methinks.

>a overarching

Ocarina had climbable walls in the 90s.

Or am I missing something? Is climbable walls some kind of sandbox/open world mechanic? Because you had to scale both a tree and a mountain in OoT amongst a ton of other shit. Half the fun of getting the hookshot was hooking to the top of a climbable surface and shooting straight to the top and dodging that boring ass climb.

Sonyggers are upset their Feminist Action Game (Horizon) has unskippable cutscenes and a two-hour mandatory tutorial

rd Person
Zelda 1
>>Crafting system
Arguably Link's Awakening, when you could glitch bomb arrows into existence after gettings bombs and arrows. There has been minor crafting in the series though.
>>Pick up enemy weapons
>>Finding item boxes in the wild/city
Link's Awakening
>>miniature "dungeons" in the world(Assassin sigils=Shieka stones)
Link to the Past
>>mixing items together for added benefit(Far Cry 3's herbs=BotW Food crafting system)
can't think of an example for this one.
>>have a universal "vision" like ability(Eagle Eye=Shika Slate)
Lens of Truth. Ocarina
>>odd timeline explanations
Since like the fourth game in the series.
>>lack of a overarching story
Technically it's always the same ganon, so it's just him having a really shitty life against a horde of green tunic'd kids.
>>minimalist characterization in the protagonist
Link is one of the first silent protags.
>>protag wears uniform clothing with matching color
Every Zelda ever.

Since you can find, ore in the wild, it pretty much confirm that the game is going to have weapon crafting too. And I'm quite excited for this.
Also Far Cry's herbs are nowhere as complex as what BotW seems to try. The game will have recipes that you have to learn, which makes good optional quests. Getting the grandmother soup recipe by killing a legendary guardian could be fun.

Bouncy balls that light things on fire though...