What are some good games to help you get over a girl that will never love you?

What are some good games to help you get over a girl that will never love you?



My phone just fucking unpaused from pandora randomly, in the middle of the dark, loud as fuck, scaring the shit out of me


Deus ex: HR

Dude your relationship wasn't meant to be, it was just entropy. Find happiness in yourself if you can. You don't want to be with someone who doesn't love you.

Japanese games with anime girls who will always love you


Im dead serious

good luck

What are some games to get over a girl who used to love you

I don't wanna play games with more girls in them

You're right

Just fuck a random whore and pretend it's her.

literally any game

stop dating women and become a wizard you retard

Play any mmo or game with lots of grinding. It'll eventually numb the pain.

Crazy just started playing a mmo

X story player

True love.

So is this game good or what? I built a PC recently and don't really know anyone that owns a PC capable of gaming so I need to find people to play with. Will this be a good shout?

No, it's extremely boring. The combat system is neat but you just fight trash with it outside of PvP so it's wasted. Most of the game is delegating tasks and resources to workers who grow potatoes for you to sell and leaving your computer on while you sleep so your character can catch fish automatically. The character creator is the game's only redeeming quality.

thats terrifying

Id on't play MMO's I just saw this a while ago when it came to the states and I finally have money now and it's only 10 dollars so if i play for 10 hours i break even.

Combat is fun and I don't really have to give it my full attention so it's just a nice time killer when I'm tilted in Overwatch.

Play a game called "see how many times I can fap in a day without getting a urinary tract infection or some sort of pee malfunction"

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God his face actually freaks me the fuck out. I'm still scarred from those MJ screamers on liquidgeneration

Getting over the girl that did love you, but you were too stupid to realize a good thing is more heartbreaking.

I've been doing that since highschool give me something harder.

God the sad thing is I dropped a girl that would do anything for me just so I can be sad over a girl that has no interest.

competitive autistic shit helps a lot
dota, lol, cs, fightans

I never understand how some of you fucks can fap so much in one day. 3 time is my max before I start getting sore.

we are hightest dudes here

I dropped a girl for a job and that ended up not working out and I came back home. She swooped me up after a bad breakup and I just wanted to leave my state. She was great, but I was super frustrated and determined to do something great.

>that pic for Tomboy Type

nigga she's a dyke and married to this blondie

I'll tell you what not to play

Everyone that's recommending that you play games with "Love/relationship" stories don't fucking do it
Played Va-ha11-la or how ever the fuck you played it, started to relating to the MC, next thing I know I'm in fetus position crying thinking about them....

VNs will do nothing but make you remember...

hol up

I thought that love is a jewish social construct to leech money on valentine's day and fuel the economy overall

What are some games about off-topic garbage?
Ask >>>/reddit/

U r such a fucking fag bro it is not even funny

Anyway play pic related it's pretty fun

Play something that refocuses your priorities. Preferably on stuff that matters and affects people beyond yourself. I just replayed the MW2 campaign and it felt fantastic to fight alongside others to stop a war.