This game isn't very good

This game isn't very good

I just finished it recently user.What things you didn't like?

Maybe I just suck, but I find the enemies kill you really quickly, and it's the most triggering thing when you die

It also suffers a lot from what I call Ubisoft fatigue. It's like they're terrified the player is going to get 'bored' and quit the game, so 'there always has to be something to do!'

e.g. I'm running off to do a mission, but oh no! The nearby outpost is under attack, have to run back and save it. Great, that's over with. Oh, now I'm being shot at by a passing convoy on the way to the mission, now a tiger's pouncing on me. Oh goody an eagle's randomly attacking me. What mission was I doing again?

Oh, and I know it's all optional, but the map is a clusterfuck of collectables, because again there always has to be something to do!

pls respond

About the difficult...i found quite the opposite problem.For example that syringe that NOT only it marks animals on screen,also it marks human enemies,too op to be honest.

The excessive content that's typical of ubisoft games doesn't really bother me too much because of my autism of 100% everything but i get your complaint

I enjoy enjoy emergent gameplay so i didn't feel too bad about outpost being attacked,if i didn'g felt like it i would just let it be.

We can speak about other aspects if you want like story.

>The nearby outpost is under attack, have to run back and save it
This was the absolute worst shit
>Buying shit in an outpost
>Head off to do things
>As soon as you're a single step off of your outpost's territory, you get an alert that the outpost is now under attack
>Have to walk all the way back

>We can speak about other aspects if you want like story.

I think the story is pretty weak too, Pagan Min is the most interesting character I guess and he's barely in it

Tech wise the game looks really good on PS4

How good/bad are the last-gen versions?

>long long time ago
>get Pirates
>never got to play it before
>heard tons of good things
>play it for hours and hours
>and hours
>fun at first
>starts feeling monotonous soon after
>is it just me?
>just not having fun anymore
>read some more about game
>someone mentions it isn't meant to be played in a marathon
>it's more like a coffee break game
>it clicks
>makes perfect sense

>fast forward to now
>download far cry primal since cracked
>have the same feeling I got from pirates
>and it clicks again

Far Cry and further more Ubisoft games are not games for peopel who want to have a gaming "session". They are coffee break games.

You fire it up and climb a tower, take an outpost, hunt and upgrade something and then you save and quit to do other shit. Otherwise you see how garbage and monotonous it is.

No, you're right, Far Cry 3.5 wasn't good at all.
That said, thanks for the 2 year old news.

>That said, thanks for the 2 year old news.
>having discussions is bad

I think that the few interesting themes in the story were heavily underdeveloped,for exampample colonialism,culture preservation etc.
Pagan Min it's like a meta character,it's like he exist outside the story also like things mentioned before,underdeveloped.
Far cry 3 story had it's themes more fleshed out.

Far Cry 3 remaster when?

I don't really enjoy playing things too many times,but i dont't think there's too big of a demand for it either.

How is that an argument? Don't play it too much because it's shite? I suppose if it's marketed as such then that's OK. ... how long do regular people think "nerds" play games for? I don't bother turning on my pc if I don't have at least 1 full hour.

Yeah it really isn't. And to think that I bought this and got witcher 3 for free on playstation

This is the only game I've platinumed so far. It was pretty fun but yeah the story could've been much more at times. Also the main character was a bit shallow.

It's marketed as a serious AAA open world shooter.

But if you play it like, say, FEAR or DOOM then you are going to havea bad time because MOST of the game is busywork like Mad Max.

They package it as a hardcore game but if you play it like one you will get burnt out and not get much satisfaction from the repetitiveness.

The popularity of games like Far Cry and Assassins Creed though prove that most peopel who play them probably DON'T play for 3-6 hour stretches and that it is probably more like 45 minutes to an hour.

Enough time to do a couple missions or some exploration but never enough to get burnt out.

incredibly samey to Far Cry 3 and only tweaks it to make it a little more fun. Not stunning.

Every game doesn't need to be stuning,you'll be disappointed all your life.

You mean Far Cry 2 right?

Discussions we had 2 years ago. This isn't even the newest Far Cry to complain about

But I haven't played Primal, so I can't complain about it

Watch Dogs 2 is probably a good indication that the next Far Cry/AssCreed is going to be way less bloated as well. I think Far Cry 4 is a very good game, but only if you tell yourself to ignore most of the shit that's on the map. Don't fall into Ubis trap and start treating the game like a checklist.

>tfw already fell into the trap

Reminds me of Stalker Clear Sky.
10 years later, designers still haven't learned.