Fuck, Marry, Kill

Fuck, Marry, Kill

We doing this?

Pretty much in that order from left to right.

Kill the electric bitch
Fuck Skyla
Marry Cynthia


Fuck the darker exotic girl.
Marry the Elite 4 Champion(?) whose name I can't remember.
Kill the girl wearing headphones at the beach.

from the left:

fuck elza
marry cyntiha
kill skyla.


Is this even a question?

fuck skyla
marry skyla
kill skyla later because i couldnt Bear her Sweet Skin

fuck right marry right kill left

Fuck all of them.

From right to left
Fuck, fuck, fuck

Then fuck the rest of the pokegirls.

these tbqh

Fuck myself
Marry no-one
Kill myself

Marry them all

Fuck them all, marry Skyla after.

Fuck Skyla
Marry Skyla
Date Skyla
Kiss Skyla
Double date Skyla and her bi-curious model friend

>so few good skyla doujins
why live



Pokemon Company (and usually Nintendo in general), fucking cracks down on doujins and the like of their properties. They're a lot like Disney in terms of protectiveness. Just ask anyone who liked Faithful Tepig about what happened to the sequel.



That's a valuable life lesson.

Fuck Molyneux
Marry Todd for a sweet life o domestic abuse and lies
Kill Sean