Who's your favorite monster?

Who's your favorite monster?
Zinigga for me.

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Was Zin until recently. But pic related is the best monster in the entire franchise.


>not posting the best monster



Step aside, new best monster coming through!

Muh silvuh Rathalos.



It used to be Zinny for me, but grooga's my one true love now.


You mean Tama*.
*T/L note: tama means balls.

Zin theme is great, tied with Chameleos theme for me.
Fav monster though is Brachy.

>tfw you'll never fight your fav monster for the first time again

>not wanting to fuck a Mizu while the male is off having a fit fighting a hunter

Nargacuga and Brachydios

>tfw no one likes spinning mountain

Duramboros? More like Boredomboros.

No! not because of the armor

>No! not because of the armor

Gore and Shaggy.

Good monster design, fight, and armor aesthetics.

>tfw no qt kirin girl gf

>Fighting Shagaru Magala in an open arena, pitch black around you
>Is really damn hard, too
Really memorable fight for me.

My favorite part of the fight is when it flies into the air and stretches its wings. It looks great visually thanks to that frenzy explosion and I always pan the camera up to see it.

Need more Neopterons and Fanged Beasts in MH5

Seriously, when are we gonna get HD MonHun? Getting tired with playing at low res and shitty graphics.


This nigga is the best. Not the funniest to fight, but the first time I got to it in MH4U is the first time I genuinely enjoyed the game.

It is the only monster I got a Time out against with the Dire Miralis. Fighting it with a water weapon didn't help.

Best moment in the game for me. I had no more potion and I struggled to put it down, I was relying on my felyn to stay alive.