What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Jumping on the Trump shaming bandwagon

He probably meant exactly what he said.

He's right you know

Aaaaaand unfollowed

Trump posted on Twitter that all negative polls are fake news.

That's fine. Nothing wrong with satire.
At least he isn't openly advocating for violence against people with opposing ideals

so why exactly is it bad?

That Trump is a fucking meme for better or worse



>Entire campaign trail nearly every single mainstream media poll said Trump had a 10% or less chance of winning
>One of the lowest fucking ones said he had a 3% chance of winning
>Trump wins, proving all those polls were completely wrong
>Trump points out that the negative polls are false and conducted by biased people, we literally have proof this is true

Sup Forums can't handle banter

how many layers of irony and sarcasm are we at now?

It's not. It's actually good, because it pisses off the underage trumplings like who worship their meme but ironically can't take a joke.

Is Tony Hawk even relevant anymore?
I thought he went the way of the dinosaurs like the "extreme" sports that he was the poster boy for.

Let them keep their delusions user, it's all they have.

Trump BTFO

xD fuck blumpf!

Don't forget to subscribe to Teen Vogue!

normally i would have disagreed.

but in this day and age I have seen far too many troll reviewers dropping bad reviews for retarded reasons.

He means that just because something isn't what you want to hear doesn't make it a lie.

You need to learn how to read polls. Most major polls had Clinton over Trump by less than 10 points which is within the 2% margin of error.

Really doesn't apply to THPS5 though, that game is actually a piece of shit.


The (reputable) polls weren't actually a blow out though. I think there was a 4% error and it was within that.

lol Sup Forums gets triggered so easily


Looks like Sup Forums needs a safe space. You idiots are really going to lose your shit because an irrelevant celebrity made fun of the president?


>Be completely skewed the entire election to demoralize would be "enemy voters"
>Stabilize it at the end
>"See we weren't partisan hacks!"

>the cubs have a 5% chance of winning the world series since they are 2-1 down
>the patroits have a 0.2% chance of winning the owl
>trump will never break 35%
>trump will never get enough delegates
>trump will never get the nomination
>trump will never win the presidency
>hillary has a 96% chance to win the presidency

Honestly, at this point the media has lost all credibility.

>he didn't even make a statement
>both sides shit themselves

I'm not a fence sitter but people are retarded.

Lol I doubt anyone following Tony is a trump supporter. Litterally makes no sense

>pre-election memes
we WON, newsflash

Statists BTFO

>someone tweeted something I disagree with?


>Trump calls dozens upon dozens of things fake news
>No, no, he only meant this specific thing

I hope they will drop realism...
THPS was never about realism...

literally who

>10% is zero percent

I bet you complain that XCOM RNG is biased as well.

ya, your Hollywood republican hand puppet won, grats

how can tony ever recover

isnt he like fucking 50?

Then why are Trump supporters getting all buttflabberghasted when a pro-skater from the early 00's parodies something stupid he said?

Sup Forums is basically right-wing thumblr.

The same people in this thread saying stats are shit are probably the same people who say trans people are worthless because "47% of them attempt suicide".

Perhaps the polls were correct and his win was just really lucky? He did lose the popular vote by millions.

>dat damage control

>Hey guys I made fun of big mean Trump am I relevant again XD

>She spent her entire life destroying people and burning bridges to set herself up as President only to have a steak salesman who lives in a fucking mansion on top of a skyscraper and took up politics as a hobby 2 years ago beat her by -3,000,000 votes

because trump babbies (see: redditors) can't stand it when someone says something mean about their meme president

spineless cucks

>unlikely things happen

Except liberals still control the culture and everyone of us can see how conservatives are unfunny people who can't take a joke and who will never make anything entertaining while liberals innovate in games, movies and music.

shes also LITERALLY a cuck. JUST tier

Likely. They're also probably the ones throwing around out-of-context statistics on minorities and immigrants to justify racism.

>facts are damage control

Hey guys I defended Trump don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube vlog!

They don't have a sense of humor and cant stand it when people are making jokes and they are too stupid to understand them.

This is why nobody likes the conservatives.

Would any of you idiots bet your life on a 2% chance to die gamble? God emperor Trump says that it's literally impossible to die with these odds, anyone that says otherwise is a city dealing lying pretentious libtard so, time to go play some Russian roulette you stupid dicks, have fun!

Why is Sup Forums even getting worked up about this shit? When have they ever cared about whether or not the general public likes them or their opinions?

>hating on Tony Hawk
Please kys. Literally the most likable and chill guy on the planet.

The polls weren't correct is some places. Wisconsin especially.

Because rather than like him as a political figure they worship him as a goddamn deity. It's not exactly unusual in politics but it's jarring to see people like that on Sup Forums. Especially people that are new enough to think it was always like this, or used enough to their little corner of the site to think every board is the same way.

>trying to pretend the polls werent biased horseshit after you get called out it "facts"

Are you really so petty that you are going to spend the next 8 years in perpetual state of butthurt?

There's a difference between unlikely things happening and being wrong on every account continually and refusing to acknowledge truths. The la times poll predicted a trump victory but the people who run it said it was wrong.

Underrated post. Screenfapping this one, cam

>need a witty response to meme calling me triggered
>"w-well, WE WON SO HAH"

No one beats Trump at shaming himself.

Truly the absolutests of madmans

Another image for the endless replies pile.

Name one thing he's called fake news that wasn't fake news.

Everyone with a brain knew Trump had a decent chance of winning. Anyone saying he had less than a 40% chance was spreading misinformation.

>most likable and chill guy on the planet
>can't even take criticism and claims that any negative reviews of his shit game are fake reviews

The reports about his phonecall with Australia's PM. A bunch of people in the room on both ends of the call confirmed it was heated.

The people getting upset at Trump's executive orders are probably the same people who were fine when Obama was doing them

>Tony Hawk is 48

Trump wouldn't let him skate in the white house like cool dad Obama did.

Trump is without shame. That's why he won and the shaming MSM lost.

Says the people who are perpetually doing actual damage control for an orange idiot who can't process a complete thought before opening his mouth.

I'm over the election, man. Trump is president fair and square and I can't do shit about it. Meanwhile his fanatics can't take a goddamn joke and are getting up in arms over fucking satire.

>tfw no jackass 4

bahahah what an autist

have any proof to back that up?

2 retards on facebook won't cut it. I'm gonna need at least 500 thousand examples for that conclusion to be viable


Most retarded post ITT

this is actually cool

>left doesn't like Trump using executive orders
>when the left was for Obama, who also did a lot of them
That's the reasoning

He's trying to be hip with the kids and failing at it.