Go ahead, just try to justify video game piracy.
You fucking can't.
Go ahead, just try to justify video game piracy.
You fucking can't.
It's free games.
Well that was easy.
I'm poor and I can't afford video games but that's ok because I can pirate them :)
if they didnt watn tit to be p9rated then they wouldnt have made it so easy to pirate???
can your ""science" explain this????????? ??? ?
Go ahead, just try to justify being a huge faggot.
You fucking can't.
Justify to whom, nerd
Cracking the drm on a game allows me to not be tied to an account.
> $60 for a lazy handjob
victimless crime. Like gambling or drunk driving
If it wasn't for piracy I wouldn't be able to experience beautiful vidya world when I was a kid. My parents were poor.
i don't have to justify shit to a goddamn perifag
Supply and demand
>steven universe poster
Back to /trash/
I don't mind pirates so long as they admit to being jewish with their money.
It isn't about teaching the big bad gaming industry a lesson or that you're just testing the game and 'will buy it' if it's good.
They are either poor or complete jews when it comes to their money. Just admit the real reason behind it and move on. Stop trying to hide the fact that you are just as bad as niggers.
>i can get something for free
>or i can pay money
case closed, lol
I wouldnt have bought it anyway
If everyone pirated there would be no supply you fucking retard.
>not understanding that in a private property based economy actors do not consider social utility but instead individual utility, and as such the best, efficient, alternative of a rational actor is piracy, given next to no repercussions and the collective action problem that cannot be solved given the community about stemming the deleterious effects of such piracy
My money my rules
>spending thousands of dollars on products that you can obtain for FREE at no cost, consequences or risk
I's a no brainer. Let some other cuck support this shitty industry while you rake the benefits, don't be an autistic moralfag. There's literally no reason not to pirate besides not having multiplayer.
>inb4 I h-have disposable income, I'm not a NEET :^)
Then pocket the $200 you would've spend on your children's toys and go buy your mother a fancy steak dinner or something instead of being a manchild.
Im not giving money for a fucking video game lmao
Everyone should aspire to be economically Jewish
shitskins spotted
Publishers and developers think they can get away with marketing a product which is not representative of the final product.
whitey confirmed dumb
Aren't those countries where game prices are severely fucked due to import and taxing?
yeah, check my privilege you firstworlder
Yeah and there will always be a bunch of willing retards that will take it up the ass and buy the games at a high price so that others can still have it for free. Dont purchase anything, let one the other millions of cucks do it for you.
>implying you would make magic copies of everything if you could
fuck false scarcity
There's nothing wrong with copying something someone else has.
It's not selling anymore.
I do not want to play it in english.
I'm talking about emulators.
If you think it's such a bad product why even use said product?
>i don't like the company that makes this shampoo and it makes my hair smell like shit!
>ayyyyyyyyy but it's free!
Pretty much this; economically, it makes sense
>buy game
>benefit: get game
>cost: lose $60
>pirate game
>benefit: get game + save $60
>cost: (probability you get caught x fine you would pay if you were caught) + opportunity cost
Figuring that the probability you get caught is functionally 0, the only cost is the time it takes you to pirate in which you could have done something else
I'm testing it and then throw it in the trash if it's garbage, doesn't matter it's free anyway.
Stay mad whitey, i still play free games, im not paying for a fucking video game, im not a virgin lmao
I don't need to.
>Shit Universe
Go back to Sup Forums you meme-loving sack of shit.
This. I couldn't understand why they would make any excuse. I pirate some buy some. When I pirate I fully aware that I do it because I am feeling jewish.
Imagine if I invest $60 every month into a fund for 10 years. Am I cancerous jew? Well yeah what about that?
I'm asian.
I still spent around $50 every month for games.
>ow the edge : laptop edition
shitposting late night I see shadow?
>people act all high and mighty because they don't pirate games
>but they pirate movie, shows, and their chinese cartoons
It's the same shit
Wow, a bunch of countries where games are probably hard as fuck to get pirates games.
Just kidding, we all know sony, nintendo, and whoever else really do all they can to market their stuff towards Azerbaijan, right?
Sup Forums is literally the only board that even jokingly complains about pirating. I'm pretty sure it's just done for irony
>Tfw during the Wii release Nintendo ads actually showed here
>The sale price of the console at "legit" stores was like U$D800, almost a month of salary for an average person. Games are like $100 each.
>Somehow people then expect that we don't pirate games
And music and manga.
I don't get it
Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about piracy, Sup Forums doesn't, Sup Forums used to have regular comic dumps (heaven't been there in years, i doubt theres any comics left), Sup Forums doesn't give a shit, in fact they promote piracy over streaming
why the fuck are these threads constantly on Sup Forums?
This analogy is fucking stupid. If we could just magicallycreate copies of physical objects, the concept of economy would become obsolete.
We would end up using things you couldn't copy to barter with.
Like sex.
>digital distribution
Is this a Steven Universe reference?
It pisses you corporate cockwipes off and that's enough of a reason for me.
I don't even usually play the games that I download, I'm just in it for sharing.
>game is no longer available to buy
>all modern copies are broken or unplayable
Can someone rephrase this in a form of a food analogy
This. the worst Piratefags are the ones who either act like its legal or like they're on a crusade
Normally I hate people who say this shit but maybe there really are people paid to promote anti-piracy.
It's pretty obvious. There's too much salt for it just being mad buyfags.
older games where the developer sees none of the money are easier to justify
its not because im poor and game on a toaster i swear
It IS legal though. Lrn 2 laws nigra.
I can't. That won't make me stop though. Free shit is free shit.
>Game no longer available
>you can't discuss sports video games on Sup Forums or Sup Forums
This games are nearly impossible to pirate because nobody posts them. Yeah, they're bullshit because they're nearly the exact thing every gen but damn they're fun. No FIFA, no Madden, no NBA2K, nothing.
It's like the mainstream is underground on here but I guess that's alright.
In fact, I suggest that anyone who doesn't like sports, buy at least one and get good at it. You'll know the rules and enjoy it after a little while. I despised soccer (futbol, football) until I played FIFA. You get into that shit after you figure out how it works.
Most people who don't like a sport, don't like it for that very reason. Video games can cure that very quickly now.
It doesnt give money to the bourgois
It helps me fit my Neet budget. I have to live on 1100 a month and unless I want to give up my car, I have only a few options to save money. I basically get all of my entertainment solely off of my internet connection.
My budget is way, way over that but calling yourself a "Neet" with a 1100 budget it very bizarre. It's suspicious and actually makes me know who the hell you are, specifically.
No mans sky has to be paid for
It's because I'm a Neet off an allowance for right now. I could get social security, but I convinced a couple of conservative/rich family members to support me rather than have me be a public leech and embarrass them. It's been going on for about 2 years now, so it's pretty alright. I get about half of my food for free and don't pay a fair split of rent with a roommate (I have the shittier bedroom).
It's true.
Almost everything we consider "jew" or unjust by publishers and vendors is in direct reaction to pirates.
Intrusive DRM is a given
Tacked-on multiplayer
Multi-player centric games
Opulent and excessive DLC
Catering to a wider audience with dude-bro shooters and sports games
Literally 99% of what's wrong with the gaming industry can be traced back to pirates in some form or other.
Why bother justifying it?
Free shit man, of course I'm gonna take it if I won't get caught, legal or not.
Yeah that's Peridot the memeist character on the show and my personal fav btw, but that besides the point.
I can't, i don't want to and i don't need to so i won't. I'm evil i guess
>tfw I have no value because no one would want to have sex with me
I dont like getting cucked of my purchase
Justify buying a game on sale for 75% off.
if four people buy the game at that price, thats like 3 copies that the developer never got.
You can't can you.
Whatever just post some gems or something.
Manga has to be the worst for piracy, or at least illegal distribution.
Maybe I'm completely wrong but I don't think any manga is really allowed for translation and distribution, but that's the standard for English speakers.
There's no IMMEDIATE cost, but there IS a cost.
The cost is developers wooing audiences that are more likely to spend the dough, while securing their product all the harder in the meantime.
The cost is always-on DRM, Denuvo, Steam, online passes and excessive DLC.
The cost is companies jumping ship for Pachinko, dudebro shooters, "Cinematic" experiences and Candy Crush.
So you go ahead. Pirate to your heart's content.
Then explain to your children why there isn't a Contra 5.
But Sup Forums hates them
This is retarded, because if you weren't interested in the game, you flat out wouldn't play the game.
People who are interested in the game pirate, and if the game did something to appeal to that person, then it's worth the sale.
>ratio is 0.01% off of good standing
>seeding everything
>0 leachers on everyone of them
This is the true hell
>seeding on gazellegames
good luck with that, just use that freeleech
I don't care it's like 3:45 am where am at and I like my gems where board I'm at and I'm sleep deprived If you have sleeping gems pics to help me go to sleep.
No sleeping gems in my pictures, but would you take a suffering gem?
That will do thanks m8.
Read it again. They were never interested in "purchasing" the game, not the game itself. They may pirate the game because they think it's free because, well fuck, why the fuck not? It's free.
No porblem
I don't need to justify shit all to you.Your morals can go suck a dick. I do as I please.
Go ahead, just try to find a single pirate who gives a shit
>"Im just testing the game before i buy it but instead im going to make up some arbitrary excuse not to buy it even though i was never actually going to buy the game in the first place even if i enjoyed it"
every single time.
A mixture of su fag and sleep deprivation you see, very easy to understand.
I've never used that shit. I don't try to justify anything, if I feel like buying the game I will but that's almost always just for online and patches. There's no demoing justification for me, to me it's free games and I wont say no.
Just a reminder though, if you buy used games that's no better than piracy. In fact, it's almost worse because you financially support leeches like Gamestop.
They can't stop me, might = right.
>SJW Universe
Fuck off.
My steam library is 204 games, every single one of those I've pirated before buying.