Sum up video games in a single image

Sum up video games in a single image.

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All vidya is literally just a bunch of 1s and 0s.

Thank God I never fell for the "fill up your house with useless plastic shit" meme.


wtf I hate Yuri now





I like this answer a lot desu. except for the size of the image

but video games really are just constant decision making, with the player deciding "yes or no," weighing their options for risk vs reward. Sometimes in less than a second (FPS, fighting games, bloodborne, etc), or with the ability to take your time and really consider what the best possible option is (turn based, roguelikes, deciding how to level your character, grand strategy, etc.). It is just constant yes vs no, trying to determine the optimal, dominant strategy.

And then yeah, there is the whole aspect of how computers work and all that gay shit for 1's and 0's, but that is a faggy tryhard addition to your post

That's why speedrunning is so appealing to people, they want to figure out the correct answer to every single yes/no option in the game, and find the perfect dominant strategy

>Not Gandhi

but user, thats another civ game