Gameplay is more important than story

>Gameplay is more important than story
>Fallout New Vegas is better than Fallout 4

Sup Forums simultaneously hold these opinions

Anyone who thinks gameplay is more important than story is a casual. Both are equally important and either can ruin your game.

Story is a form of gameplay in RPGs, autismo.

New Vegas is so good it makes up for its gameplay downfalls

Fallout 4 is so shit that its gameplay can't make up for the disaster that is the RPG and story elements

is that thom yorkes busted ass teeth?

depends on the game

That's from the No Surprises video

i don't think you know what gameplay is in an RPG

>inb4: Sup Forums is not some hive mind REEEEEEEEEEEE

the OP is a correct faggot and no amount of screeching will cover up your hypocrisy

i know bby

You can have a game with 0 story.
You cannot have a game with 0 gameplay.

New Vegas became boring once my NCR reputation got bugged and I killed Ceasar.

It's a fully flawed game. I earned the rep to get Ranger Armor and then got the perk to repair it without more ranger armor. Then somehow I didn't have that NCR rep. That's not seamless, it destroys the immersion and it's completely uncool. Blame whatever you want but it made me drop the fucking game and play something else. That's an insult with so much time invested.

>b-but you could
>console commands!

Yeah no fuck off that's just not cool when the game is broken without it.

But user.
Both are true.
FNV's gameplay is objectively superior to Fallout 4 in most respects. Not all, but most.

>bitch and moan about "movie" games
>praise NV for being the the guinness record holder for most amount of dialogue ever in a video game

I don't think you do.

The primary form of interaction in New Vegas is shooting/melee and talking. Combat is complete ass but the dialogue and role playing elements make up for it.

You can't just decide what is arbitrarily a gameplay element and what isn't.

The story and replayability in FO4 is so bad that that the gameplay suffers from it in a way.
I've made so many characters in NV that I can't even count.

I've made 2 in FO4, and only because I wanted to try the opposite gender.
Never beaten the game either. Couldn't stand it.

>you can have a game with 0 gamplay
>implying story can't be so bad that it is worse than no story

They are both important but they are not both equally important.

I would say Gameplay>story=graphics/design>sfx/music

dialogue is a form of gameplay in RPGs

>OP gives you target games
>>depends on the game
you need to be 18 to post here

I never implied and such thing though, and you literally quoted something I never said.

RPG gameplay is more than rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty.

That's disguises working as intended.

Fallout 4 has shit gameplay.

There are no roleplaying elements in the dialogue of NV.

These are not conversation you are having with NPCs, you are just the passive absorber of their opinions and that's it. They are glorified cutscenes, boring as shit.

SPECIAL REMNDER: There are hundreds of obsidian paid shills on Sup Forums who constantly shill for New Vegas and Kotor 2 despite the fact both games were buggy unfinished messes.

They also dont want you to know this is their current dev team and why tyranny was so over the top with sjw ALL WOMENZ ARE AS CAPABLE AS MEN bullshit

Are kotor 2 and NV decent games? Of course. Are they nearly as good as the shills pretend they are? Of course not. Both are extremely flawed.

Thanks for telling me what I already know and just said.

>New Vegas is so good it makes up for its gameplay downfalls

The dialogue makes up for the shit shooting mechanics. That's what I've been saying this whole time.

>New Vegas is better than Fallout 4 only because of story
Damn son, I didn't know player/weapon customization, choice, quest design, unique weapons and loot, etc, all fell under story. Guess you got me there pal.

people are getting paid to shill a 5/6 year old game? ok lol

I agree but New Vegas is horrifically bugged in many places. I already mentioned the NCR rep bug but I feel like I have to mention it again.

It took hours and hours to get that rep, and then it's fucking gone. You can say "use a console command" to get it back but then it's trivialized. Even then it took multiple attempts and then I got a bugged save most of the time.

I understand that Bethesda didn't give Obsidian much time but fuck- the rep system should have had some dedication. I know it's complicated but that should not have been flawed because it's game breaking.

most of the people who buy new vegas buy it on steam after coming to Sup Forums. It has worked well for them

new vegas has better gameplay and story than fo4 so it makes sense? what's exactly the point you're trying to make?

Obsidian doesn't need paid shills, the pseudo-intellectual contrarians do it for free.

>I understand that Bethesda didn't give Obsidian much time
This is the excuse that they tried pulling on kotor 2 as well.

Whats more likely: They werent given enough time every time they make a game and actually tell the publishers, or, they are given as long as the previous game took to make and they are just really really bad at managing their time.

Look how long it took for them to make another game.

but it's only 10 dollars on steam, explain to me how that is financially feasible

are you suffering from a psychosis

>do it for free.

ultimate edition is $21. If you pay a shill lik 10 an hour for like 3 hours every week and get 50 people to buy your game id say its a good investment.

The gameplay of a wrpg is role playing as a character, making choices based on what you think your character would do and explore those consequences. FNV offers better opportunities for role playing than F4, therefore it has the better gameplay.

So what you're saying is you do it for free?

A game can have good RPG mechanics and awful gameplay. See every MMO ever.

All profits from that go to Bethesda. Obsidian gets zero royalties from New Vegas sales. Or KotOR2 sales, for that matter. They've made a game, they got paid, publishers got all the extra profits. It's a tough business - that's why they're so excited to get their own IP.

but that's chump change, do you really think a large company would bother with stuff like that, if the money is so little.
i havent said anything about the game, i just criticised this man's theory

Stop abusing the quote fucking you fucking cowardly manchild.

This. People who think FO4 has good gameplay are delusional.

t's not that shit
it even has an Aim-Down-Sights
mods help

>All profits from that go to Bethesda.
>source: my ass
Why would any sane dev company agree to work on a huge franchise with no royalties.

>a large company
They are 1 step up from indie at this point.

New Vegas has good gameplay. "Gameplay" is not the same thing as "shooting." New Vegas has bad shooting and gunplay, but there is much more to gameplay than those two mechanics.

Postal 2 and literally all GTA games have bad shooting gameplay. but the other parts of their gameplay are good.

I'd say it's fucking subjective you retard. If you really stand by that point then people who enjoyed Tetris are casuals. Terrible story but good gameplay = passable game. Good story but terrible/boring/non-existant gameplay = movie wannabe/ awful game. Fuck off to another dimension

youre just shitposting at this point

WoW actually broke the mold because for the time, it had really good PvP gameplay. It's nearly half of why it became so popular.

You could call it rock/paper/scissors but it really wasn't when you saw a warlock as a druid for example in vanilla and got locked in a nasty pvp battle.

Shift out, heal, shift back in, lock sacrifices void etc., somehow you come out on top. Outplaying somebody on such a dynamic and strategic level just felt really good.

He is, actually. Every time when someone brought up anything obsidian related, this retard just going apeshit and not even afraid of making up some stupid shit. He's also fucking stupid as you can see.

Because they had no choice, and it really is common knowledge. Their CEO did an interview recently and even admitted that their lost the bonus due to low Metacritic score.

Also indie isn't a sign of company size.

Fallout 4 has decent gameplay but never takes advantage of it. It could be a pretty decent shooter but quests don't take advantage of the the pretty trash level design in areas outside of the downtown city area. You rarely have enough ammunition, the gun's suck and have even worse sound design, and the enemies are really boring.

It might seem cliche to some idiots at this point, but I'd be willing to bet that you had a small cel of people who were obsessed with the game and a bunch of idiots that did nearly nothing.

Guess who got the most money that Bethesda sent?

>Also indie isn't a sign of company size
Are you underage or...

>Because they had no choice,
They could have said no and done something else instead of cucking themselves out of money for a game they developed.

>role playing game vs. bethesda game
>implying "bethesda game" has good gameplay

this man is correct


>They could have said no and done something else
Yeah, just take some more profitable project, I mean they were offered dozens at that point. It's not like they were in a shitty financial situation after several of their projects were canceled (Aliens RPG, some other unannounced project).

Because the story is the gameplay in the better Fallouts

>were in a shitty financial situation after several of their projects were canceled
Maybe if they didnt take so long to develop games and didnt release them as unfinished buggy messes they would have been a more reputable and respected dev team. The reason they agreed to do it is because they knew they were shit and the games would be buggy and unfinished but they would get paid more than their games were worth.

Yes, and?
FO4 has some pretty shit gameplay

>Sup Forums is one person
>every arbitrary rule we shit out here is absolute

>didnt take so long to develop games
1 year or so really isn't a long time to develop an RPG. Quite the opposite, actually, even if you include the fact that the framework was already set. RPGs are a lot of complex scripting, stuff like that takes a lot of time to do and debug.

I feel like the argument is getting kind of pointless now. It's obvious you are on a crusade, and that's okay with me. Obs games are really shit from a certain point of view, as long as you don't just spout outright misinformation, I don't really care if you dislike them.

>Sup Forums has ONE opinion and is not made of hundreds of users simultaneously vomiting on their keyboards to spout the most shitass opinions the world has ever seen.

>I already mentioned the NCR rep bug but I feel like I have to mention it again.
because you can't cherrypick anything else?

>the story is the gameplay in the better Fallouts
No, the gameplay in the better Fallouts is allocating a limited number of skill points to couple skills to be able to accomplish tasks in a variety of ways, one of which ways may include Speech checks. Otherwise, you can Sneak and then Lockpick your way to a goal, you can beat the leader of a gang in a fist fight, or you can just gun them down.

Even fucking Pac Man has a story m8.

Form follows thought. If you are playing a roleplaying game then you are roleplaying your own story.

New Vegas is better simply because the Courier is a more interesting character than 4's, which in itself is just a role reversal of 3.

Add to this an element of freedom in how you play out the story and you have an explanation of why New Vegas is better than both 3 & 4.

What's Pong's story?

>You cannot have a game with 0 gameplay.
Tell that to Sony

>1 year or so
>he belives them that they only had a year
Oh god you really do shill for free.

Even combat is much better in New Vegas, if you use certain mods.
Not a single mod could help 4

FO:NV had great story and ok gameplay.

FO4 had ok gameplay and a shit story.

8 is better than 6. join in next time for another lesson learning to judge games

>Sup Forums is one person

That's because 4's gameplay isn't significantly better than NV's.

Two players compete in an isometric tennis match in order to decide who has the better reactions and manual dexterity.

That's literally all you need to have a story.

New Vegas is an RPG, therefore story is more important
Fallout 4 is a shoot and loot game with hardly any RPG mechanics, therefore story takes a back seat.

>therefore story is more important
For a game with such an emphasis on story they sure managed to have more plot holes than 3 and 4 combined. Which is sad because the story in 3 and 4 was shit.

So, what you're saying is that Fallout 4 is just Bioshock with a less interesting environment.

>People who plays games for fun prefers 4
Autismos who want to see games as an "art" form prefer NV.

i don't see the problem here, Sup Forums isn't one person.

> games as art.
> preferring NV.



NV story doesn't make up for boring bland world and shitty gameplay, unless you are fan of the older games there isn't anything worth looking for in NV.

>You can have a game with 0 story.
>You cannot have a game with 0 gameplay.
Never heard of Quantic Dream user? They have been doing it for years.

In all seriousness. That's stupid. Your arguement is like saying cinematography is more important than story for a movie, cause you can't have a movie without video.

That's not the in-game story that's what is happening outside of the game
That's like saying the the witcher is about a guy who sits down in front of a tv or computer monitor and makes a white haired guy kill monsters
That kind of shit really only works with elder scrolls where its pretty much canon

>These are not conversation you are having with NPCs, you are just the passive absorber of their opinions and that's it. They are glorified cutscenes, boring as shit.
Did you know that you can seduce Benny, despite him being disturbed and disgusted by the thought of fucking a woman he shot in the head, then kill him in his sleep?

Old World Blues was pretty fucking worth it user. Did you play it?

There are many different kinds of stories user. I think perhaps you have been taught wrong, perhaps as a joke.

If you're describing what's happening in real life, that's the story of your life, not the story of pong
Also, you know the damn rules

Not even NV Lead Designer cares about "muh games are art" crap.

Serious question, what exactly is "better" about Fallout 4's gameplay? The only thing I can think of is power armor being big and stompy.

And that is just the case. A movie need not contain a story, that is simply the norm. Koyaanisqatsi being a prime example. There is no story, only a message.

Also, Heavy Rain and Beyond are visual novels, not games. You would do well to learn the difference.

Sawyer is fucking based.

>good gameplay
No. You don't even deserve a (You).

Except in the case of pong it was very much reliant on consumer input in order to get the most out of it. It's like with actual pen and paper games. You can play the pre-created campaigns, sure, but that shit gets old real fast until you find a DM worth their salt.

You lack imagination. That or you just like being spoonfed plot.

Fallout 4's gameplay is too shit to make up for its shit story.

>caring about Sup Forums opinion
why can't you tards form your own opinion instead of uniform to whatever a bunch of vocal teens and idiots say on this shitty board?

Sup Forums is crap, Sup Forums is stupid, Sup Forums is always wrong, Trump is a meme, fuck you all newfags

The gunplay doesn't feel like a floaty dice roll mess.

It's still bad by any other games standard but it's improved from FO3 and FO:NV.

That's it.

>Your arguement is like saying cinematography is more important than story for a movie

If you play FO4 as some kind of Early Access survival sim game it has bugs like one too then sure it is a decent one of those.

If you wanted any kind of proper RPG you're shit out of luck


I'll grant you that

>dice roll mess

What does that even mean? We aren't talking about Morrowind here.

Is Radiohead list Sup Forums approved?

radiohead the video game when?