Ys Origin on PS4


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Just a port? Or is it remastered? Or are you full of shit?


I'm gonna play it on Vita.

It's just a port, but I think it supports 4K and rumble. Don't quote me on this.

Are there any new features compared to the PC version? Voice acting?

Cool, glad you guys are telling the truth.

Will definitely buy then.

source? please

>"We would love to bring other Ys games to PS4 and PS Vita!"
Please be true, please don't let me down Jessica.

It's not porn.
But it's about porn (vidya gaems).
But the translation isn't even halfway done and will never be finished.

I love Ys and all but who would get excited about a dotemu port of a game that you could easily run on any toaster?

This, is it just people resolutely refusing to play anything on PC for some reason?

It just doesn't feel right

but what is it?

I mean maybe they'll make it so that the confirm button isn't stuck on the attack button and the cancel on the jump, that's pretty much the only thing I would want changed in the PC version. But I think its likely it'll have less control customization rather than more.

Good question - is there an easy way to break the final final boss' wind shield as THE CLAW or what?

Origins is good. I look forward to playing it again.

I'm just not at my computer often, so I end up using portables more.

Kill yourself nigger.

Where the FUCK is Lacrimosa of Dana? It's been like 6 months since release and not even Xseed has said anything about it.

Waiting on PS4 release?
Vita-version was pretty much a rushed-out beta.

Isn't it a PS4 port?

Meh. I just want Oath.

Probably waiting for the PS4 version like what happened with Tokyo Xanadu.

I didn't know this was a thing, how much is it going to be?

>one more week
>releases in two weeks
Come on user. Raising my hopes here.

Read the fucking thread.
It's the only reason I'm putting up with Dotemu.

Why not just play it on PC?

Were the assets improved?

Now the only question is, do I play the steam game I already bought, or just skip it and play this version.

Depends if you care abut trophies or not
I do

t. salty pcuck

I'm really glad for you Sony bros, finally getting a good Ys game after all this time. The party system from 7 and onwards is complete garbage
