>75% sale on steam
should I buy it?
>75% sale on steam
should I buy it?
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pls elaborate
its good
Its good. Some say is too long, i don't agree, but tha isn't much of a criticism
It's just the ending that's too long. Imagine that the game is a rollercoaster, and the final drop/rush/thrill just goes on for like five minutes straight.
Fuck yeah you dumb nigger. It's my all time favorite horror game. I play it every year on Halloween week. What ever you do, play it on hard first.
well it might be worth giving a shot but I thought it was shit desu
Hi Ryan!
my name is not ryan
it's shit because the alien is ugly as fuck and not believable at all. for a game that is about one single fucking enemy they sure didn't make it convincing
93 hours on it. Played it 5 times on normal, 2 times on hardcore.
I recommend it.
It's good but I think it far overstays its welcome.
No the game is absolute shit
It honestly depends on how much you enjoy the movie. This is single handly one of, if not the best """""movie game""""" there ever was. It legit feels like you're on set, as autistic as that sounds. If you're not interested in being immersed in that world, than nah, skip it. It's a long ass game, clocking in over 20 hours. It'll run thin if you don't like the aesthetic.
>The Nest
OP, the main criticism is that it's too long. There's too much game to play.
I love you guys. I don't know where i would go to talk about vidya if it wasnt for Sup Forums
>they've ruined Alien
this was exactly how I felt
and the game doesn't even have the decency to make it clear how shit it is within the first couple of hours, so you can't get a refund
Absolutely yes.
The game has such an overwhelming amount of polish.
This. Also gonna sound like a total autist now but was I the only one who got turned on by the gulping/swollowing sounds Ripley would make when you'd get caught by a facehugger? I remember I'd kill myself over and over again in the nest area just so I could hear it enough to jerk off.
Whoops, wrong board.
The only flaw in the game is that none of the characters are interesting. All of them are forgettable except the main character.
But everything else is great about it.
If you love survival horror games, then yes, buy this game.
There was a good article or video about the Alien series gets fucked with games because so many of the awesome tropes in FPS games and such are borrowed from Alien itself. In other words it will always seem somewhat rehashed even though it was an innovator.
It was worth it at full price holy dicks get it.
>eceleb garbage
loving every laugh
Not a lot of replay value but the experience is well worth it. I recommend trying to find all the data logs on the first playthrough since once you beat it the atmosphere and tension will drop.
PR are fucking shit, they need to stick to doing RLM stuff
Was anyone in this thread crazy enough to actually use the Flashlight?
it's just Outlast: In Space!,
Would have been marginally better than outlast if it wasn't 20 fucking hours of broken stealth.
the issue is that it looks fucking retarded when it lumbers around, and you get a shitload of time to just watch it do that. it looks like a cerebral palsy case in an alien suit
haven't even played the game but kill yourself normalfag
>every year
>its not even two years old
>Outlast: In Space!,
Do you have a revolver, a shotgun, an improvided railgun, a flamethrower, smoke bombs, pipe bombs, a stun stick, EMP bombs, and more in Outlast?
>open RE7 thread
>open A:I thread
god outlast fans are insufferable.
>Came out 2014
>Played it again 2015
>Played it again 2016
most of those are either useless because the alien is invincible
useless because you don't need to use them when hiding behind a table is much more reliable
or broken op like the flamethrower
First actual non-shit Alien game since AvP2
The Alien isn't the only fucking enemy in the game.
I'd say it's the only worthwhile enemy at least. Humans and androids were a god damn mistake and blemish the game considerably.
>androids were a mistake
lel no
You are becoming hysterical.
You really thought they were fun/scary? Unnerving at first, sure. After like over 10 encounters with them? Yeah, not any more.
The point still stands. In Outlast, you're completely defenseless and it makes no sense. Sure, the Big Guy would fuck you up no matter what you did, but there's no reason why the player can't at least attempt to fight back against the weaker dudes.
In Alien Isolation, you actually do have a fighting chance, even if that chance is slim. Human enemies will fuck you up as fast as you can fuck them up, whereas androids take a lot more to bring down but are much easier avoided.
Hell, you can even keep the Alien at bay with fire.
You aren't helpless in Alien Isolation, as opposed to Outlast, and it's much more intense to get killed by an enemy after trying to fight them off.
That applies to literally every enemy in every god damn game.
They were scary at first then funny. What more can I ask for? A blowjob?
So, everything up from the point when you find the hive in engineering?
Okay. Fine. Maybe I didn't elaborate well enough. It would have been better if the encounters were spaced out better. To me, if felt like a large chunk of the game was dealing with the androids in a ton of succession of events one after another. The alien only really felt like the forefront during the whole medical bay part and then near the end. Don't know what else to say. I really didn't like the androids to begin with and felt like they became the focal point and not the alien.
nah, the part where you finally make contact with your ship and are trying to get back.
That is a legitimate criticism and I am glad you shared it.
Don't fuck with allan he's killed more cunts than cervical cancer.
Well the Androids did become the focal point when the Alien was believed to be defeated, and was gone for a pretty long time.
I mean, I think it IS too long, but I just spread out my playthrough and it doesn't detract from the game
imagine this game following up after Aliens: Colonial Marines, Randy Pitchford's late term abortion.
it was unheard this kind of turn around. This game is why I keep gaming.
When is Aliens: Isolation
>eCelebs to justify your point
>Outlast: In Space!
And outlast was just Amnesia: In an Asylum.
I'll probably grab it tomorrow. After Evil Within I'm getting attached to these horror-themed games with their non-convential approach to 'combat'. Juggling the stuff you could do in EW was pretty neat so I hope A:I is more of the same.
amnesia is different because there's puzzes instead of just bad sneaking
I wish creative assembly would stop making total war rehash cashgrabs and make another alien game
They'd like to, but SEGA won't have that.
>Getting Halo Wars 2
>When we could be getting a new Alien game
>says 'keyboards the worst part of pc gaming'
>complains about and goes way out of the way to avoid using it
>doesn't see the potential of being a weapon switching gun wizard in NuDoom
>uses the assault rifle with ADS when having just complained about FPS 'blandening'
They're fun buf completely fucking hit or miss.
The PreRec video always triggers me, because these guys simply take their movie wisdom and try to force it onto videogames.
"Don't show your creature too much."
It's a fucking VIDEO GAME! The player has the ability to just run up to the creature and give it a hug! Sure, it'll result in a GAME OVER, but the player will still see the creature!
Maybe the fact that video games have a fail state, which movies do not have, means that tension rises differently in games than in movies? Maybe the AYY can still be scary because you know it means a loss of progress? You could probably replace the AYY with a 2D sprite from DOOM and it'd still be just as scary! Who would have thought different mediums work differently! Are books the height of moviemaking, because in books you'll never be shown the creature? Fuck!
Also, it's a xenomorph! What's the point in hiding it? We all know how it looks now! Even the new ALIEN COVENANT trailer didn't fuck around and just showed it!
Thats a complete fucking lie.
It is way better than outlast its a better version of what RE7 was trying to go for.
The Androids are specifically around to distract you and get you to make mistakes so the Xeno can find you or make you run under areas the Xeno was waiting.
It sucked ass to me.
It seems it's really hit or miss. Some people love it and others just hate it, there's no in between lol.
I only played 4 hours according to steam before I dropped it.
Usually for scary games I play with people in the room for a little more fun and spook reactions. In a group of 7 including me, we all got bored and gave up on it.
Idk how steam refunds work but try and see if you like it. If you don't, get a refund. I couldn't get a refund cause I bought it off a key site and I don't even think refunds were a thing at that time.
>Idk how steam refunds work
Once 2 hours game time or two weeks owning it are up, you can no longer get a refund
I enjoyed re7 and outlast(w/whistleblower) far more than I did AI. AI was pretty boring to me. It wasn't even close in scariness compared to the other games.
So, is Amanda alive?
Damn, I hate when this happens, the working joes made me too comfortable to hide in the vents.
I think she was eventually saved because I swear she died of cancer
yes, watch the movies
>the character has no motivation for being on the spaceship after she finds out she is trapped there
Did they seriously try playing doom without a mouse?
Why isn't the shotgun and the super shotgon on the same key?
Why isn't the assault rifle and the minigun on the same key?
Why are the minigun and super shotgun significantly worse than the shotgun and the assault rifle?
I just beat doom a few hours ago.
It gets repetitive after a while but it's ok
It's basically a sci-fi RE7, but not even anywhere near as good. Still a decent game though.
>he doesn't know Outlast literally invented first person horror
gosh, how ignorant.
The moment a dev studio better known for making rts games can make a better fps game than your studio that has way more experience doing fps games, is the moment you know you fucked up big time, Randy.
Ryan they put a lot of care into making that Alien, you should be grateful.
>he doesn't know
They are shitty at video game reviews.
Randy's studio are absolute hacks. Everything they put out is complete shit. Everything.
It has a low replay value, but the settings and atmosphere were so great that they disctracted me and made the game less repetitive, it was fun trying to explore sevastapool until the nest, then shit got serious.