What now, Tales of Shitposters

What now, Tales of Shitposters.

DS2 is the highest rated DS game.

>within 3 points
>the closest any tales game has been to an FF in over a decade
>higher user score
really causing me a ponder

I'm not surprised. Really wish they'd go back to the Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia format.

Tales has always been a mediocre series with the occasional game that can be called above average.

Final Fantasy is a legendary JRPG series with some of the greatest games in the genre that is a shell of it's former self.

This is what I hate of anonymous board.
You can shitpost your game will kill whatever else then when btfo, they just dissapear.

holy shit, ffxv did terrible in ratings

>newest tales game is nearly as good as the shittiest ff game

really makes you think

It's very polarizing, the user score tells different story and so does the amount of the critics

>mainstream westernized garbage for casuals
>anime weeb game for weirdos
Hmm, I wonder why western reviewers didn't like it as much.

Black Milla shoulda kept this design through the entire game

I know that this is unfortunately the popular perception, but in reality, final fantasy was always mediocre and Tales of Berseria blows FFXV out of the water.

>final fantasy was always mediocre
Recently turn 18? Good for you!

Lol what? There is nothing "legendary" about Final Fantasy, all it has going for it is big budgets. Tales has always had better gameplay and characters.

>Select costume and hair after the Hour long tutorial
>Keep it on the entire game.

There you go dipshit.

Oh I can keep it on in skits? Did they add that feature in a patch?

Umm, no. I'm 30 years old. I grew up with Final Fantasy on the SNES, then the PlayStation, and always enjoyed the games. But they have never been particularly amazing in reality. More specifically, they always has serious flaws, particularly in terms of writing and dialogue quality. They also went downhill fast when FFX came out, and only recovered a bit for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.

Berseria does virtually everything better than FFXV except perhaps visuals.

What now?


FFXV was WAY better than that fucking weeb drivel and I didn't even think it was that good

I can't believe I even wasted the bandwidth downloading that demo, it's truly disgusting how much of a fucking loser you have to be to enjoy a series as shitty as Tales.

>JRPG's are shit
Stop the presses we've got a real shocker here

>judging the whole series based off Berseria
It's the Shadow the Hedgehog of Tales, they're trying to appeal to edgy teenagers, play one of the good entries.

Still better than FFXV though

Generally, you're better off ignoring ratings from so called "game critics" entirely. They have no special qualifications or talents, and their ratings are literally their personal opinions. It's just a waste of time and I can't believe retards take them seriously at all.

The Tales games haven't progressed since the PS2 era. Tales of Symphonia is still very comparable to their most recent outings.

t. People who didn't play berseria and/or don't even like story-driven JRPGS

single player mmo fucking ew

As opposed to.. what? What JRPG series has progressed since the PS2 era?

I didn't play Berseria but Zestiria was too bad in dialogue and plot for me to stomach it past the first town

for good reason


Zestiria was definitely bad. Berseria surpasses it in every way.

her clothes would just magically stay pristine as she wallowed in the dankest deepest dungeon for three years? Fuck off

>story-driven JRPGS

Story JRPGs often have shitty stories, so they are the worst JRPGs.

How old are you? An in universe explanation doesnt make it less stupid. They specifically wrote her to be in a dungeon with monsters like that so she could lose her clothes.

>They specifically wrote her to be in a dungeon with monsters like that so she could lose her clothes.
You're fucking retarded. It's literally necessary for the antagonist to accomplish his goals, not just a throw-in to make the protagonist lewd. Play the game or shut the fuck up.

Nice opinion.

You honestly believe that they just wrote a plot around whatever Inomata scribbled for them without having the scenario in place first?

Damn,was about to ask if Zestiria is worth the 15$,that bad huh?

Zesty was a tire fire to the point the game was at bargain bin prices in mere days in Japan

If you don't mind literal "press a to win" combat, yaoi undertones and a disappearing best girl then it's up to you whether you want to play it.

Personally, I'd say investing in berseria insteas would be much more worth it, assuming you haven't played already. The game's cast is superior, the story is great, combat is fun as well as flashy, and the soundtrack is solid. The protagonist comes off as excessively edgy to start, but you learn as you progress that her edginess was necessary, and the other characters play important roles in her development as well.

Also berseria is a prequel to zestiria, although it takes place like 1,000 years earlier

just pirate it. But I'm honestly not sure if it's even worth the time.

>some no name weebshit RPG has a higher user rating than FINAL FANTASY

Well, goes to show that when you manage to make a game with shittier gameplay than Ass Creed that ratings are not going to be so good.

Too bad thanks to its brand name its still overrated as fuck. FFXV is a 1/10 at best.

>no name weebshit RPG
You should try to make it less obvious that you're an underage fuck. Tales has been making games since the SNES, and could hardly be considered "no name". Anyone who plays RPGs ought to know the series.

Objectively correct opinion: Both games are a 7-8

I'm 27.

>Anyone who plays RPGs

JRPGs are not really relevant in the realm of real RPGs.

Might pirate it then,nothing better to do these days and i got a jrpg itch.

Haven't played Berseria either.I'm kinda noob when it comes to tales.Haven't played that many of them,only the ones that were brought here on ps2 (Abyss,Legendia) and some on the psp.

>yaoi undertones
Got some of that by watching the opening,is it that prominent?I'd like it desu.

They are, actually. Just because you spent your life playing shit-tier western games doesn't changed the fact that most of the best RPGs ever made Japanese games

Reminder that there will only ever be 4 good tales games until they kick that bitch out as art director and instate the male artist as the sole art director

JRPGs and real RPGs have nothing really in common. It's a matter of taste.

I like roleplaying games.

You like autistic fuckboy simulators.

The fact remains, not a single human being of any value actually gives a shit or even knows what Tales Of is.

Japan has and will always live in the shadow of its Western masters it tries so hard to emulate.

gotta admit
jrpgs are glorified interactive anime

Berseria is one of the best in the series

Honestly i never got that far in zestiria so i couldn't say, but the co-protagonist's clingy "I'm the motherly boyfriend type who knows better and has to scold you all the time" got on my fucking nerves fast

LMAO, this might be the most autistic bait post I've ever seen on this board. Kys yourself kid

They're not the art directors, just character designers.

Okumura should be given a game for himself.

>Honestly i never got that far in zestiria so i couldn't say, but the co-protagonist's clingy "I'm the motherly boyfriend type who knows better and has to scold you all the time" got on my fucking nerves fast
Well,found a torrent of it on nyaa,i guess i'll know soon if i can handle it,thanks anons.

the difference is Tales of fans know their game is shit

Autism is a prerequisite of being a JRPG fan.

Don't know where you thought you were going with this. I also don't understand why you are incapable of seeing why JRPGs have no appeal to the core RPG audience.

Japan doesn't make the sort of games that have become legends in its genre such as Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Neverwinter Nights, Torment, Shadowrun etc.

While i'm waiting for it to download,anyone bored enough to give me a summary of the complaints?

Since when did realism surrounding clothing in video games ever fucking matter? Don't use this as excuse for them to put her in some ugly outfit to pander to lewdfags.

>It's worse than an already mediocre game.
Cool, I wish I would care though.

>Final Fantasy
>Dragon Quest
>not legendary RPG series

Both Tales and FF are laughably mediocre series.

>final fantasy was always mediocre
Final Fantasy has always used graphics, composed soundtracks, and cutting edge technology as a crutch. With The Witcher 3 and other games far ahead, it's losing its polish.

>Don't bother tier

How does it feel having shit taste user?

>real RPGs
Pick one.

Real RPGs don't run on a computer.

JRPGs are not "real RPGs" but they're at least decent games. WRPGs are just shitty murder-sims for hipsters who want to be cool like /tg/ but don't have a group to play with.

Why would you call RPGs "WRPGs"

The world is not in competition for the deadweight autistic fatasses that worship the very shit under heel of Japanese shoes.

>high-profile game gets rated higher than low-profile game
My shock is immense!

>Baldurs Gate
>Neverwinter Nights
topkek you got me


Final Fantasy XV is hands down one of the worst games ever developed by mankind and it has an aggregate score of like 8.0 if you want to talk about overrated.

What the fuck, I realized only now that they were designed by "Ah My Goddess" mangaka.

i never mentioned that ffxv isnt overrated as well, in fact, the entire ff series is.

speaking about wrpgs, the only one i enjoyed was icewind dale.


Why are weebs so autistic and delusional that they need an acronym for "an RPG not made in Japan?" when Japan clearly has no interest in even making RPGs.

>81 + 77 = 158
>79 + 82 = 161
berseria wins

i live neither in the west, nor in the east. Since most rpgs coming from the east are from japan, i call them jrpgs, the ones that come from usa and west europe are wrpgs, the ones that are made here, the slavlands, are just rpgs. All three are different enough to warrant different "names"

Tales had an 85 not that long ago, what retarded "gaming jornalism" site tanked it?


Oh, that's who.

Their vapid fanboyism and crippling mental disability prevents them from being able to view the world outside their Japan worshiping lens.

Only JRPG fans hold the misguided thought that there is some form of competition for Japan's demographic. They are completely different audiences but JRPG fans don't realize it. Fans of RPGs have an interest in the very roots of the genre; they enjoy writing, reading, and being involved in collaborative storytelling. JRPG fans just like to jerk off into their crusty blankets to poorly drawn cartoon characters.

It was also 3 newspapers who have no business reviewing video games much less a seni-niche JRPG, like the New York Daily News.

So,why does Zestiria suck again?Need to know before i install it and waste my time.

Literally everything. It's a hot mess.

By contrast, Berseria has a good story, makes the combat flow a lot better and actually has some semblance of balance.

Have you ever played a tales game in your fucking life? Ffs user

uh, pretty sure the acronym goes both ways fag

>By contrast, Berseria has a good story, makes the combat flow a lot better and actually has some semblance of balance.
It's also at 50 dollaritoes while Zestiria is "free".

Also,i have a high tolerance for bad stuff so i may get some fun out of it in the end and hey,if it gets too bad i can always just uninstall it.