Near A Tomato

PC when? :^)

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>PC when?
If it doesn't get released on PC we can just emulate it in a few years.

Somewhere before Summer apparently

>he doesn't know

It's been confirmed for PC you dip; I bet you don't even own a ps4.

Hopefully they port it soon so I can give them the full price of it when it comes out to encourage the slant eyed niggers to actually port things to pc even if its hard for their chink brain.
Serious question, why do people consolebait from phones when this website is on computer?

Why haven't they responded to our petition bros?!?!?!? It isn't fair!!!!

Sorry Sonyggers but the PC master race prevails again

I'm pretty sure he's asking for PC release date. Because PS4 already has one, but no word about PC since that Steam announcement.

>being this delusional

The game has been announced now for global distribution but still no PC release

Because non-AAA Jap games always sell like shit on steam. Compare the sales of Final Fantasy to the second rate JRPGs like Tales, Ys and Trails on steam. It doens't help that a lot of curators there dissuade people from buying weebshit.

PC might have a better framerate and graphics. but I'm buying this game on jap release day og the ps four, and imma come to this board daily just to spoil you dipshits (laughs)

People aren't playing the game for the story idiots they're playing it for the fanservice

>not announced
>is on square's website for preorder and has been for months

Please tell me you ar just pretending to be retarded.

Try buying from there then. All I got was a redirection to SE's customer support page. The page is fucking broken.

>jap version will have eng subs and ui
>western release is 3 weeks later
For what purpose? Fucking Squeenix why are you so retarded.

Go away, cancer.

Are you a homo? Or are you simply in denial over the truth?

Why do these threads always attract console war shit? I dont remember this happening with DoD3 especially when Nier was multiplat

I'm playing this game for Taro and Platinum like most people, ass is just cherry on top.

>weeb is going to play his game in shit fidelity because he hates weebs who want to play weeb games in higher fidelity

lmao wow what a piece of shit, i coudlnt even care less about weebshit but man, you really should kill yourself, thats sad as fuck

>Console babbies being retarded

as per usual

You haven't played games for that long, have you?

PC ruins everything

That's what some philosophers said about written language before the entire world adopted it