
How can I find this game?

You didn't actually type the title anywhere so I can't highlight it and search.

Please watch the video and tell me what you think.

No memes. Just a real discussion

Isn't this the one where you pay money to not die or something? Nice shilling job btw.

Chronicles of Elyria in case you didnt seeop pic

I also added a video

There's a video?

What the fuck ? No quite the contrary actually... every single character be ut peasant or king will permadie someday

Wew lad tone down the shilling tbqh

Is the game playable yet?

I can't even look at the store without having to register.

Check the op. Its the first link

I just want a discussion about a potentilnal BGOAT. Pls tell me what you think about the video in the op

No. Sadly alpha will only come later this year. But the "dance of dynasties" is already happening. The history is being writtwn right now. By players

And when that happens can I pay $10,000 dollars to become the king of the game even though I have no idea how the game works in any way?


The development is currently funded by donations. The game has an entirely player written history. And yes it needs its first round of kings barons etc. So yes you can pay 10 000 tp make the "first" kingdoms. But every character will permadie once. At launch the store will close. There will be no way to proceed in ranks besides active gameplay.

So those 10 000 $ is reserved only to a few players. I think there are 7 kings already. And yes you can overthrow the king even if you are a peasant. These prices are there only for devopment purposes.

Qny other questions ?

>$1,000-10,000 DLC

Not even that user but any game that does business practices like this aren't going anywhere. Game might as well be vaporware

Get out those credit cards goyim

It actually starts at $40.00

Good luck not going the way of games like Face of Mankind and that other sci fi one I can't remember the name of.

Thw goal pledges are already met. It is just a question of time. And yes the store will close.

After launch the ONLY buyable items will be game time.

25-30 $ for 10-12 months of gametime

Now compare this to WoW s 15$/month

Yeah well lets compare the game play and graphics too.

It is superior. Just watch the OP video
Already superior in pre-alpha state

Literally, I'm just curious, how much are they paying you?

>It take a real life year for your character to die from old age
>Your character needs to die to become more powerful
>It's an mmo from an unknown developer
Why do people do this? This will flop, shouldn't you shill for a game that might at least make it?

every mmo claims it'll be the one to break from optimization and flowcharts and the grind but it still won't happen.

unless you decide to make space excel, but that already exists

God damn you are a devoted shill.

The video makes it look cool. I love the idea of not being "crafter #15007" and the idea that if I devote a ton of time to bowyer or whatever I could be sought after and make the best bows in the games. That's cool.

But these types of games never work because way before I ever reach that point some random ass hat will run up behind me naked with a spear and kill me while I'm doing the crafting minigame.

One clan will run everything. There will be a building meta so you can't make anything comfy. People will rob from you with the "deviant" skill just to do it.

Every player driven MMO like this fucking flops and gets lost to time.

Im sitting in uni class and am bored. I just really really like this game. I havent bought any pledge packages yet but im thinking about the 40€

As i said. I only want a discussion on this game. Got anything ?

holy fuck

does anybody have that old comic about being bored of the same old MMO and THIS COULD BE YOUUU

Words are cheap, development is not.

I can sit here and explain the single most amazing greatest MMO game of all time, and that doesnt mean a god damn thing if you cant translate it to gameplay which requires more time and money than this team has.

Tell my why do you think it will flop. Those 3 reasons seem perfectly fine. If you want a casual shit game with prewritten story and everybody being a superhero thwn go and play wow. This isan unfair hardcore game i thought /v would appreciate

Looks like the next dead MMO

Got you man.

Aaand P2W

Literally giving these positions out for free to random people would be better than this. Who are the types of people who will buy this? Mentally unhinged players who are dedicated as fuck. And you can bet your fucking ass playing as these characters comes with a huge amount of perks.

Oh woopdefuckingdo they can die, but they also have IRL friends who will benefit from their position and power before they do as well as their own other characters who will benefit, by buying these packages these people not only gain a temporary advantage but can use those temporary advantages to translate them into long term ones.

tldr; p2w, retarded developers, shit game.

This comic will outlive Sup Forums and everyone on it

Hahaha holy shit that's some of the worst I've ever seen.

Because the majority of the market aren't hardcore players who want to play a game for fucking years till they get good
It's a very niche market
The combat looks shit
There's no end game
It looks like a survival mmorpg
A few players can rule the server, being kings and shit, whilst the rest are busy fucking around and not getting anywhere

>I only want a discussion

Then quit fucking shilling and incite discussion fucktard.

And if you don't know the difference, fuck off.

Good point .

But this game deals with griefers the best way possible.

There is a design journal on their offi site but in a nutshell:

>killing/knocking out players or npcs is considered an ingame crime
>crime = bounty
>bounty = bounty hunters
>bounty hunter = the griefer dies
>Death = lose 2 days of gametime (based on your renown, this can be 2months (if you are a king for example))

Yes you lose game time with each death.

Now before you type anything just think about it. Then reply

>There's no end game
Not him but please kill yourself, raids and dungeons does not make a good MMO.

This game has player controlled territories which is more than enough as a long term goal since you know, its an MMO and you're supposed to work in a collective for overarching goals.

still can't see the video or game title senpai.
I'm sorry, but I'll just have to report the thread and move on
I hope you understand

And I don't buy the game, I buy the gametime.

So if I get griefed enough I could pay for a year, but only pay for actually get a few months of gametime.

What overarching goals?

The only way around this is to have skill gains at the account level like EVE or the superior kikestarted mmo coming out soon, Crowfall

Reported for advertising

>another medieval MMORPG with magic garbage

Just play fucking Secret World

It's like you never played Haven & Hearth or Salem.

crime = money
money = paying bounty hunters off
paying bounty hunters off = recruitment
recruitment = huge roving bands of Russians with nothing but free time versus small pockets or poorly organised idealists.

Kind of. But dying (not just get knocked out, thats a thing too) is very rare i this game. It is estimated if you

>die every single day once. You still get like 6 months for 30$
>if your renown is very high(king status) you can be killed approx 6 times and its game over for you.

Now you see. Being a king is high risk high reward. And this is good because the game story should move forward by changing kings every now and then.

Also, imagine how hard it would be to assasinate a mi g just once. On the other hand killimg a bowcrafter yields more bad than good

Territory control, resources, money, power, influence, sex slaves, literally anything a sandbox can give

Not saying this game does, just saying raids/dungeons = shit end game

Seems good, going to give this a try


This is gonna be worse than Wakfu

this might save the genre or be another shitty wow-clone

will see

Maybe somebody will pull this off. But do you know what that means ?

Player created raids

You heard that right. There are no npc bosses in this game. Just player ones

You keep making these typos, user. I bet you have very fat fingers and a very small keyboard.

>basically: $1,000 gives you a title and fuck all else


No, it means the average player is just going to get ganked mercilessly, lose game time, end up having to pay more real world money than the gankers just to play and get ganked more.

I heard you and that sounds like shit mate. Stop shilling.

The site's FAQ specifically says that there will be world events like gw2. Some of them will be recurring boss events.

This is retarded, bounty hunting never works in any game because eventually the money reward will out value the death and the person with the bounty will just get a friend to claim it then split it.

Have i mentioned that only 5% of the players get some "talents"?

Everybody starts out as a mere human. Depending on your choice of skills you can become a warrior. Pirate. Bountyhunter or an alchemist blackith etc etc.

But one day lets say your house burns down... sucks eh ? But what if.... you are one of thoseucky 5% and you dont know it. You have no way of knowing it in fact...
You realise fire doesnt hurt you. And you just found out that you are one of a very few on the server who can use magic. You didnt choose to be a magician. But now you are..

What will you do ? Good or bad ?

Most likely Funcom will close the servers to focus on Conan Exiles, so there's no reason to waste your time/money on that either.

Holy fuck, this is going to be a disaster

Jesus fuck off.

is this going to end up like Jedi in SWG?

>You didnt choose to be a magician. But now you are..
>What will you do ?

Perform magic tricks at childrens parties for minimum wage, spend your nights drinking and jerking it to pre-teens in your van.

I'll be become Sephiroth.


This would result in:
1, Everyone that have the money will reroll forever to have just the right talents for a meta build.
2, Everyone running into fire and shit to confirm if they have some talents or don't.

Both of these are outside of roleplaying and not what the developers are aiming so hard for.

Phoneposter desu

Pls no bully

This clown is fishing for (You)s

Don't take the bait.

Yeah, that mechanic is cute and all that, but to be honest sound like something that can backfire pretty easily.

You can get paid to shill from a phone? How do I get in on this?!

The 5% will not change. So if there are enough latent or active talents you will not get one however hard you try.. well if the game engine thinks its critical to givethe most advanced player in the story then he will recieve one.again this is super rare


I wish i got paid :( im just bored in class and want to talk about this game

>make character
>wonder if im speshul
>run into fire
>turns out im not fireproof
>die and lose gametime ive paid for
>try to drown
>turns out i cant breathe underwater
>die and lose gametime ive paid for
>repeat with all the talens that i could possibly have

Either a character is great or shit. If you don't have money to even try to get a decent one then you will never be a worthwhile player.

I know this is all bait, but who decides the most advanced player in the story IF IT'S A PLAYER DRIVEN STORY MADE BY THE PLAYERS

Are you stupid? People will start bitching because they can't be the special snowflake of the story, saying that its unbalanced or unfair which will lead to people trash talking the game to no end until the game dies or the developers change the mechanic to make it more inclusive.

This unfairness is the best selling point imo. Casuals should just play wow

Unfairness would make it an interesting world, yes. But if you can buy yourself however many accounts until you get one that can into magic is p2w to the highest level.

A king or a legendary warrior with his warband will have more impact on a story than a baron . Or the like

What if a game did an exact opposite of its trash? an open-world MMO and just give everybody all kinds of crazy power and see what happens

If you have ever seen/read HunterxHunter, a game that copies the Nen mechanics would be really promising.

This really doesn't sound fun at all.
Like, all this is going off the assumption people won't act like fucking monkeys. But we all know people will act like fucking monkeys.

>mfw it'll just turn into all the veteran players camping the starter shit

this will crash harder than star citizen

Sad to say this but posting about the game before it's close to launch will get only posts calling you a shill, even then some will but they will be outnumbered by people actually willing to talk about the game instead.

Alright shill man, I like the concept, it's there. It's just that a lot of the other shit sounds stupid as fuck. If you want to make an medieval EVE, then you need to copy EVE, not just take some basic concepts. Also
>dying takes out gametime
This is just shit.

It'd be amazing if the devs put in events like a plague breaking out with that gametime concept.