This is FeMC, say something nice about her

This is FeMC, say something nice about her.

She's not a princess.

She fucks Ken

You are non-canon. You have stupid hair. Your feet smell bad.

She's the cutest girl in the series and her social links are better than real MC.

I think many people agree that her social links are way better than the male counterpart (but the male SEES social links makes me uncomfortable)

That's because you're insecure.


>tfw cucking Shinji's ghost with Ken

It hurts

Looks like I'm not going to buy the game then.


Alright. She's a non-canon thing in the otherwise not fantastic cutdown PSP port of a PS2 classic.

you guys think it feels good to have a vagina? like, better than having a dick? i wonder if life would have turned out better if i was born a woman, i bet i would get everything in the world for free


>even thinking about romancing the shota
Akihiko is best husbando.

I'd say it'd feel better just because of the fact there wouldn't be anything dangling between your legs and get in the way when you walk.

I heard blood comes out of it

Hell no. Akihiko is a one-track minded autist. Shinji on the other hand is true husbando material. Shinji's SL in P3P makes a so much better job at making him a likeable character than the vanilla game.

She is better than mc male protagonist and she lesbian

But in exchange you'll have two other things getting in the way in front of you.


When it comes to video games, yes. You get to play as a cute girl and romance cute girls. What do you want to romance guys like a faggot?

I think not

Akihiko is alive.
Who will confort her in those lonely (and longer than for ordinary people) nights?

She's only lesbian for Elizabeth.
Can't even romance any of the other girls.

I'd rather play as guy.

Shinji doesn't die in P3P, he's just in coma.


Your game is better than the original

My dick does that too

>tfw those Persona 3 Platinum ps4 remake posts were fake

Shinji is alive too you dummy


>still no Persona 4 Double Golden where you play as a girl and get to fuck Kanji

Seeing Shinji actually smile blew my mind.

Living dead.

Why won't it let me romance my qt female classmates reeEEEEEE

Why does Yukari get so much hate?

She's a huge bitch for literally no reason.

Guess someone did not play game date with Elizabeth and ageis

And Mitsuru

>Becoming Junpeis rebound after his evil GF dies
feels good

>telling lies

That just gets my dick harder.

>Both her and Ken use spears

Atlus knows what's up.

No she doesn't, she fucks Shinji.

She fucks them both, and also Akihiko, Aigis, Elizabeth, and Koromaru.

Fuck you, Koromaru is pure.


I fucking wish.

FeMC is a single loving person, and she loves Shinji.

She's very inspiring.

Porn when