Evolution of JRPG

PSX -> most JRPG games appealing to everybody
PS2 -> most jRPG picrel
PS3 -> even more weaboo shit, genre is dying
PS4-> characters in FF look like JPOP trash culture, almost no AAA JRPGS

If they would stick to not being faggots, maybe this wouldn't end like this. Instead, they turned to japanophiles in PS2 as a damage control.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pl/search?q=jrpgs ps2&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=869&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB1MuC-f3RAhVpJJoKHbqXCNwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=drt17Gis-5aRbM:

tak kończą cioty i pedały

seems about right

i haven't paid attention to JRPGs since PS2 era. the only shit I see now is NEPTUNIA tier

Nobody ever actually called it that. Everyone just called it the playstaion. And then playstaion 1 when the ps2 came out.

Games in general are targeted at Children and Students in Japan. Working hours are much higher (10-12ish hours) and family is of great importance culturally, so the demographic in the East is much lower than the West. Therefore Asian developers including anime themes and child like characters is a very good decision in the region.

They just know they have to compete with western RPGs so they prefer to stick to their own market and at least make some safe money. Look how old characters were in those old JRPGS, and how teenage they look in recent ones.

If you want to know not every country is USA aka americah.

Customs change according to local culture and language. Some countries named it PSX.

Those cultures are stupid.

hint: its about fonetics. PS1 sounds gay in some languages, hence the change

go study something you fucking retard

If I'm retarded then studying would do nothing due to my inability to learn. Checkmate you just contradicted yourself making you wrong. How's it feel to be outsmarted by a retard?

I hate what FF X-2 and Persona 3 did to the genre
SNES and PS1 were amazing for jrpgs


/v -> fulll of japan crap and tits all over
/vr -> games

Games are cheaper in todays economy so its just suitable loosers fapping to highschool hentais play them.

Not him but not all retards are incapable of learning, just slow at it.

JRPG then

JRPGs now

So graphics got better without butchering the gameplay?



the genre died when it stopped being about Japanese people reinterpreting tropes and legends from other cultures (mostly European) but instead became about them vomitting anime cliches into a game engine.

i mostly blame Kitasea, FFX irreversibly killed the genre.

Neptunia is a good game but this one is only suitable for one playthrough. Playing 4 goddesses separately is tiring when doing it 2nd time.

>JRPGs started with the PS1

Same thing happened to animes.
Weebs ruined everything.

Why do retards like FilthyEdge?

>rigid turn based structure
>health and mana points
>fight a ton of mobs and then fight the boss
Only retard here is you

Didn't even bother to read the rest of post

>Same thing happened to animes

What really Changed? We still get 2/3 good shows a year, just now we get more cheesecake and shit.

At least you didn't make a full-blown shitpost about it.

Stop trying to fit in so hard, hate is not cool around here.

Topic is about graphical style in games. You couldn't really say much about sprites in NES or SNES.

Maybe try using your brains next time.

>fight monsters then boss
did i miss something? every game has this
>health and mana points
just another name for resources, every game has them almost.

I'm serious, not really hate, but why?

He's not really that funny, unless someone making le whacky xD voice and screaming about weeaboos isn't the reason why people laugh at his shit. And if that's not the case, what is?

I dont care about this shit, stick to the topic at hand. I just found this picture somewhere. OP here.

>every game
Most modern AAA don't have them, every game used to have them
Not really, look at modern Bethesda game where you have regenerating health

It is still health and special powers/resources.magic, you just don't see it in plain sight.

You wanted to know why the genre turned to shit, well OP pointed out something. Who the fuck buys a game that make him look like a pedophile in store? He will buy western rpgs instead.

Who the fuck buys games in a store?
Who the fuck cares?
Video game stores usually have a fat Sup Forumsirgin working behind the counter anyways and if you buy Neptunia he'll just try to sell you the rest of the series because that's what clerks do

I understand what you are saying. But i don't see FF X or FFXII being about anime cliches. Mostly Atlus made it crappy. Maybe becouse final fantasy games started to be generally poor. FFX ended open world exploration, introduced unscipable dialogue and unlikable main character.

So it's both fault of Square(for being weak) and Atlus(for filling gap with weaboo shit).

>most JRPG games appealing to everybody
>dark souls sold better than all jrpg in psx without FF

You didn't take the point.
I could show PS1 rpgs to friends when i was a teen. If I was a teenager today, showing some of those games would make you a social outcast.

30 years of wizardry clones doesn't sound like evolution to me

>much more people owning consoles today than in PS1 era
Why do you compare sales? What do you wanted to achieve?


Depends on who you show it to

>it's not a wizardry clone because it has cute girls
It's a purely graphical evolution, the rest is still the same
Doesn't mean it's bad, at least they don't pander to a "wider audience" alienating everyone in the process

Sales data is more reliable info than your shitty nostalgia bias

Back then in the 90's? Anybody really would net you beatings. But times had changed, surely if you would show those gay games to some gender and animu friends in your highschool would net new friends.

>A total of 28.15 million PSOne units had been sold by the time it was discontinued in March 2005
>The PlayStation 3 has sold over 80 million consoles worldwide as of November 2013

They are reliable, provided you are not a fucking retard like yourself.

Yet FF outsold it
FF7 is the best selling home console jrpg ever and it's about a spikey haired angsty guy with a giant sword and his very busty supposed childhood friend with the main threat being annihilation at the hands of an alien eldritch horror and the alien offspring of it, a white haired pretty boy that the MC has sexual tension with, the white haired pretty boy also wields a huge katana
This is already anime as fuck
And it's great

Also piracy was much more prominent during PS1 era, becouse online play was nonexistent and it was really easy to get modified console.

PSX sold 100 million units. I dont get what are you talking about

anime =/= weaboo

PSX RPGs werent very popular aside from FF.

Yes, and?

1. PS1 games had much more illegal copies due to soviet block, lack of online play, easy access to modified console.
2. Dark souls is not exclusive to PS3.

>PSX -> most JRPG games appealing to everybody

Name one game that it sold well without FF

Becouse they were low budget weaboo 2D craps. The rest arrived too late, when PS2 was arriving.

They should have learned and make games like FF 7-9 more.

Tidus was the best FF protag though

>Burrrrrr!!! every game should copy old final fantasy!

Are you 12?

Dragon quest 7
Some other Square hits didnt sell as well, but they had potential to appeal to peple becouse they weren't weabbo shit.

Not my problem, but jrpgs fans.

>playing some jrpgs
>almost every one is placed in highschool
Maybe those retards should go back to highschool if they miss it so much?

Ikr, it's all about the k-pops nowadays

traditional AAA JRPGs died because they were never nearly enough popular worldwide.

Modern video games have a much higher budget than games had back then so less popular genres die out, the same happened with genres like RTS or city builders.

tho if you think jrpgs back then didn't include things like "femine male characters" or "teenage protagonists" or all the "weeaboo shit" you are talking about (just because of the pixelated graphics you couldn't make it out) then you are just retarded

Why do people call FFXV a JRPG when they still don't call a game like Nier a JRPG?

Why don't people call Digimon or Pokemon JRPGs if they only use it for turn based games? If it's also used for action games what about monster hunter, souls, kingdom hearts, dragon's dogma or nioh?

Why do people even use the shitty "japanese role playing game" term when it doesn't even have any proper meaning, just "games that kinda look like final fantasy 7"?

>wants jrpgs
>complains about them being weebshit
You're a dumbass.
Chrono Trigger is weeb

You fags only played a fraction of the genre and don't even know japanese, Sup Forums's opinion on JRPG is to be taken as seriously as /ck/'s opinion on anything that isn't a burger or american pizza.
The fact that you start with the PS is only a further outlier of that.

>tho if you think jrpgs back then didn't include things like "femine male characters" or "teenage protagonists" or all the "weeaboo shit" you are talking about (just because of the pixelated graphics you couldn't make it out) then you are just retarded

Yeah, becouse Cid, Squall, Quistis, Zidane, Steiner, Agent Riot, Albert, Ramza and others had pink hair, behaved like 16 yr old and roamed Highschool all the game.

Like one user said, it was about hybrid of cultures, not trashy jpop culture.

You mean traditional as in turn based? Because Xenoblade games are still coming out and they seem pretty traditional as far as characters, side quests and stats etc goes.

Soviet block? The soviet union didn't exist by then, how does that work?

>traditional AAA JRPGs died because they were never nearly enough popular worldwide.

Final fantasies had fuckton of sales, since PS3 era it dropped. Why?

because FFXIII sucked, duh

he meant former soviet block. People were poor and copied games like hell. I don't know anybody in Poland with original FF7 copy. Now times had changed and people buy things. So you know, when you see statistics you also have to know how to interpret them.

if you think those games weren't full of things that triggered the avarage anime hating faggots then you are fucking delusional

Zidane is a great example. If you think the avarage people wouldn't call "weebshit" a design like that then you are plain retarded.

Not that I'm a big fan of it's design but FF15 were WAY more sublte in these regards. It was literally made to appeal a lot more to the avarage western audience. A game like FF7 or FF9 is way more "weebshit" than FF15 just because of the "LOL gay boyband XDD" meme.

there is nowhere near as much traditional jrpgs with decent budget coming out this gen as in the ps1 era.

There are almost decades between big IPs to release a new game, and some won't even be released in the west. That's what I meant by "died" they are not completely dead ofc.

Firstly, I wasn't speaking about FF15, so you can go fuck yourself.

"anime" is not weebshit. Nobody complained about dragonball. Nobody normal would watch some pink haired highschool crap.

Squareenix has different problem than Atlus. They are just fucking stupid. I think it was already explained in this thread that other producers are resonsible for weaboo crap, and Square for low quality.

>there is nowhere near as much traditional jrpgs with decent budget coming out this gen as in the ps1 era.
Neither they were in the PS era, most of the JRPGs on the system were mid or low budget games, only a handful of those were AAA tier of budget, this has been true since the NES, RPGs didn't cost nearly as much as most other genres to produce, that's why everyone did RPGs since the NES days.
>There are almost decades between big IPs to release a new game
Literally Moore's law.
>and some won't even be released in the west
So, just like it always was?
Tell me about the good old days playing Romancing SaGa 2, Lagrange Point, SMT if, Live A Live, Wild Card, Khamrai, Black Matrix, Brandish 4, or Zill O'll.
Nowadays we get a shit ton more JRPGs than we've always did until the 7nth gen, but keep talking about shit you evidently don't know.

Well, the problem is AAA gaming for jrpg is in the shit comparing golden age.

It was always abbreviated as either PS or PSX

But mostly PSX as far as the industry went.

What the fuck did you do

Legend of Dragoon shouldn't look this bad

>JRPGs begin and end with Playstation

FFVIII begins in a fantasy high school.
Popoi has pink hair, and Terra's is green.
Crono is 17 years old.

What now you fucking faggot

-it begins there and it plays there for 30 minutes
-I dont give a fuck about popoi and terra, were talking PSX here
-Really? Crono could as well be 40 and nobody would notice. its just a note in the manual

Stop being butthurt and go fuck yourself.

Damn you really burned him,teach me your way retard.

The rest of the genre is for disgusting excuses of a human beings. Pretty much just like anime besides dragonball.

>JRPGs are full of X! They didn't used to be!
>well here are some examples of X from even earlier works
>th-those don't count!

Fuck off you lunatic. You're just moving goalposts and handwaving.

The worst part? The shit you complain about isn't even that common. You just get mad about a few key series and extrapolate them into representing all JRPGs, because you're an idiot who can't think further than a kneejerk reaction.

I explained why they didnt count. Your arguments were crap and now you cry like a lowlife you are.

stopped reading there


the fuck is picrel

>You couldn't really say much about sprites in NES or SNES.
yes you could. well you couldn't because you weren't alive back then were you? you could even talk about rpgs on other platforms and talked about the genre through different generations but you stuck to playstation like a dumb sonydrone

They do count. You just can't take that your nitpicked examples didn't work.

Are you going to assert that PSX was the only time JRPGs were good, now? I mean, why else wouldn't an SNES JRPG factor in?

Becouse since PS2 JRPGS are full of weaboo shit and disney and square failed to deliver.
Here, let me google it for you.
google.pl/search?q=jrpgs ps2&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=869&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB1MuC-f3RAhVpJJoKHbqXCNwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=drt17Gis-5aRbM:

weeb doesn't mean japanese dumb fuck
moeshit and otakushit is weeb

>hate is not cool around here
lmao are you serious?

You couldnt point out weaboo shit in PSX AAA games and now you cry like a little cunt you are.
Crono trigger wasnt weaboo, it was Toriyama fucking work you worthless shit.

>PSX AAA games
Oh, now they have to be AAA!
Just gotta keep moving those goalposts.

>Akira Toriyama
>author of one of the most famous manga
>NOT weeaboo
You're gonna have to define some terms here, hot shot.

It was always officially called playstation or playstation 1, in every country including Japan. The 'PSX' label was invented by people not alive when the console was released.

Pic related is a PSX. It's a PS2 with a digital video recorder.

Yeah, there was definitely nothing that happened with the original PlayStation that would lead people to abbreviate it that way.

>Sony's North American division, known as Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), originally planned to market the new console under the alternative branding "PSX" following the negative feedback regarding "PlayStation" in focus group studies. Early advertising prior to the console's launch in North America referenced PSX, but the term was scrapped before launch.

Poland sends regards, were were alive at that time. We also called it, "gray". PS2 we called "black"

go back to playing your harem sht and go fuck yourself, nothin to talk about

Yeah who the fuck care how you call a box, are you all autistic or what?
