Be top dog of the game

>be top dog of the game
>some guy joins
>he's just as good as me
>become rivals who exclusively go after each other
Anybody else who's like this?

shameless bump

second shameless bump

I wish I could relate but the games I play seriously have players who've been good for years. Sometimes for a whole decade.

I did that when I played Enemy territory a bunch. Even if I was and engineer and supposed to blow something up I would switch classes and go after him. Then I got a full time job Now I mostly pay co-op stuff.

>being good at video games
Fucking kys yourself.

>kys yourself.

dumb kobayashiposter

If CoD that didn't suck sounds fun, Insurgency has a fun co-op mode. Explosives get annoying sometimes but just space your team properly.

>being this much of a tryhard newfag
Grow up and stop trying to push low quality bait.

I do what the OP does when I play Warthunder occasionally, pick up my shitty p51, kill some jets head-on and then get rekt by a biplane somehow, always in the top 3 unless i don't pay attention or join late

>playing War Thunder

>soldier main joins
>trying to enjoy playing 'x' is no longer an option
>switch to soldier

By the end of the match we'll probably hate each other for ruining both of our brain dead enjoyment equally.

>telling people to kys for playing fucking video games

I'll gladly kiss your sister.

War Thunder is shit faggot

So is everything else on this board you fucking newfag.

Dammit why didn't anyone fall for my double bait.

I had that with a guy when I was playing tf2, now he is my cuteboy bf.



