Why is Marie the only character that is attractive in this shitty series?

Why is Marie the only character that is attractive in this shitty series?

Why does Marie trigger my instincts to breed?

Because you're a closet pedophile.

Seriously tho, why the fuck does the DLC for DOA cost 30 bucks?

because you're a pedophile

Because you're sexually attracted to children, and you should seek help before you hurt someone or yourself.

Because people are willing to pay.


Because small tits.

go to prison

You are literally gay.


Helena, Tina and Rachel are the best girls in the series you faggot.

She's the only unattractive one.

Factually wrong.

You're surprised that weeb faggots on Sup Forums only like uguu girls with child faces? Just look at how much bitching there is about muh Western manface boogieman.

because you're a pedophile that doesn't know yet that he is one

I said small tits, not no tits you closet faggot.

Because you are a pedophile and likely of middle-eastern decent.

My nigga. I prefer Momiji to Rachel but both are great

Congratulations, you're a low test pedo instead of a faggot. Real men like big tits. Nothing less.