You faggots do realize that using the word "comfy" to describe the game you are enjoying makes you sound like a 5 year...

You faggots do realize that using the word "comfy" to describe the game you are enjoying makes you sound like a 5 year old, right?


Only children are concerned with being adult.

Adults don't need to pretend to be adult so when they use this sentence it makes sense.
You clearly aren't one though.

And; along with the "kino" and "patrician" autistics, you come off as someone who can't articulate in a discussion

You realize that using the word "faggot" to describe other anons you disagree with makes you sound like a 12 year old, right?

Only children allowed to be comfy?



toobie's butt is comfy, very kino and patrician butt


You realize getting upset at people using the word "comfy" to describe a game makes you sound like a 5 year old, right?

Our childhoods at the age of 5 were comfy

>comfy makes you sound like a child

if anything it makes you sound like an old lady that has a blanket and sits next to the fireplace all day while reading books and drinking tea while petting her cat.
Always smiling when people come in, and doesn't lose the smile when they go out.

Kill yourself faggot weeb

Open you're dictionary.
Look up the word comfortable.
Realize it actually has a definition and can be used as an accurate adjectivein many cases.

Harvest Moon is comfy.
Doom is not.
Yet both are good games.

comfy nier thread?

Dat 2Booty, tho.

You do realize you're on a racist misogynistic Japanese cartoon image board filled with anti-Muslim anti-Jewish neo-nazis and closeted homosexuals, who are also social autists and losers that don't know anything better except shitposting and browsing pornography all day long?



Post more Toobie robutt, fag.

Uh, I don't "browse" pornography, I curate an extensive personal collection of it.