Why do you hate hearthstone?

Why do you hate hearthstone?

Doesn't have dingdongdingdong.

shadowverse sucks too desu
the meta is pretty fucking cancerous with 3 decks absolutely butt fucking every other archetype while being mostly non-interactive bull shit
I mean it's nowhere as infuriating as rngstone is but it still has a long way to go

Too Jewish.
Shadowerse is way more generous. Also less rng bullshit

Too much rng. Though im taking a break from shadowverse till the next expac.

Bring back midrange!

Shamanstone killed me. I don't play SV as much anymore either because I'm clearing out my backlog

Not cute, every new expansion is less and less reliant on what little skill the player has, and the playerbase is cancerous. Not to mention is way too unfriendly towards new players, unless they're ready to empty their wallets for digital non tradeable goods.

You can get good shit on shadowverse for free, and that's all the difference I need. Rune is cancer right now but eh, I enjoy playing against other crafts.

You guys are lucky there's no trials at D rank.

>603 wins



Rng. It's too frustrating to have losses where a coin flip decided everything. That and a meta that just kept getting faster and faster sucked all the fun out of the game.

A card game is already inherently random, why did they insist on using rng as a crutch in designing their cards? Discover was a cool mechanic, but that's literally the only good new mechanic they've created.

Shadowverse is pretty much more of the same. It started out fun, but it's meta now is even more shallow than HS.

Digital card games were a mistake.

How many expansions will it take until you people realize Hearthstone is a rng game by design? It's not some accident that the designers overlooked. As it stands almost 50% of the cards in the game have random effects associated with them, if you didn't want rng Hearthstone is not the game for you. I really don't get why Hearthfans complain about the rng effects all the time when that's literally the gimmick of the whole game. You're walking onto the farm and complaining about there being too many animals.

best girl(elf)

how can people stand playing these dumbed down MTG games?
I tried hearthstone the other week and I was disgusted

I hate hearthstone, so I also hate this.
MtG and old YGO was the shit, but this is just shit.

It's not fun. Going afk on my opponents turn is game design I thought we got rid of in the 90s.

Also the limited format is fucking terrible.

Because Gwent is better and it doesn't have as much RNG bullshit.

>Going afk on my opponents turn is game design I thought we got rid of in the 90s.
That is definitely part of why Hearthstone is so popular. You have no idea how many people are playing at school or even work thanks to AFKing being built in the game.


That is flawless logic, as expected of a dumb dwarf.

I really hated Blizzard since the whole Diablo 3 thing happened and can't stand the sight of their shitty artstyle, especially when other games ape that garbage. So naturally I ended up hating Hearthstone, it having obnoxious voice acting didn't help.
I didn't get into Shadowverse because it reminded me too much of Hearthstone and while I did get a really generous amount of cards I didn't care for it.
Both aren't the worst I've played, that goes to Magic Duels. I'm enjoying Mabinogi Duel on my phone instead.