3ds hacking

Finally got around to hack my o3ds XL. It was worth it. Got cfw, homebrew, FBI and freeshop in 1.5 hours.
It's so fucking easy.
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet, user?
Pic related but not me.

Other urls found in this thread:


>11.3 just came out
>You can no longer install CFW
>after a whole fucking year of these threads, it's finally over

thank you jesus

does freeshop still work?
I remember that it was blocked or something, got 11.0.0-33 luma o3ds

rxTools finally kill

I love my 3DS!

>implying anyone who cares would update
It still works, they shut it down for a bit though I think

Oh yay, another spoonfed the tech-illiterate babies of Sup Forums thread.

There's no excuse for updating until you have CFW installed.

I have a 3ds r4i flashcart. Is there a way I can boot up the homebrew channel through it?

The only good 3ds game is bravely default and it runs at 1080p in citra already.

>Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet, user?
My firmware is too high, I think, and I want to play Monster Hunter online.

Is it possible to hack the new 3ds xl?

Works on all firmwares and after you hack you can update/use online just fine.

Anyone have a retard proof guide?

I'm kinda worried about bricking my n3DS

Remind me, user. How many excuses do I have?

Oh, cool. Might actually do it sometime if that's the case.

This is the one I used.

It will take a decent amount of time but it's really descriptive so you always know what you're doing.

This is the one everyone should use too. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T USE VIDEO GUIDES

>Works on all firmwares and after you hack you can update/use online just fine.

Shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about. 11.3 is out and tears you a new one. If you're not on a9h/Luma already...


You have literally NO excuse!

I need someone to hold my hand and guide me OP.
I've got a hackable 2DS but I'm afraid of turning it into a door wedge.

Where are the usual drones posting "hurr hacking is for poorfags" or the usual drones posting "hurr 3ds has no good games"?

Is it like school time or something in America?

i'm not poor, i buy the games i want to play, fuck off literal niggers.

Is there any way to play DS games without a card?

I really want to play TWEWY and SJ.

It's 6 AM on the east coast.
Majority of 'murrica is still asleep.

There's DS forwarders but I don't know how well they work. It's basically a CIA file that points to the .nds file on the SD card

Speak of the devil

So the West Coasters are the shitposters, yes?

To be clear here, I advise against updating even if you're on a9h/Luma as well.

It looks like the death of freeShop is imminent too. Switch launch at the latest.

>West Coasters are the shitposters
Clearly not

>can no longer install
yes you can. boxed 3ds systems are 11.2 or lower, and the hax still works. you can even update to 11.3 and only lose homebrew.

at 5 fps? kek

this guy is high if he thinks BD runs fine on citra.

While you're not wrong, you're basing your reply on a misinterpretation only a retard would make.

can anyone upload the fire emblem fates fan translated cia?
i've looked for it online, all the downloads were taken down.
too lazy to patch it myself

A picture worth a thousand words
A video worth a thousand pictures

>replying to a "this console only has 1 good game" guy

did someone say bloodborne

a video's worth a thousand bricks

a thousand bricks are worth a brown brick

I used a video guide

Anyway, hacking my 3DS was the best decision I've ever made. I felt guilty pirating games at first, but now I don't give a shit. If only I had more time to play my 50+ games

Is there no MH Generations cia?

its on freeshop, nigga.

It's also on ciangel

I haven't installed that yet. I still don't know how to install ftpd. Do I really need it for freeshop?

why would anyone use this?

>It looks like the death of freeShop is imminent too
How so?

Thanks for the update.

because I didn't know how to use freeshop at the time

Maybe if you are new to this you don't realize it yet, but freeshop is actually a complete mess. Ciangel is about a hundred times more reliable, especially in the long term.

>he actually believes this

Give it time. You'll see. But then again, maybe you are just a blind memelord who spams greentext shit on Sup Forums when he has nothing of worth to say.

Datamining the 11.3 update shows changes to eShop text, indicating a change to support the new Nintendo Account system that the Switch will also be using.

It could potentially mean a change in how digital purchases are handled for the 3DS.

Oh, it's you again. I remember. How did you ever get the idea that you need ftpd for that? Do you know what ftp is? You don't need it.

I see, that's pretty annoying. I usually just install the .cias with FBI, but freeshop is pretty useful for DLC and I don't know any other way to download them. Any suggestion? Also is it safe to use freeshop as of now? I'm still on 11.2 a9h/Luma and haven't updated yet.

Update or not the freeshop will still get borked if this is true. Other than that, a9lh users are safe as always to update to 11.3 and ntr already has a 2.5 update supporting the new fw

Alright, so I have a hacked 3DS. New, official update change anything for me? Will Freeshop still work? Do I have to update the CFW or can I leave it like it is right now?

Also, what about some games that are not in the Freeshop? For example, Kingdom Hearts 3Dor Binding of Isaac are nowhere to be found in Freeshop. Where can I found these games?

I'm not updating now. I don't play online but do use hb launcher's ftp to transfer cias from my PC cause fuck having to take out the SD Card and dig out the sd card reader again and again.

BOI is on eshop, however it is exclusive to n3ds. For games like dream drop distance you have to manually install the game through FBI. You can find the CIAs on that ISO site.

Does that still works on 11.3? Besides. Use Boop


pls respond

Isn't Filezilla good enough?

>Does that still works on 11.3?

I assume 'that' I assume you mean hb launcher? I hear it doesn't which is why I said I won't update right now. Kind of makes asking me pointless too don't you think? Asking me about the functionality after the update?

>Besides. Use Boop

Bookmarked. Why though? Super ftpd II Turbo works great for me. Or is this just some autism thing? 'B-b-but you have to go into the hb launcher first. That's dumb.'

you don't even have to use the hb launcher if you install the ftpd cia

This installs the cia from the get go. Not transfer. You install it using boop + fbi
Because boop INSTALLS the cia from pc to 3ds instead of plain transfering.

So I keep trying to load homebrew launcher from the 3DS sound app, but it's not going anywhere. Advice?

yeah, okay. that seems like a nice improvement. i'll look into it.

Let me guess you the put the whole starter folder instead of its contents in the root of your sd card.

show root. you're not on 11.3, are you?

I can't find folder root, is that why?

If I wanted to change the sd card I'm using for a hacked 3ds do I need to swap any files around?

If you don't know where your root folder is, you have no business hacking anything

Got freeshop working finally. I think I'm going to get a bigger memory card eventually.

How do I restore my missing root folder, then?

Root is the top folder of the sd card, the one that opens when you insert it on your pc. I think most guides even point it out, tech illiterate user.

just copy everything over.

if you're following 3ds.guide (which is the only walkthrough) you should be using atm, it told you to place stuff in the 'root' of your sd card. what did you do then? created a folder called 'root'? that's not it.

You're thinking too small

Because I honestly don't know how, and I wouldn't know where to start unless I
1) took lots of time I don't have understanding every step and why it happens
2) went off some video tutorial like some fucking skiddie
I'll just stick to forking over some cash when a true gem appears.
In other news, Dragon Quest VIII is delicious nostalgia and was worth every $.

Thank you!

You're not ready. You'll destroy your handheld, user.

So is it safe to update with CFW or not? If so does it require anything?

The 3ds.guide is pretty informative about what you're doing at each step, and it's basically just dropping files and opening them on the 3ds. Give a read on the guide and see what you think.

It took me like 4 because I'm fucking retarded, but it was worth it. No more waiting for European releases.

I would advise against that.

well i don't know but i remember that at some point of the hacking you need to insert a url in the web browser,i think that got patched

also the process is way too long and i'am way to lazy to do it

>'i know nothing'
>t. John Snow

OK Iv'e gotten to the part where I have to transfer the CTR file in /files9/ on my SD card but i dont see any folder called files9

>tfw i cfw'd it mine a week ago
Thanks, WhyHaven'tYouHackedYour3DSYet user.

>OK Iv'e gotten to the part where I have to transfer the CTR file in /files9/ on my SD card but i dont see any folder called files9

What model and firmware are you on? Did you go the SoundHax route? If so, what happened to the following?

>Decrypt9 (Homebrew Launcher)
>2. Create a folder named files9 on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist

It literally says make the folder you chimp.

How I hack my 11.3 3ds? Brother updated this morning

So, I have an old 3DS XL version Do I need anything else other than the files on this guide to hack it? Anything I should know about before hand?

I'm pretty sure if you just read the guide it tells you about the possible versions and shit.

>How I hack my 11.3 3ds? Brother updated this morning

>look at all these games I'll never play!
Not using folders is what disgusting pig children do. Stay toddler.

New 3DS and i think
OK yes I see it now on the previous step, must have missed it thanks senpai

And do the savesfiles I have from original games still work and shit right?

Yes but I'm pretty sure if you just read the guide it says that too.

Are you serious ?