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Dead Money is pretty awful. The characters are interesting but then you have

>stupid gas clouds
>stupid lights that make your collar beep
>stupid traps
>that entire final section getting to elijah

I'd rather help based Joshua wipe out a tribe of niggers

I like forward to it every time I make a character too user.

Dead Money best DLC.

I literally couldn't finish New Vegas despite playing it at least 5 times. Well, I beat it once without the dlcs.
I have to play the dlcs in release order and I always quit at Dead Money.

>stupid gas clouds
>stupid lights that make your collar beep
>stupid traps
git gud whiner

This is not your personal blog. Tits or GTFO

actually dead money is the best DLC ever

They knew what the fuck they were doing going in, that they were, by choice, going to design the most fucking horrendous DLC ever fucking conceived, build this whole elaborate story around this fucking garish and nonsensical maze, I only come on Sup Forums now to post about this goddamn nightmare of a fucking experience and I found new and creative ways to describe our every fuckin time, without fail. Inside this fucking dredge of a fuckin novel about the biggest piece of fucking garbage ever conceived by man, is about the biggest fuck you I can muster.
I hope you're awake, Obsidian.
I will spit on your children's graves.


Huh, well I liked it a lot, but I respect your opinion.

I will cum in your children's assholes for generations

Cum in MY asshole :3

But it's the best dlc.

I genuinely enjoy Honest Hearts more than any other DLC.


Honest Hearts felt like the emptiest of all four

but I guess for Survival/Guns oriented characters it was pretty sweet

>all these babbies hating on the best dlc of the whole game
Heh, funny guys.
Bet you shit you just rushed it because it was "too hard and stupid!"
>sirens going off for 200 years, from the same day the bombs fell
>people were busy listening to this fucking whore singing and couldn't hear the sirens, the same fucking song has been playing along the sirens for 200 years, now all that remains are howls and echoes coming from the dust-encrusted speakers, anything from the original "begin again" song by Vera Keyes is a long forgotten thing not even Domino remembers it
This dlc was an orgasm in terms of story, gameplay and ambience.
Shitters who fail to understand this can kindly off themselves.

>dead money is the best dlc
>it is one of the greatest examples of storytelling in a game


It was the best for exploran

Them caves man. Them terminal entries...

New Vegas is one of my favourite games and I'll never touch that piece of shit DLC again after the first time


I know, I know. Great lore about Vault 22, those neat as fuck tribal paintings, Joshua Graham

But I felt that, besides Graham, the DLC lacked something. When I had finished it, I felt that I wanted something more

>only true gamers realize dead money is amazing

At least the enemies die, unlike in old world blues

Y r all the DLCs so fucking difficult. I like all of them but the experience always gets ruined by endless quest for ammo and a bed to sleep.
and nightstalkers

>le hat argument

I dunno, those were some intense moments for me.

Honest Heart felt empty and once you complete it, it just feels weird

I agree, survivalist diaries were one of the highlights of the entire game for me. Except I found it annoying that there's that plane on a tall mesa that you can't reach. Seemed strange.

Playing on hardcore as a level 10 unnarmed character was fucking dope. Hard but good. Also it has the best writing out of all the DLCs

I feel like DM would be a lot different with jsawyer mod installed.


why does a rabbit need to shave?

Every DLC except for Honest Hearts is good. I wish Ulysses was written less like somebody's high school English creative writing exam character though, especially after all that build up.

You must be fun at parties.

Tiresome != challenging. Nothing in DM can actually kill you if you know what you're doing, but everything is designed to take as much time as possible. In order to inconvenience hardcore idiots, I suppose.

Them giant yao-guai and cazadores constantly spawning right behind you or sensing you from halfway across the map while you're sneaking with 100% stealth at midnight. Them ammo shortage. Them one merchant who never restocks. Them shrieking niggers with 1000 health, elite combat training and bleeding edge military firearms...

It's just Bioshock, but with actual RPG elements.
Whether or not you like it, is determined by if you like System Shock/Bioshock.

I agree 100%. Honest Hearts truly felt like post-post-apoc, and the Randall alone makes it worth.
Plus I'm a big fan of theological plots, this DLC is literally perfect for me.