Name ONE [1]

Name ONE [1]

Does April count as Q1?


Forgetting Super Robot Wars V

Persona 5 already came out and got a 39/40 from Famitus

That's basically a Metacritic 95

Nier. Nioh is gonna get circlejerked by Soulsfags for months, Horizon is tumblr garbage, and Persona 5 looks like more of the same.

Plus, after the whole Scalebound fiasco, giving Platinum some Sony dollars will count as an extra "fuck you" to Microsoft.

>Horizon is tumblr garbage

nice meme

i'm an xbro and i must admit that sony is winning this generation war

i am amazed that people seriously take the time out, unpaid mind you, to make this shit.

>winning this gen
>when pic related is gonna be released next month

>butch white girl with dreadlocks and a bow+arrow who don't need no man

Seems pretty patriarchy-smashing to me, son. I hope I'm wrong.

>cavewoman looks ugly and has to fend for herself
>wow SJW smash the state bullshit

>flaunting 70's and even a yellow score
please tell me this is bait

but that's a nintendo game for children. Nothing against child games, but they're not really deep, are they? Besides, the graphics aren't that great for this generation and it's a mobile game, isnt it? It doesn't count

Didn't they give the same score to Lightning's Game?

Those are all common criticisms of Zelda games, but it never matters. Nintendrones will still come out of the woodwork.

I think Extella deserves more than a 67. I thought it was really good

After Mutants in Manhattan, Platinum deserves to be taken down a peg or two.


zelda games have bare minimum stories, if a nintendofag tells you otherwise, make fun of them

