New tomb raider movie

Why do they keep trying?

bitch is tiny. Need a bigger built but hot lara.


These armpits though

why can't a tomb raider film be good

Not bad. needs at least an extra cup

>battle angel alita
>ghost in the shell
>star wars
>tomb raider
all these stronk female action leads. what's next, a new aliens?


>first tomb raider movie comes out
>be 9 years old
>mfw the shower scene

RIP in pieces nice tits.


Well they perfectly cast a fridge to play nu-lara

>a whole four apples

Those grips are on a whole other level.

lmao that chink in pink top is hotter than the lead actress

Except SW all of these inherently had female leads decades ago nigger

Why don't they just cast the stunt lady as Lara instead?


>Battle Angel Alita
Please don't tell me that America is gonna butcher that too? What's next Key The Metal Idol?

Just googled it, fuck.


This is the new tomb raider games' fault.

Dont be such a sexist #thisgirlcan

>Why do they keep trying?

If you keep making movies, you can hold on to the rights for it. As long as each movie breaks even vs production and marketing budget, you can just keep cranking them out and hope that one day lightning strikes and you actually make money off of it.

Alternatively you don't do anything and then someone else gets the rights because you went [contract specified number] years without producing anything, and then you don't get to potentially make money off of it.

This is why they keep making movies of things that should stay dead; because they think that maybe, just this time, they'll strike gold, and to let the franchise go would deprive them of this opportunity.

Who dis actress

>literally a board

what the fuck man

alicia vikander, the girl from Ex Machina

Just a mocap of a fridge

>Why do they keep trying?

Why do people keep go seeing them?

Hahaha, yep. I too bang hotter chicks at the clubs every weekend my dude! She is a 3/10 at MAX. You should see the hot babes I fuck every week lol!

this really shouldnt have made me laugh

Easy, the originals had a busty angelina jolie in them.

Nice tits in movies are a thing of the past.
Today we need to be political correct, can't have any sexually confused young people.

I hope she rides some horses in this one too.

Not memeing but she really isnt actually that good looking...


i did not said that i bang chicks
the stunt lady is just hotter than you Alicia

> (((vikander)))

that nose

Warner Brothers is making this one.
Paramount made the Angelina Jolie ones.

Old Lara Lives On

I'm not very impressed desu, no idea who else I would pick though. Probably nobody because video game movies will never be good.

You don't see heels like that much nowadays

Gonna be better than the Monster Hunter movies, so whatever.

>battle angel alita
They cant butcher what is already shit, you stupid animefag.

He's not even 5'10", so he needs them.

I wouldn't be so sure. The less story there is in the game source, the better the movie turns out. Look at MK, it was decent. All MH movie needs is good special effects and canonical monster designs.

because video game writing is pathetically terrible

It's set in America and the monsters warp in through a time portal.

MK worked out because 90s.

>tfw DOOM movie of the past turned out to be DOOM game of the future

>a new aliens?

the original comics are out of print last time I checked. so i'm happy the series is getting any attention

Modern movies need more interracial sex

You guys know the best part about this movie?
The music will be composed by the same guy who did the soundtracks for the first three games.

>remake Lara
Fuck off.

She's barely average with all that makeup. Guaranteed an uggo. Hollywood has gone full retard.

where is her ass? is THIS what white people consider to be attractive? lmao

What the fuck? What the fuck happened? I thought they originally decided to make Megan Fox the new Tomb Raider chick.

Megan fox is all tits and no acting. Bitch is bella swan tier

>Megan Fox
>That awful bitch from Star Wars
>The 2X4 plank OP posted

If they absolutely had to go with the reboot's Laura Croft design, they should have went with this chick from Walking Dead.

No fat titties, fucking dropped

Lauren Cohen would make a pretty decent Lara Croft. Even has the accent.

She's as thick as a pallet of bricks, though. She interviews horribly, but I guess when you have a body like that you can be dumb as shit and still get work.

She's been crazy enough as a person it likely caused them to reconsider. That and she can't act. Her fame is people want to hump her which only gets you so far.

Can you provide a link detailing how fucking retarded it's going to be? I'm curious now.

I'm confused why Felicity Jones is disliked. She can act and has shown to have good range in her performances, she's just hitting a lot of high profile roles in the last year and that just seems to be where the hate is coming from. That said I agree she wouldn't be a good pick for Tomb Raider but that goes beyond her skills and is more laced with her appearance.

Because there is a market that can and will go see it.

Wrong awful bitch, I was talking about the one from Force Awakens. Rogue One wasn't all that great either, but that wasn't the lead's fault at all.

>wide shoulders
>no tits
I don't get it why are there no hot girls in hollywood? like when the fappening happened I don't understand why anyone even cared. there's literally thousands of better looking girls on the internet getting naked in hd. I find it hard to believe that out of all the hot women willing to fuck on camera not one of them can be taught how to act.

>Will likely get scenes with Lara mowing down wave after wave of burly, rugged men since this is based on the TR reboot

I'll be there opening night

We get a new Prometheus instead

It's a PG-13 action flick, user. At best they'll show some dainty little scratches on Laura and the gunmen will backflip to their deaths in fiery explosions that are kinda-sorta close to them.

Just like in all those X-Men movies where Wolverine claws people to death without a single drop of blood.


They're gonna shock the world and make it a HARD R action movie and Lara is gonna kill hundreds of beefy, grizzled men in graphic detail. Heads exploding, limbs getting shredded, AP rounds turning groins into raw hamburger and exit wounds the size of cantaloupes that erupt with blood and chunks of meat.

And she'll look fabulous doing it with nary a hair disturbed.

Fuck off.

Nothing against her acting but it's like they're trying to make someone the size and build of a 12 year old an action hero. It doesn't work.

Ah that makes more sense. Daisy Ridley is an awful actress.