>Heeeelp. HEEEEELP.

Don't shoot me, I'm unarmed
>Proceeds to shoot

That feeling when destructible environments to bypass just about everything.

And by god the super rocket launcher has a massive kill radius.

Found that out the hard way.

Shame the later games made Earth to be the bad guys.


Why don't more games let you stick detpacks on people



>playing the inferior console version
for shame, man

Was a nice touch how the reward on these kept going up as the game went on

I don't remember Eos doing anything useful, basically 'Parker, do everything' the game.

If anything, the black dude should've been Eos from behind the scenes.

Yeah, Hendrix actually helped. Eos was just like 'I'll send a squad your way if you single-handedly do this insane task' and then after you did the task, squad was dead so no backup after all. Then in the ending she tells Parker to get a girlfriend. Bitch.

>That moment where you actually meet him

Because they hate fun

I liked how socially retarded the MC was all the time.

The cutscene of you rescuing Eos that one time perfectly summed it up

I rewatched it thanks to this thread. Parker's got assburgers for sure. I also forgot his monkeyface rage when he tries to shoot that evil scientist.

My first true video game feels when I was a teenager. Fuck, that made me so fucking sad at the time. I think I stopped playing that shit for the day after that scene.
Hendrix did not deserve this.

I would definitely buy a remake of Red Faction

>Geomod with modern graphics
>Modern multiplayer

Oh yeah, that's the stuff

I fired off every round I had into that mercenary bitch after her boss fight because of that.

>Party time!

God, I loved the Red Faction 1 geo-mod engine. Especially when using it to fuck with the AI on bot games. It's a shame it becomes near useless once you hit the barracks all the way up until the end of the executive area, which is a fucking long ass time.

Ultor Security > Mercs