Did he Sup Forums?

Did he Sup Forums?

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You stole my fucking chicken.

I just finished replaying it. I decided to end the game with a party of people that hated me just for shits and giggles. Rooster, Crisp and Fly

the fanbase of this game is worse than undertale's

He did the best thing under a fucked up set of circumstances

The fanbase of your mom is worse

>your mom joke
thanks for proving my point

No he acted entirely out of fear right from the start. Buddy lived a stunted, sheltered childhood barely scraping by when Rando's Army was always an option.

6/10 game, down to 2/10 with the DLC
Gameplay is weak, only reason to continue is to see how things continue to go to shit, Joyful removes even that by answering questions raised by Painful that evidently shouldn't have been answered.

you mean the army that kept on doing shit behind Rando's back and he could in no way control?

You might dislike the game, but there is no concievable way in which it's fanbase is worse

your mom proves my point, knowhatimsayin' hehe

How can one be aromantic and demisexual at the same time? That doesn't even make sense.

The game itself is worse, sure, but the fanbase? As smug and circlejerky as they are there's still no skeleton porn and headmates.

What do some of these mean?!

I get Transexual to some extent but what the fuck is demisexual and genderfluid?!

Demisexual is an asexual that only have sex with people if they're very romantically invested with them.
I know, it's stupid.
Genderfluid is a person that changes their gender as their mood feels like it.

So Demisexual is just Bisexual with romance and genderfluid when they feel like being a tomboy/faggot? That's not a fucking gender.

>That's not a fucking gender
check your privilege cis scum

the world deserved brad more than rando

Nah, Demisexual has nothing to do with gender, it's more something like asexual that says they don't like sex.
Demisexual say they only like sex with someone they trust deeply.
What's stupid about this is that this is already pretty much the norm, so inventing a term for this is kinda useless.
Genderfluid is that, yeah. It's pretty much whatever I feel like whenever I feel like. I'm not sure wether people are actually gender fluid in the same way people are transexual or if they're just seeking attention. I'd wager the latter.

>That's not a fucking gender.
up for debate.

No, he did the best in a bad situation. Buddy on the other hand is just a straight up shitter.


"Genderfluid" is a silly concept that new age hipsters created to feel superior about themselves. They'll probably grow out of it once they get older.

I actually started to google how many genders there are and got this.

I only feel like actual sex when I'm drunk as fuck, otherwise I prefer masturbation.
What gender am I?

Most of them are as stupid as the two we were talking about and can be disregarded because we'll never hear about it outside of internet or that one friend you never invite to hang out with the group.

I'm actually a pretty sure a lot of this bizarre gender stuff and identifying as animals and planets or whatever is just an evolution of LARPing. I can't remember where I read this though so I don't remember the study specifics.



loss is here somewhere

it has to be

"Genderfluid" is just the most immature shit ever. You can't just "decide" you're one gender one day and another the next. All you're doing is telling people that you actually have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and admitting that you're just incapable of committing to anything.

And to begin with, all this gender bullshit is just plain retarded and counter-intuitive to the supposed point. Gender should not matter so much that it defines who you are to such a huge extent. You are you. You're not defined by what chromosomes you have or whether you have a penis dangling between your legs or not, nor are you defined by who you wanna fuck. You're defined by your words and actions, what you do and how you treat the world around you. And by subscribing to this inane bullshit, you're basically defining yourself as a hilariously one-dimensional, gender/sexuality-obsessed faggot, the exact opposite of what you're claiming you are.

anyone play LISA the pointless
i was playing it until i got instagibbed by some boss who used the oil up + fireball combo on your party. seems alright though

This is something I really don't get. We are told not to label people and judge their behavioural qualities or treat them differently based on things like they sex, skin colour or some other traits of them and a person because this is ignorant. I agree with this, but then we are also told to treat them differently and act a very specific way because of these exact same traits. Which is it?


He should have just gave her to Rando, or at least took her out for more walks if she was so butthurt about having to live in a hole in the ground.

I don't really think Rando was just a figurehead. He's had that army for over a decade (since Rick mentions the Rando army when Brad first brings Buddy to his home) and they go out of his way to hide his stuttering problem. If Rando was just some pussy who nobody listened to, how come he hadn't been overthrown in all that time? I think the bulk of his army was genuinely loyal to Rando, but like the one of his guys said, he was "too nice." Especially since Rando had basically condemned that group to starve over an accident that wasn't even their fault.

In the joyful, pretty much everyone just goes nuts and bum rushes Buddy the moment they see her without a mask, but the Rando army managed to restrain themselves so they could focus on attacking Brad.

Ideal situation is Brad just joins Rando's army and becomes her official bodyguard.

Not yet, still gotta finish Arkantos mod.


Wow, Nintendo has released a lot of Unown since the last time i played Pokemon.


It's really simple. People will switch their arguments depending on what's more convenient to them at the time. What's most important to them is that people see them as intellectual, philosophical and transcendent of societal norms. The fact that they're unwilling to subscribe to pre-established societal "rules" elevates them above the rest of society. Above all, they want to be seen as unique, special, someone who stands out from the crowd.

Around 90% of these people are basically just selfish, arrogant kids who just want to believe that they're better than the lowest common denominator. And by surrounding themselves with like-minded circle-jerkers, it makes them feel like they're actually making a difference, that what they're doing is important. After all, all these people agree with them, so they must be right. And that means that anyone who disagrees with them is automatically wrong.

See, when growing up, going through puberty, and basically much of the teen years, everyone goes through a phase where they believe that they're smarter than they really are. They read shit on the internet, learn about certain concepts purely on a surface level, believe that they read applies to them and end up thinking that they know better than the losers that they're surrounded with. Many have been through this. Adults are stupid, their way of thinking is outdated, our parents don't understand anything because they're from an obsolete age and nothing they know applies anymore, stupid, immature bullshit like that. These people never grew out of that phase. They went through high school and college placing themselves on a pedestal and never realized that the pedestal only existed in their heads.

Part of the issue is that many of them ARE talented or smart, just not as much as they think they are. Their talents fuel their egos and they end up truly believing that they're better than they really are.

You'll also find that many people who subscribe to this shit come from privileged backgrounds and never really went through any sort of problems in their lives. They're spoiled rotten. So they invent problems for themselves to go through, and by overcoming the issues that they themselves made up, they end up feeling superior about themselves. SJWs are the same.

It's ironic how the people who came up with the whole concept of "cis-whatevers" and "check your privilege" are probably the most privileged people of all.


That's the thing, if Brad was there, they definitely wouldn't be fucking with Buddy. Plus Brad would've basically been promoted to the head of the army once he sat down with Rando and realized he was Dusty

Not really, I completed both Undertale and Lisa yet I prefer Lisa.

I'll never cease to be amazed how so many of those such groups concepts are founded on sheer hypocrisy. Furthermore, what baffles me more is either their ignorance about that fact be it because they truly believe it on those things or because they are willfully ignorant about it because admitting that would shatter their whole worldview.


Like I said, they're spoiled. They only want what's convenient for them. Only someone who's never gone through any sort of hardship or criticism could associate themselves with this shit. The utter lack of humility is what allows them to be so blatantly hypocritical.

I find it funny that in the end, I felt more pity and understanding for fucking Buzzo than Buddy; fuck her.

if only a phenomena in which post numbers end with repeating numbers were possible on Sup Forumseeesblo

Yep. See Dunk's Lisa video comments for more info.

He done everything right for the enviroment he was in

Was it the viper guy? I only got wrecked by the clowns on my first run, because goddamn.

Did they do the right thing?

The answer is no

He did a lot wrong, but with good intentions. Though that doesn't excuse anything, it makes his decisions understandable
Also, why did a softie like Rando wear such a sick mask? He's more than powerful enough to instil fear and respect into people without it or a not so ominous mask

I don't really fault Buddy too much. Drugs and teenage hormones don't mix, and there's no sure way to know that hiding away would work, since as soon as there is a leak, it'll make all of Olathe go on another manhunt for Buddy. If Rando had stuck with Buddy, he probably wouldn't have gotten his shit wrecked by Bolo in the first place.

I didn't really feel that much pity for Buzzo. Your girlfriend killing herself is pretty shitty, but helping some crazy old man end the world and threatening to kill ostensibly innocent men is a little bit of an overreaction.

>nobody posts the LISA version

really activates my almonds

You forgot to include this pic with that


>Also, why did a softie like Rando wear such a sick mask? He's more than powerful enough to instil fear and respect into people without it or a not so ominous mask

Probably the same reason he rarely spoke before he got rekt by Brad, people would take him less seriously.

>mfw i was literally in that thread when the guy put those genders on that picture just to trigger fucks like you

god damn you people take everything on the internet so seriously

>Buckets: Shemale bisexual mute lesbian

I actually have a game where you can select your gender in the beginning. If you select anything but male or female you get a "Special Snowflake" achievement.







no, but he did the only thing he could do. I can't blame him. and buddy is alive and unraped for at least her first what- 13 years? I mean it's not that bad given the circumstances

The eyes bother me

if this game was actually good people would talk about the gameplay more than never

>People will switch their arguments depending on what's more convenient to them at the time.
You might enjoy slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/03/all-in-all-another-brick-in-the-motte/.

Please stop shilling your shit for the love of god

If you like a game, its not like you can only talk about one aspect of it. People are more interested in discussing the other stuff. Who gives a shit dog.

>muh a whole product is bad because one aspect is bland
have you ever seen a movie that you thought was amazing, but you didn't consider the use of motion particularly interesting?

Not going to happen. The day I stop sharing my content is the day I stop loving video games, which will probably be the day I die. Even then I will still love video games because I'll probably be reincarnated as someone who loves video games. Get used to it.

I'm not him and I'm not judging, but asking for real because it seems like it. Are you autistic? I'm not buzzword spouting, actually wondering

I'm going to critique here, I think your videos are honestly bad. Doesn't mean you can't get better but right now they're bad. You don't have a lot of personality, and in the first bits of that video alone you can tell. Its kind of robotic.
"This is Lisa. Lets start"
Could at least say "oh I heard this about the game, found out about ______ so I'm gunna play it" or add some kind of personality. And the tone is pretty robotic too. I'm not saying to go out of your way so you can be another screaming YouTuber who overreacts to everything, but I'd rather not listen to someone who sounds like they're half asleep.

Yes, I am literally Autistic. It was technically Asperger's Syndrome but the DSM-V groups it together with regular Autism now so I just say Autism. It was suspected when I was a kid but I got diagnosed as an adult.

I have trouble being emotionally expressive due to my Autism and other assorted mental health problems, like my schizoeffective disorder and the brain damage I've received due to continued antipsychotic use, chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and almost dying twice due to having almost drowned twice before the age of 5.

Also those are older videos. Here's some of my newer content -

CENTRAL STATION - youtube.com/watch?v=sg8TahAjisE

A HIKIKOMORI'S LAST STAND - youtube.com/watch?v=m-Iah6RY8Xw

100% ORANGE JUICE - youtube.com/watch?v=bQXY2DqCHAc

OCHLOPHOBIA -youtube.com/watch?v=oHcfcY2sZfI

I think I've improved but I've still got a ways to go. What do you think?

Why not?

Autism is no excuse to shill.

They just did their job. Johnny was the one that didn't do the right thing.

Did you sacrifice you party members or did you let buzzo take buddy's nipple?

I loaded up an old save and sacrificed the shitters.

I took the nipple and gave it to Mad Dog. He's a good friend, he deserves two.

>stop fucking shilling for views
actually, just off yourself

He did. You can't repopulate the Earth by fucking one little girl over and over.


It's worth a try.

I did the same on my first run, with a little change.

Rooster/Crisp/Ajeet is actually a pretty tough fight if you are unprepared. I normally went with a party of Terry/Nern/Shocklord, but I really couldn't have it in my heart to off all of them.

Fuck off Sticky

>If Rando was just some pussy who nobody listened to, how come he hadn't been overthrown in all that time?
Why would you go to the trouble of "overthrowing" someone who you already don't bother listening to?

I learned the hard way not to have Queen in the final party. He doesn't fuck around and hits you every turn, and his bat can stun.

If I didn't have Bo and Shocklord in the party I probably would've died. Bo kept playing his song and we were both crying when I killed him last.

The society of Olathe is practically dripping with testosterone for obvious reasons. Sooner or later one of Rando's goons would want to be the boss of the whole operation amd would have gotten rid of him so he'd be able to call the shots.

If everyone was just doing their own thing, the whole army would have fallen apart into it's own gangs in less than a years time. Although who knows, maybe that's just what happened and the various warlords in Painful and Joyful were offshoots of Rando's army that became independent.

Bo is a total bro.
Not only he's one of the nicest persons that can follow Brad, he's also a lifesaver when fighting Joy Mutants or large crowds of people thanks to his Sleep/Fear inducing songs.

no way fag

where the fuck did that happened?

Its true. Not really on v, but everywhere else. They're always comparing themselves to eachother when both games don't have anything in common whatsoever, and Lisa people never shut the fuck up about Undertale people and how Lisa is "grown up and mature"

Dismal Island. Jim Sterling calls you a sexy boy, puts you in a dress and makes you drink a cocktail of paint thinner and gasoline. Then you trip balls and murder him.

When you go to Dismal Island.

anyone more art like this?

Replace Terry with Rooster Dude and its my dream team. I'm a simple man, always play through with that party

These must be fun to think up haha

wrong version friendo.

Rando was too good for this world, too pure.