Get BTFO in vidya argument

>get BTFO in vidya argument
>close window
>go play vidya in silence

>get BTFO in Sup Forums argument
>close tab
>go to bed
>seethe with rage the entire night until falling asleep at around 2-3am
>wake up feeling pathetic over having been angry at such a petty thing

It's understandable. It's not fun when you cherish a game and people just simplify it.

Relax Sony bronies

you cant BTFO someone in an argument on an online image board.

the user nature of it makes it impossible

>tfw too intelligent to get BTFO so you never feel motivated to play vidya
Why do I enjoy Sup Forums more than gaems?

>t. someone who has been thoroughly destroyed in an argument but is too delusional to admit it

The way to BTFO soemone when its anonymous is to make them realize just how wrong they were. Thats really all that matters. IT doesnt matter if they admit it or not

The sooner you get used to being salty, the less it will hurt you in the long run.

This is all anonymous
You can shitpost all you want and be wrong all you want and there are literally zero repercussions
Are you autistic or something?

The trigger is when they desperately try to change goal posts and straight out start randomly shitposting

>lose in online game
>won the shittalking war but still lost the game
>go to bed thinking about it
>spend the next day thinking about it
Being a sore loser is the worst thing imaginable

Looks at this meta thread.

>play vidya in silence
Is that not the normal way to play games? do others talk to themselves playing?

>BTFO someone with facts and invulnerable arguments
>instead of giving in he moves goal posts/calls you names/claims to be baiting/stops replying

Every time.
What's so haed about admitting to be wrong when you're anonymous?

>When they move the goalpost and still get destroyed
>"Not that guy but...(Makes same argument with same typing style)"

>start a Sup Forums argument/flamewar
>Come back in 20 minutes
>thread deleted

>getting BTFO in argument
>just about to never reply again in shame and defeat
>tfw some guy joins in on my side starts destroying the other posters
>tfw they think he's me

I love my Shitpost Guardians

>come back in 20 minutes
>421 posts

I love making Switch shitposting threads. It's great, you argue a bit with someone and then you come back and the thread has 200 replies of people shit flinging

I want to see a demonstration of this, can any of you autists start arguing here?

>do this on Sup Forums
>but pull out phone and post over 3g
>bolster my argument by tapping airplane mode

What to do when someone is clearly BTFO'd but just continues to reply forever? I don't have the time or energy to keep replying forever, but does the other person feel like he has "won" if I stop?

This has happened to me. Thank you smarter anons who happen to be on my side, I love you.

This is the ultimate conundrum. When do you stop replying to someone?

>make a stupid comment
>see a chain of comments pointing out my mistakes and providing excellent counter arguments
>read none of it and close the thread

I don't feel like I won, but I don't feel BTFO'd either. I give a sigh relief once you officially retreated and feel like I've saved face among anonymous posters and saved my self esteem.

Do a preemptive attack on it.
"I see you have no argument and clearly your only goal is to repeat the same broken points to achieve the last word, so have at it champ, I won't take this away from you"
It's condescending as fuck so whether they reply or not you know they're mad.

>Get in an argument with Sup Forums
>Write a huge ass post and close the tab right a my post goes through and smugly move on assuming I won the argument because I'll never see his reply

>Makes a post
>realize how fucking stupid it was
>immediately close the tab and avoid that board for the next few hours

>nobody can btfo me in an argument because one simple trick
>autists HATE me



Someone posted an off topic image of a chart with methods of suicide and their succes rate.

seppuku was listed at 50%~ and being a smart weeb I made a smart comment on how 50% of them are living without a head.

some dumb cunt claimed seppuku doesn't have anything to do with the head

I linked the wiki article

He stopped replying.

>realize how dumb your post was the moment you press post
>frantically hit f5 trying to delete it
>by the time it works everyone is already laughing at you
fuck, I come to this place to forget my high school life not relive it

I know you were in the gameplay vs story thread

That's how you destroy a thread.
It results in just name calling
>Fuck off faggot
>Not an argument
>Getting this btfo
>Reaction img

>when you get the last word in before the thread dies

>respond to my self with a laughing_image.jpg to make my post seem funny and get the ball rolling
>watch the replies roll in

All it takes it the first reply and then the rest come flooding in, the basics of bait.

>find almost dead thread with make a post attacking the thread subject
>reply to own post and pretend to argue
>bring politics into it
>start getting (you)s
>leave thread
>come back later
>500+ posts, page 10
works every time


it got easier over time.

newfags don't learn not to feed the trolls anymore

pic related is guaranteed replies

>That feel when the only thing that eased the sting of the Pats winning was the fact that libs lost their shit.
Silver linings.

thats funny as fuck user

how's that bait though?
they're not angry

>My side of the argument is losing
>Start making stupid and obviously wrong posts full of aggressive tone and shitposting to discredit the other side
>Other anons join my side because "the other side" is being a cunt

>not reporting yourself and then using a proxy to report your other self then going into the IRC and complaining about mods not doing their jobs and then joining under a proxy and arguing with yourself in the IRC and then logging into your mod account under a proxy and banning both of them then ban-evading and making a thread complaining about getting banned

>When your opinion is so iron clad and bullet proof that people start parroting it in subsequent threads of the same topic.

>destroying some faggot in argument
>he starts switching to "I-I was trolling you all a-along!" when he clearly wasn't and immediately meme greentext shitposting to keep up the "argument"

So fucking infuriating. Just stop replying and give me my hard earned win

>call anyone who even replies to my post triggered/salty/mad

>b-but I wasn't even!!!

>been coming here almost daily since Brawl's japan time
>Was always in it for the laughs and video game news since Sup Forums was typically current
>Last few years have been nothing but arguing and seeing people actively wanting every game to be a failure
>Still can't pull myself away from it

To be honest with you, I don't know how the general user base view comments like that, but the smugness doesn't really come across to me. It's to transparent.

I am angry at this picture

I remind those people that the fact that they admitted to "Trolling" means they forsake such an ideology.
>"I like Ice cream"
>"I hate it"
>"Ice cream is good faggot shut up"
>"H-haha I was trolling"
>"So you're admitting ice cream is good and only stupid people think otherwise? Okay thanks"
>"T-that's not-"
>"Thanks for playing"

>see post that tried to be funny
>it has lots of funny pictures
>laugh because of the pictures, not the original post

>tfw have a large variety of images to trigger Sup Forums on demand
Baiting is too easy nowadays desu.

One time someone started copypasting both my argument and the person I was arguing with's posts in a thread an entire month later. That was pretty terrifying.


I'm a weeb myself but triggering them is easy as fuck. when they start posting smug anime chicks - that's when you know you got them mad

You are here forever.

No matter how bad this place may get, everywhere else is still worse.

You are everything wrong with Sup Forums. I bet you're a European too.

Very true.
>Get no replies after 200 posts.
>Respond to myself: holy fuck XD what the?
>5 more (You)s appear

>Afraid my post will get ignored
>Post it alongside an image even when image is not needed

wait this really happened? I occasionally get the feeling I've seen an entire thread post-for-post identical to one I saw a few months back, someone actually does this?

>post awful bait because nothing better to do
>12+ (you)'s
>"stop replying to my obvious bait"


I've had that happen to me.
I've also gotten people who would copypaste a reply I made after the thread 404'd and make a new thread with the text in it to get me to respond.
Imagine being THAT mad.

I think this thread is a honeypot.

>argue with someone else about vidya
>know I'm right but can't articulate myself because I go on gut instinct

This is easily recognized as a non genuine bait image since it references the original "weaboo" comic, the average newfag has no idea where the word comes from

>forget image

Just kill me, that's another 5 (you)'s denied.

>three hours after the thread 404s you come up with the perfect argument

>tfw been on this site that for so long that I can see the greentext replies before they happen and concede the argument

This happened more than a few times. I have to stop with the contradictions

I don't know, but the thread that it happened in was exactly identical for the most part, I even checked with the archive to make sure.

that's stupid

>other side has compelling argument
>luckily attached a smug anime face or pepe so I can disregard their entire post

>someone is wrong
>they're adamant they're right
>won't listen to you
>close the thread so you don't have to deal with them

you're stupid, I'm taking this argument to the IRC

Nah I just made this thread because I got BTFO elsewhere and I needed to be in comfort with other people who share >tfw getting BTFO in internet arguments
I just didn't want to be alone

Can someone just say donald trump is a nazi already?

>know you're wrong
>close thread and pretend you were right
>play game your BTFO opinion was about
>feel even worse because you know you rejected sound advice and lost because of it
>come back 1h later and reiterate your correctness

>make a post on PC
>reply to myself using mobile

Who /cheeky/ here? Does anyone else use this tactic?

And now the thread's full of faggots who brag about making Sup Forums shitty. Good job.

>Get in argument
>Start losing
>Wait until thread is on page 10
>Respond while saging to get the last word in

I can't be the only one who does this, right?

But he IS a nazi, thats why nu-merica is in love with him till they see the receipt

Let me guess OP, the 3rd strike thread?

pro tip:

Apologise and recognise their victory. if you weren't blatantly shit posting before with smug reaction images you'll come of as mature. admitting defeat gets them every time.

>Thread is 500+ replies on page 10
>Guy hasn't responded for 10 minutes when it usually takes him 3.
>Replies right when it's in the last 3 threads on the catalog.
>Lightning fast typing and thinking skills effortlessly assfuck him before 404

Anyone here ever admit you were wrong?

Just fuck off you libcuck, how come you people don realize that hilldog would have destroyed america


These three words are literally undefeatable and will make your opponent look stupid no matter what they pull. There's literally no counter or respond that will make you look intelligent.

>Getting mad at Sup Forums
>The shitposting board where most people probably don't play games anyways
If you want to not be salty and talk about vidya go to

Fuck off right now

>make a funny reference
>no one gets it

I wish more people were just chill on this board

so often Sup Forums takes arguments seriously too far, ruining threads. Most of the time is is fake shit, gay reddit-tier trolling, like consolewarring, but even then it just makes the board so much more unpleasant to browse. And then you get the arguments where people actually type out paragraphs, where you can feel the anger burning inside them. It is like they feel some autistic compulsion to keep passionately fighting, going on and on to prove they are right, when it is clear neither side will come to an agreement or compromise (typically because one person is just trolling). Sup Forums needs to stop taking video games so seriously, and just discuss games with other people that like said game.

It is OK to have different opinions about stuff on Sup Forums, and you can ask them why they view certain things differently from you, just to understand the differences between your mindsets, and then fucking move on. If you have replied to someone whom you disagree with, 3 replies MAXIMUM is all you need; explain your side, understand theirs, then fucking drop it.

You aren't ever going to change someone's mind on Sup Forums

However I do do this sometimes. Typically when it is clear one person is acting like they are obviously correct, even though they are super wrong, and it is an argument between just two posters being ignored by everyone else. I just have to show the non-retard that they are the one that is right. And I get a kick out of the poster replying angrily thinking I am someone else

Yes, but only if I get proven wrong at the very beginning of an argument before I grow emotionally attached to my opinion

good one

How was I supposed to know that was gonna happen?

Nah, don't worry about it.

That works but after point you're already in too deep. I made one post correcting someone but then they checked the facts and corrected me. I got scared and closed the thread, now I waited too long to fix my mistake.

Literally every argument with a sonygger
>Valid points as to why a game is bad

Haha faggot, joke's on you, Sup Forums doesn't play video games.

>post opinion/shit on someone else's
>close tab

The purpose of this site is literaly to discuss without repercussion so you can just kys you literal manchild cuck. Take some fuck critcism in your life without fucking crying.

Nah, those words are instantly discredited as childish blather now, it's like calling someone autistic.
"Shill" is the new hot "Get out of jail free" card.
>Lose argument
>"You're an X shill lol"
Can't wait until that word overstays it's welcome, because too many poorfaggots use it in threads about every new game out of rampant poorpleb jealousy.


anything else will just look you overly invested in an anonymous argument