Is she /ourgirl/?

is she /ourgirl/?

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>doxxed Jesus and Leafbro


without a doubt Venti is 100% our girl.

Shes a backstabbing FAS looking dumb bitch of course not

She's an ugly bitch that uses unfunny memes

no she's /r9k/s girl

>tfw you had sex with britney last night

her mixed race hair is a huge turn on for me, and her thighs are god tier

The worst thing about this country today is that this BITCH is allowed to do what she wants with her CUNT

is that some uncanny valley shit or does it exist?

if you even know who this bitch is I suggest you go discuss her on tumblr and kill yourself shortly afterwards

Who is this cute girl (female)


Just post her tits

>mudshark jew yorker who takes time out of her day to attention whore in front of public cameras

Fuck off.

She's legit ugly though.

Leave our girl alone, you stupid Sup Forumsirgins

>ITT: gaymergate virgins who want "le perfect felicia day gf"

Venti is a bimbo and a slut and deserves the attention she gets, and she deserves my cock shoved into her mouth.


nah dude she's only a dumb slut ironically it's funny haha PEPE PEPE REEEEE haha im such a total basement dweller like all of you haha

she looks like a female rami malek

post her hwndu memes

rami is way hotter than her.

She's pretty chill for a roastie

Well fuck me in the ass and call me Sally. You're god damn right.

In all seriousness though, she's very much a norman now, regardless of her past. She's too happy and peppy.

who is this bitch and what's her angle?

fetal alcohol syndrome awareness

Seen some videos of her acting all dumb and shit.
Is she for real or some kind of meta act like that fat chick with the tits?
8% black truly is the master race

total qt

How is this whore Sup Forums related?