Playing JRPGs on anything but the Playstation

>playing JRPGs on anything but the Playstation

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And we're off to a flying start.

Oh and good on me for filling in the "Subject" field correctly. My parents would be proud.


>playing idea factory shit on any platform

>little gem
very little


Literally killing Steam.

>"I don't like Nep because I prefer mature games for mature gamers like myself!"

>Literally killing Steam.

i dont like nep because it's fan service with a literal "us gamers rite?!" setting, and when the gameplay is already horse shit, you kind of want at least one redeeming factor. omega quintet was awful too, how are these guys are still making games? tasteless weebs and otaku

Which is why you should consider FFF a try because it's nothing like that.

>muh dying console industry!

>playing weebshit

I have the first one on steam. It's trash. This one will be trash too.

First one lacked difficulty and there was a good chunk of content missing which is repaired in this version.

Still, if the characters, plot and combat weren't your thing it's probably not going to be now either. The story's essentially the same anyway except for the new endings.

Honestly I felt the combat was too similar to neptunia which isn't very exciting to begin with. I think I got through most of the game but there wasn't enough to keep me engaged until the end.

That's understandable. It's not for everyone, and like you touched on, if you're not already "into" this type of combat you probably won't manage the long-ass story. And it does borrow heavily from Nep on the system structure perspective.

I've seen some people call it "Nep but male-protag" but I like to think of it as "Nep without the loli-bait".

The fact that it can't fall back on gamer """humour""" as much as Nep means that it has to stand on it's own without references and shit. Which is nice.

isnt it the same as the original?

"definitely not nep" the game?
Complete with terrible gameplay
and girls that are less cute


>Moe trash JRPG

I think I'll pass.

Call me when they make a PC JRPG with proper protagonists, I'm tired of pretty fuccbois and mutant oppai loli's with fucking alien eyes.

Nope, it's got new features, updated graphics/textures and more content and endings.

It is however based on the same engine as Nepnep, so it's essentially "Nep with less pandering".

If you're just in it for the girls and nothing else, then yeah, avoid.

But the gameplay is pretty fun.

Fang is actually pretty cool though. He's funny, charming and has an actual real character-arc with real struggles.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates weeb games
Fucking redditors ruin everything

40,000 hours in mspaint

I'm 30 years old user, I've absolutely no love for the teen edge JRPG architype anymore.

And I highly doubt there are enough young weebs for them to be affording making these moe-shit JRPG releases.

On PC of all platforms.

Looks neat. Will check out.

Well the game didn't originally release for PC. It's a PS4 port.

And the Nep series on Steam sells surprisingly well I've heard so there's clearly a market for it.

It's not really a game aimed at the mature audience at all, but someone who can enjoy a light colorful adventure with a pretty nice plot and good humor.

If that isn't for you, it isn't for you.

This should be what they used on the Steam page.

Sup Forums is reddit now. At least some of us can enjoy pure anime bliss.

Jesus I feel sorry for OP.


Hmm, I like turnbased rpgs and they aren't too frequent anymore.

How's the soundtrack?

Is this worth playing for the waifus?


>And I highly doubt there are enough young weebs for them to be affording making these moe-shit JRPG releases.

>Weeb grows up

>2 new weebs born in his place

>not enough young weebs

hmmmmmmmm, does retardation come with age, too?

I certainly liked the characters much more than neptunia, but I also thought nep was a funnier game (especially the world enemy models)