What is, in your opinion, the current best multiplayer first-person shooter on the market at the moment?

What is, in your opinion, the current best multiplayer first-person shooter on the market at the moment?

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Battlefield Bad Company 2 will be the answer until the servers go offline forever.

>she will never knock you out with a swift kick to the head and bite your cock off

CoD 4 since launch.

Is the community still active? I was considering playing CoD:WaW again because I loved it ages ago but the community is dead as fuck and I have no interest in the newer CoD games.

>the middle way child of casualized shitplay with a game that tries to be realistic
>finished product is an abomination of bad taste
colour me unfuckingsuprised Sup Forums has shit taste

and you will never have a gf


underage banned

Overwatch. /thread

Depends on what you want. Just got off of Rainbkw 6 seige

Siege for those round-based TvTs. Arma 3 (with a group) for coop multiplayer.


This or Titanfall 2 depending on whether you like slow or fast

quake 3 arena

Chex Quest duel maps.


dat meta

Shit game.
Aids roll the dice simulator with broken bugged gameplay mechanics which add even more random.
Casual shitfest tf2 copy with chunks of moba shit all over it.
Literally kill yourself.
Titanfall 2 marketer, the game is utter garbage filled with even more AI bots than previous one.

The only person with god tier taste in this thread.

he said multiplayer, bots dont count.

I'm enjoying IW and MWR a lot. BF4 isn't really current but it's still better than Niggerfield 1.

BF2>BC2 any fucking day of the week, friendo

>it's an autist with shit taste rates all the comments in the thread episode

the only legitimate answer: Rainbow Six Siege

How cute! Look at this faggot!

Not wholly disagreeing, but he wanted games from today's market boo


>everythings shit except quake
Romero, youre too old. Go to bed

>filled with even more AI bots than previous one.
Well first off, that's just not true at all, and how is that a bad thing?

>today's market
If you want someone to suggest you latest cowabooty, then you are in the wrong place. Just go buy it and keep eating shit.

>"quake 3 arena"
>"on the market"

No dad, no. Don't even come back with "B-but Quake Live!" because we both know that shit is deader than Jesus.

Romero left id after Quake 1.

for all of its flaws it's still the reference for quality and population

> overwatch clone campfest

You can still have fun @ LAN.

Also, daily check'em.



>posting any game without custom maps and modes
Kill yourselves, console gamers.

TF2 and CS source are still the best. Not GO, not only did it fuck up half the mechanics, but you can't even run half the maps because they removed physics.

>how bots is the bad thing
>he thinks somebody would discuss shit with him after that post
Yeah, sure.
I wanted to post the screenshots of all the additional bots they added, which are much tougher than spectres from the first one, but boy, I am not even gonna bother with you.

another (you)


>first person
Fuck, I was going to say Warhawk. For first person, probably still Unreal Tournament 2004, I do like CSGO but honestly it's nothing special. I like Rainbow Six Siege, but again it's not the best. I also enjoyed the shit out of the Halo II multiplayer.

>color arcade jump-fest with infinite health vs one-shot one-kill stealth tatical multiplayer
spot someone who never played the damn game

Oh, yeah they added new varieties, but I thought he meant the amount on one map at any given time.

>shit waifu

>implying any character in overwatch looks good

The thinking man's game.

Also 2 new operators are about to drop tomorrow and it's gonna be hype as fuck. They're both about to be completely busted.

>Siege, a tactical shooter PVP game, is a clone of Overwatch, a shameless TF2 clone

Siege came out like a year before overwatch and the two games have literally nothing in common other than that they both have guns.

Not just new varieties, they added a fucking tank bots which take 2 or 3 clips to destroy.
They think it is a good idea to expose yourself, trying to wreck a bot for a full 10 seconds or forcing players to avoid certain parts of the map because they are populated with ai garbage in a multiplayer game.

Also, aimlocking turrets which take you out in 1 second in a game which is based on going fast around the map on sonic speed.
Also, automated spider bot traps which run to you and explode.

This game is fucking garbage, it is literally the combination of all boring aids multiplayer mechanics put together in one game.
I pity these dumb people who bought this garbage by being baited by shitty respawn marketing department.

It's a shame that they turned it into a MOBA with all the colourful skins shit and that it's not actually operators vs terrorists.

>muh stronk women operative meme
Into the trash it goes.

>It's a shame that they turned it into a MOBA with all the colourful skins shit and that it's not actually operators vs terrorists.
What on all counts. What?

It isn't an ARTS/MOBA game in the slightest. It is team vs team tactical asymetrical gameplay.

I just cant believe that no one posted red orchestra 2! When did Sup Forums devolve to millennials... Try to take a fucking building from nazis with a god damn bolt action rifle, then we can talk about siege.

could have turned the defending ops into some ex-sf went rogue shit for more diversity in visual design but nah.

It is in PVE mode

>both video games
>both multiplayer focused
>both PVP focused
>each game has TWO teams
>each game has selectable characters with unique abilities
>each game has cosmetic customisation
>literally nothing in common
Try again, baitfag.

They completely wrecked the artstyle, just like Valve did with TF2 only it's even worse here because the graphics aren't cartoonish.
I love the game, I just hate the botched artstyle. I wish there was some way to disable skins on my end.

this tbqh famalia

You should probably stick to overwatch if you can't look past that weeb.

I haven't seen this word in years
Even I have started to use dotoclone instead

>both team can choose the same characters
>everybody can choose the same characters
>each team has a fixed distinctive rosters
>nobody can play the same characters

>each characters have unique weapons
>characters weapons and equipment can overlap

sure is cloning in here

because Splatoon is a third person shooter

Titanfall 2

>they are common because they are videogames
wow. spot a retard

It's alright, user. Maybe when you get to your 15th birthday daddy will be able to buy you this game.

There's a one character limit in OW now.

which means OW is the clone, not r6s :^)

I don't play multiplayer shooters, I don't see the appeal, most games on the market rely on skinnerbox mechanics rather than good gameplay to keep people playing.

I can somehow understand if it's all you really play and are aiming to become ultra competitive, join tourneys and shit but for someone playing casually it's a pure waste of time desu senpai, you'd better off working on your backlog than wasting 1000+ hrs playing the same shit over and over again.

Why is it whenever someone posts a picture of a girl on any thread, there's always some dumb fucking retard saying some stupid comment like this.

It's not cute, it's not funny. You can stop, now.

>What is, in your opinion, the current best multiplayer first-person shooter on the market at the moment?
Titanfall 2 > Rainbow Six: Siege > ... BF1 I guess?

Titanfall 2

>being triggered by the art of self-expression via describong your niche sexual fantasies

His post was hilarious btw and even funnier thanks to you, tumblr.

I'm enjoying BF1
But I also havent tried any of the other new ones

fuck off arma clone

>nu/v/ unironically recommending garbage like titanfal 2

What backlog? Competition is relaxing and a good way to unwind after a long day.

Character abilities are starting to turn the game into a moba. Almost every new character relies heavily on their ability.

Does anyone have any webms of Rainbow Six Siege? I saw some really good ones on another thread but I didn't get to save them.

Exactly, and shit like Blackbeard and the huge fucking shield he has on his gun is just fucking retarded. They're squeezing as much DLC bucks as they can from this game and they're gonna ruin it eventually, much like TF2. Hopefully we'll have vanilla operator only servers at some point.

Too bad the blood effects are fucking garbage. Seriously why couldn't there of been more effort put into that. It's something you see a lot of in the game, when you shoot people it just looks terrible. Big red awful textured blotches.

>the market
I mean from a monetary standpoint, overwatch by far, love it or hate it, it's easily the biggest and most profitable, and you can't deny it.

As far as terms of quality and / or fun, I WANT to say TF2, but it hasn't been relevant in years. CS:GO is for autists and russians, plus RNG.

I guess maybe battlefield 3 or some cod game? Not really a genre I follow.

I bought it, but haven't bright myself to play it yet, yet I know you're probably right.
The learning curve seems steep and I need to clear my game slate before diving in and focusing on it.

>Quake 3
>Not dead

I actually think the textures that hit the ground and walls are great, it's the puffs when you hit an enemy that look awful.

but the bf2 is dead user.. all the fucking dlc .. err "expansion packs" killed it

>Blackbeard huge as fuck shield

You haven't played in a while, go play your hat simulator if you really have no taste.

Because this place is filled with sexually frustrated losers that can't get women. Which is the main reason why this site is full of misogynists and anti-feminists.

Kek, get a load of these triggered cunts

go back to tumblr

Squad, no doubt, no other game comes close except PR maybe.

Are you retarded? I don't play TF2. The cosmetic garbage and bazillion new weapons killed any balance it had. Something similar is happening with Siege.
A character having a fucking shield on his gun is god damn stupid.

Son, I'm a long-time Sup Forums user who just happens to see things differently than you.

Even I'm not fond of the Tumblr crowd, but that place is obviously much better than this cesspool.

> she will never swallow you whole and digest you alive

Lmao get toasted roastie

He is asking about shooter not autism simulator.

It's definitely worth the time. Took me 40 hours to learn all the maps and some of the meta strategies. It's pretty hard but the feeling you get from everything going right feels so nice. Play a lot of casual and when you hit like 25-30 go to ranked so you start nailing down the positions of objectives.
If you explore maps in private games it helps too. I did that hear and there and it really helped me learn the smaller maps especially House.

Yeah but they nerfed him and his shield is pretty shit anywhere but competitive play. Takes 2 shots to kill it with almost every gun, which means its only good for peaking shit.
So unless you know exactly where the enemy is you'll die every time.

Wish I could run this game desu

>you will never get to fuck a cutie cyborg

Quake Live/Warsow or CS:GO.

Just curious can you go join the military if you had legs like that?