So why is Witcher 3 combat is so bad compared to FFXV?

So why is Witcher 3 combat is so bad compared to FFXV?

Other urls found in this thread: fantasy xv soundtrack,witcher 3 soundtrack

Fuck that was fast.

Here we go again.

>Two year old game is still shit posted about to this day

Really fires my lazors.

Ugh, could we at least do it tomorrow? Not everyone has as much free time as you dude?

witcherfag on suicide watch


>xv-kun is upset that he made another thread
just let it go and do something productive with your life

How fucking insecure are you

Come on nigger-kun. I have to get to bed. Let's do this shit tomorrow, k?

>Hold down O to fight
>Prompts telling you when to block
>99 potions
>Retarded damage-sponge enemies
>Impossible to die

Witcher 3
>Blocking/dodging has no prompts, and is essential
>3 potions
>Death is game over

Gee I don't know.

Witcher 3 is better than FFXV in every conceivable and comparable way. Even soundtrack. fantasy xv soundtrack,witcher 3 soundtrack


Witcher 3
>press square to win every fight in the game
>don't have to use anything


Literally just shitposting for shitposting sake at this point. I wonder if xv-kun even likes the game or just wants to fight people on the internet

Except it doesnt work like that.

You can't spam potions in TW3 since you only get 3 and you dont get a magical invulnerability mode that spams damage while holding one button like in FFXV.
Follow me (xv-kun) on twitter for more FFXV discussion

Witcher 3 should be compared to Skyrim as its the successor to that.

OP isn't xv-kun, just another bait

You wouldn't happen to be the cheesing faggot would you?

at peak development, cdpr hired more than a hundred of underpaid quest writers but didnt care about combat designers, coupled with their ineptitude at general game balance.
That's why even fallout has decent gunplay mechanics with the help of ID, while w3 (with the same dev budget, but even marketing comes close) is stuck with shit core combat mechanics.

they're also retarded enough to give controls an input delay since "it feels better on console" and "it's more realistic".
that alone gives you a general idea

>FFXV gives you 99 potions
>Expects you to only hold 1 button to play
>But its cheesing to actually play it the way it was designed

And FFXV "spam as many potions as you want invincibly and revive yourself upon death with limitless phoenix downs" is any better? Lol

Refer to this, OP.
The Witcher 3 will always have better gameplay than that other pile of shit.

comparing two piles of shit, dont you people have better things to do?

I dont get it.

TW3 has better combat than Fallout/Skyrim/FFXV

>that filename
Nah, only xv-kun is stupid enough for this shit

Wait, are we about to strap into another autistic ride so soon? Fuck, not sure if I can handle this.

It really isn't. Only weebcucks think it is without realizing it's the most broken combat system in Final Fantasy history. I'd take the magic junctioning system from FF8 over 15's Dragon's Dogma-tier ripoff combat any day.

Absolutely right. Sup Forums just has shit taste because they've never played better games like Chrono Trigger or FFVI before.

The biggest meme is that FF ever had good combat.

it isnt
witcherdrones will prove it

Apparently using the intended game mechanics is a sin now. Go figure.

Witcher 3's soundtrack literally blows FFXV's out of the water.

I don't get this meme. Sure, TW3 combat is not the best, but it's not the godawful atrocity Sup Forums always claims is it. It's pretty bland and repetitive, but it's alright.
So fuck you and your memes

It is considering FFXV is worse than XIII.

>It's pretty bland and repetitive, but it's alright

>it's bad
>but it's ok

... this guy just compared generic western shit to yoko shimomura...get the fuck out of here

Because litteraly every game has a better combat than The Witcher

It's a 150 hour game, becoming repetitive is nearly unavoidable. It's a fairly enjoyable game to play, certainly moreso than XV, which doesn't actually have any reason for needing a player involved to begin with.

>hurr durr I can't read but I like to post on forchins forums!

XV vs W3
>XV - 6.0 game rating average
>TW3 - 9.3 game rating average

Looks like its settled

>slavic inspired soundtrack

Weebs in this thread getting BTFO

>Eclipse attack to win every fight in the game
>don't have to use anything

Much better than a 10 hour game.

To this day, I'll never understand why XV fags will continue to defend the most broken and easiest FF battle system ever. They're worse than Bethesda cuckboys.

Can you guys believe just how badly The Witcher 3 BTFO'd FFXV? It's unbelievable.

Now I feel foolish for sinking 40 into XV.

The game has like 90 hours of monotonous fetch quests and scavenger hunts.

Someone post TW3 webm's please.

Also make a video of you "Holding down O" while in an XV battle, and make sure you're not battle level 1 mobs as a fucking level 99.



Watch how fast you fucking get REKT.

The "Holding O" meme is fucking hyperbole and you know it.

>game X is better than game Y
>%primary_Y_console%FAGS BTFO

Sup Forums needs to kill itself

Well, it isn't made by Square, so that automatically qualifies it as god-tier by default.

Because its no retard weeb-JRPG shit game with unrealistic enemies and controls.

"Final fantasy" get the fuck out of here with these gay ass looking men never understood the hype of this series, hated it ever since i tried it on the PS1 back in the day. Atleast The witcher series resembles reality.


>The "Holding O" meme is fucking hyperbole and you know it.

It really isnt, because its impossible to "get rekt"in XV since you have unlimited revives and health restores.

I mean I guess you could rely on the games prompts slapping you across the face every five seconds telling you to press square but it isn't really necessary since it is, in fact, impossible to ever get a game over screen in FFXV

>Boring Celtic Music sounds like it was made by some drum circle hippies.

Put me to sleep more, user.

OK STOP. Let's get 1 thing straight first.

So you admit that you don't ONLY press "O" for an entire fight, am I right?

First one was an awful rip. Sounded like a midi file. Much better ingame.

>All manner of Fantasy Creatures in TW3
>"Resembles Reality"

Blatant Westafag Bias.

>So you admit that you don't ONLY press "O" for an entire fight, am I right?

For the entire sequence of the game being in motion, yes, you only hold O.

They should have just made the game automatically drain potions/phoenix down instead of stopping the gameplay to make you navigate through a menu to use them.

Menus =/= gameplay.




Or are you too afraid of recording yourself doing it, you snot nosed little fucking twerp?

Why the fuck would you spend 130 hours in FFXV? Sadist much?

it's bad compared to anything
yet you had to compare it to something mediocre

Then how come Angry Joe couldn't pass the Ice Bridge boss in FFXV? And Angry Joe Faggit praised Witcher 3 to no end LOL.

You're a fucking MORON.

Whoever was posting those Webs please go on. Those W3 Hitboxes we're disgustingly bad. What a pile of shit.

well, I sold my ps4 so thats not possible anymore
I guarantee you only press O though

>Someone post TW3 webm's please.
Only one I have.

Daily reminder that W3 was the magnum opus of game industry. If you think otherwise you're a fucking plebeic retard and should promptly kill yourself in the dick

Holding O you will literally get hit non stop. It's better to press O it will function the same but much safer in combat. The only thing you're right about is the items and even then potions are useless because they don't necessarily fill your health up. Elixirs are the main reason the game can be a bit easy with Phoenix down.

Omit the second 'is' next time.


Look at this little wigger faggot, HAHAHAHA. "Sold my PS4" Excuse. Get the fuck outta here.

I don't know where you are going with this. I'm not a child so I don't care what youtube pewdiepie wannabes say or do.

The fact is, it is impossible to die in FFXV unless you are too retarded to buy potions/phoenix downs, which are unlimited in value and can be bought at any point of the game without even traveling.

TW3 you can die anywhere within the first 5 seconds of the game to the very end.

I spend 120 hours. Some quest are actually pretty good especially the legendary weapon quest with the bosses. Also the menace dungeons which are pretty challenging.

You don't have to use phenoux downs and if you end up using them then clearly the game is challenging for you.

I'll just say that the Witcher is very hard on my DM NG+ playthrough, even fucking wolves will 2 shot me.

I use potions mostly because they're cheap and its only there to get you out of injury. You can always warp for health/mana and Ignis' Regroup ability will also take you to full.

I mean either way, whether you hold O or you're just mashing it, you could turn off your screen and go get a sandwich or a beer or something and the game will play itself.

This game is simpler than Shadow of Mordor, and that says a lot.

I actually think Shadow of Mordor was a better game, even. Those randomly named Orcs with their traits were far better antagonists than anything in XV.

>clearly the game is challenging for you

The game will randomly instagib your guys. Since there's no actual combat mechanics to it that can't really be helped. You're fucking dumb.

You realize that I have no control over the party members, right?

>two games butchered by being on consoles
Gosh this is definition of cripple fight.

Did you tell Iggy Happy Birthday XV-kun?

How mad are you that FFXV sold 5 million copies? Does it really push your buttons, just like those Mexican immigrants that are stealing your jobs?

How mad are you that eveyrone is excited about Nioh right now? A game made by nips.


sry, but this game is cancer with Keyboard and Mouse.

Damn. I wonder how much The Witcher 3 sold? Oh FUCK. Right. 20 mil.

Whoops, meant 6 mil.

Nope. Sold 4.5 Million as of 1 month ago. Shipped 5 million initially, ordered another 1 million shipment because they almost sold the 5 million. Sold is around 5 million now.

Get your facts straight, you fucking westafag in denial.

Nope you can't. But Ik how to use link attacks and blind strikes and the special attacks to keep my party alive. I never got instakill either.

It doesn't bother me that bad franchises like FF or Assassins Creed sell millions all the time. At least AC games have some impressive technology beneath them and somehow manage to have better combat than FF.

How mad are you that FFXV will never ever be regarded as an equal or better game than TW3 on any rating system to ever exist? How angry does it make you that FFXV will never even have 1/30th of the video game awards TW3 does?

I might pick up Nioh later today, but after Ninja Gaiden 3 I'm skeptical. That game was dog-shit and Nioh looks like a PS3 game.

Are you actually bragging about how good you are in a game with worse combat than Shadow of Mordor that is impossible to die in?