What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Looks like you're playing Tetris.


also sweating

Spending another $2,000 in six months.


a house fire


Good choice user Make America great again.

I don't understand why anyone would buy a CPU now when we are right at the cusp of a new AMD and Intel war. Even if Zen doesn't blow you away spec wise, it will do enough price point wise to get Intel to start putting in some tech they have been miserly saving up

You can play DOOM 1993, in 1080p. It's all I play honestly.

Not playing games, that's for sure.

>EVGA 1070 after the fucking housefires


ryzen will be mediocre

Crippling credit card debt

No games

you do realise that power supply isn't strong enough to power all that huh?

Wait what really?

Just about to unbox it.

>NO HDD in sight

A whole lot of CSGO or light games.

Those were just the FTW versions.


It's a stillborn

because we're ALWAYS on the cusp of some new pipedream from NVIDIA, AMD or Intel and they never come true

>EVGA 1070

enjoy your VRMS

It's fine as long as he's not doing any extreme overclocking.

You got a case or something to put those components in?

no even the SC have had the issue
>buying HDD's in 2017

I agree with this nigger.
Intel released an unlock i3 pretty much to compete with AMD Ryzen. And All the mobos are cheapening the unlocked motherboards

>All that fucking gear
>Air cooled
>i5 processor
>PSU is going to shit itself

Fun, I guess


>paying more than $20 for a keyboard


High framerate gaming.

Is a rare commodity nowadays.

>not enough for a 1070 and i5

even if he overclocked, it's plenty

Wow great elaboration. I love the detail put in where you compared to cost to performance ratio. TDPs, Thermals, overclocking potential and the benefit of Noctuas new investment into Ryzen.

You fucking knob, it will never be about performance with AMD. And even with that said, every fucking leak so far has it matching Intels current lineup.

why do people always stack their parts up like this

calm down poorfag

Getting pissed off at how retarded case and mobo designs are in terms of practicality.
Spending far to long fucking around with the stupid fucking backplate when installing your cpu and heatsink.
Fucking around with cabling, constantly tweaking it yet never feeling quite content.
Depending on whether or not it POSTs, potentially a lot more sweat and swearing.

frame drops =\= consistent slow motion


I never understood why Americans don't pay off their credit cards every month

Even if it doesn't blow you away, you can bet your sweet ass there are going to be a few major changes/additions. Intels 7000 series offerings are fucking laughable; it's their last ditch line to soak up all the retards money before they have to actually put some effort into ther CPUs again

Yes, yes it is.
You, like most people, have no fucking clue what power supplies are actually capable of handling and what sort of draw your computer is actually pulling.

>he bought an i7 for vidya

Quit memeing he is gonna kill his computer before he even starts it.

Fuck off moron, you're not funny.


>uhh excuse me sir, your pc that operates at 350w at max load is too much for that 650w power supply
>i've been tricked by the jews into thinking I need 1000w of electricity to power extremely energy efficient parts

Just curious why most games now days ask for an i7 now as recommended specs? Is there ever much difference?

People don't realize how much they can get away with when it comes to psu's. I used to use a 250watt psu from an old dell and it got me by for a while on an older gaming pc

The 1070's havent had the overheating issue since like september. I got the thermal pads for mine just in case but theyre a bitch to put on so meh.

>why most games now days ask for an i7 now as recommended specs
They don't.

>Lying on the internet

never seen that

but some games are starting to incorporate hyper-threading

still no reason to spend money on an i7 with ryzen around the corner

I'm running on a 550 G2 80 and its still enough

Some games benefit massively from an i7. For example Total War games.

Stop already.

You lowballed with the PSU. You should've gotten a 750W at least. 850W tops.

Stop telling people to get 1kW PSUs for their regular rigs
600 is enough for everything single gpu
Hell, I ran a power-hungry amd cpu, a 560 ti, a soundcard, plenty of drives and other stuff on 450w for years

lol idiot

BF1 likes moar threads, my i5 4690k@4,4 maxes out occasionally

I kept trying to jam my gpu cable from the power supply into my motherboard because it had eight keys, almost went apeshit, then realized it was the entirely wrong thing.
Despite it being over, I probably should have had someone guide me a bit since I knew relatively nothing.

Recommended specs have always been like that. They've always asked for overkill in terms of hardware. However to be fair, a lot of games are offloading a lot of things onto the CPU now so that's a thing. You might be able to get away with an i5, but don't expect to play some games on max settings.

The only difficult thing about building a pc is the cpu cooler/backplate disaster
I hope you have someone to assist you


Fuck off retard.

Resident Evil 7, DOOM, Phantom Pain, just to name a few.

at least you didn't buy an i7 with ryzen around the corner

good move

You're right, user. With them around the corner, i7 will drop in price and be more affordable.

Memes, F2P garbage, early access trash, no games and the occasional broken console port.

Sell meme keyboard, meme mouse, SSD and GPU and order a Switch. Put together the rest and install some emulators, thats the only thing PCs are good for, emulation and porn.

actually this, i5 with HT soon, ryzen soon, better RAM soon, better SSD soon, better monitors soon

winter is the worst time to buy anything.

>he bought a locked i5

>all the retards telling op 650 isn't enough in psu
Top kek pcmaster race am I right?

>order a switch
>when you can play all the wiiu exclusives in 4k60fps right now on PC

kys nintendrone

PC/PS4 or fuck off


I can only hope, because check this shit out.



Not him but yea a lot of games a lately have been asking for i7 in the recommended. He'll, I was just on steam and WWE had an i7 as the recommended. A fucking wrestling game lol.
Made me regret getting a 4690k when the i7 version was only 50 bucks more on sale. Waited too long and the i7 sold out so I settled on the i5.

Like the last user says, soon a lot of games can't be maxed without that i7. I can't even run watch dogs 2 on very high let alone ultra settings. Might be a bad example since it's a ubishit game but still...

Anyway, you can check the latest games out in the past 6 months or so and most say i7.

Console cucks can't into PC building. Enjoy your house fire.

>better RAM soon
RAM prices are expected to keep rising till H3.
Already they are 50-60 percent more than last June.
>better SSD soon

Unless he's running multiple monitors, multiple SSDs or HDDs, overclocking, or running a liquid cooling system, anything above 700W is just absolute overkill. Then again, that 1070 might eat up a lot of power under load.

>Made a hybrid PC of very old and brand new parts in November, planned to upgrade the rest with my next pay check.
>Made redundant in December.

My nine year old processor and motherboard is still good for a while, right?

>that 1070 might eat up a lot of power under load
Less than RX 480.

still, 4-5ghz modules around the corner

>i5 with HT soon


just look at the benchmarks jesus
what's so hard in that

>My nine year old processor and motherboard is still good for a while, right?

Now name a few more.

>Not him but yea a lot of games a lately have been asking for i7 in the recommended.
Fucking list them.


9? Unless it's a xeon then probably not. Even if it's a xeon, you might want to upgrade within the next year.

You get a promising handheld and home console hybrid with Nintendo exclusives, the only that are actually good in this day and age and 3rd parties are on board this time.

With PS4 you get....uh.uh..Bloodborne?


it's 2004 all over again, intel panicking and plans to rlease more GHZ chips after Ryzen

meanwhile AMD stock jumped another 35%, those samples must be good

>better monitors
What? It's not OLED, Gsync is already here and not that useful, 4K is a gimmick unless you have the specs to back it up, curved screens are a gimmick no matter what, I guess there's that 200hz asus monitor.

Rereleasing i3, i5, and i7 under Kaby Lake. All will support HT.

Ha ha. No.

>worst 480 on the market
>bullshit site nobody trusts

Goty literally came out today. Not even him btw.

>buying consoles on launch

user let your q6600 go

Keep being in denial.

i7 already supports it.

This is what I'll be running for the foreseeable future. Pray some new parts land on my doorstep or something, I need a miracle.

Another trip to CompUSA because I don't see a computer case there.

The fuck are you going to put everything in.

>Buying a case
Nigga he can just use all those cardboard boxes he just got.

A computer.

stop making a dick out of yourself dude