If you had to go to jail right now and you got to bring one console and one game what would you bring?

if you had to go to jail right now and you got to bring one console and one game what would you bring?

you have no access to internet.

ps2 with runescape

A piss poor four with bloodborne, never got to try it.



Arma 2 and a solid PC or arma 33. The scenario creator could last years.

Dark souls ps3

original xbox

Not worth it imho, bloodborne will get boring after 1st or 2nd playthrough

If it's gotta be a console, propably a PS4 + Final Fantasy XIV.

isaac rebirth+antibirth
it's practically all I play anyway


dwarf fortress

assuming that I got to bring a manual as well because I don't know how to play it



Honestly speaking I'd be raped to death within the first two days, so Bloodborne seems fine to me.

Wouldn't matter. You'd get shived and your console would get stolen day one.

nah white bois
you're being sent to a jail for white collar crimes

>no access to internet
something with kingdom hearts while on critical mode on a secret boss

ill be raging so fucking hard id manage to throw the controller through some cunts skull

Prolly pc with DF

been to jail its not fun. just tell them you are a faggot and you will be locked up in medical the whole time.

Sauce on this? Can't find it.

GC + melee

PC with Diablo 2 LoD
Years of farming.

I would much rather hang myself than play with filthy fucking casuals.


>All these retards saying PC
PC isn't a console.

my vita so i can keep jerking off to anime

dorf fort

Can't bring a PC with M&B eh ?

Without internet?

thats going to be one sad man

Depends on how long I'm in there for. If it's going to be a while then
>Elona +
Though it's worth noting that jail's for less than a year of time, so I might not even need to play my game much.

>bring a console
>no tv to play it with
bring a laptop PC instead

Dragon Quest 7.

Assuming no internet only means no multiplayer and doesn't affect patches user created content, and Single Player DLC,
I'd probably go with PS4 & BloodBorne or a LBP game

Laptop with Dwarf Fortress.

Switch and Mario Odyssey

Why pick a game you've already played, plus Mario games tend to have tons of replay ability.


That'd last you a week at best.

PC with CoC

Mega Drive with Thunder Force IV


Jokes on you I'm actually 6'3 120 lbs
I'd wreck anyone in hand to hand combat

Big boypussy is still boypussy

PC and SFM with all duh models

>No internet
>Entire sentence carried out with you sitting at the login screen because you're retarded

PS3 - Warhawk
or maybe a gamecube with F-zero GX, but I feel like I'd prefer a higher resolution if I'm sticking with it for so long. Maybe PS2 - Kinetica or PS3 - Wipeout.
Anyone know when the new wipeout is out for PS4?

If I can take a PC then probably Morrowind, then again if I could take a PC I'd spend most of my time lurking here instead of playing the one game I took with me.

If your height and weight were actually true I would feel very sorry for you. Being a twig must be awful.

Fuck, I just saw that it said NO internet. I'm the post below yours and misread the no internet thing as having internet.

this desu senpai

PS4 and Kingdom Hearts 3 does that still count even though it's not out yet? If not then Rocket League. Only game I can play for hours. Or maybe Nioh.

to late now faggot!

maybe you can suck someones dick for a phone with a hotspot.

win/win desu

PS4 with DMC4 special edition.
When I get out I will be the cuhraziest.

thank mr skeltal

Dwarf Fortress

Thanks mr. Skeletal

dude sauce me please

>120 lbs

nigga u a stick


In jail, might as well do pushups and get in better shape.

dang dude you so skinny. I'm 6'2 and weigh 160 wtf are you doing.

Mojarin's elins would NOT say something like this

Am I allowed to bring two controllers with that console or just one?

3DS/SmileBasic. Do you know if any game has a better game development environment?

Wait a second, you're not me user.

where do i go to learn how to use this?

* Do you know if any game console has a better game development environment?

Ni no Kuni or Nier and a PS3
Or better yet, a hacked PS3 with a SNES emulator and a huge bundle of games installed. Honestly that's what I did when I knew I'd be without internet. My parents would take it away constantly, and I'd just keep playing chrono trigger and tackling my backlog.

What do you mean? You can learn to program on your PC. The graphics and the level editor you'll figure out.

Dude I'm 6'2" and I haven't weighed 120 since I was 13. Consider food, your ribs aren't supposed to poke out.

w-w-want to pla-pu-play vi-video games with me?

i was in medical it was actually super fucking boring and everyone was decent to each other

even if i am trans.

"Rape me in the lavatory and I will make you nani-sore"

>no access to the internet
>can't look at the wiki


I'd ask for the death penalty.

What console can I make a bomb out of?

Halo MCC

Four games and I know how to make my own games with forge and custom games.

it would have to be turn based because i'd be nodding out, what with all the euphoria surging from my ravaged bucci


60gb phat PS3. 3 generations of incredible gaming.

Pc and elona+
Or cataclysm dark days ahead

nothing, would not get to go to jail because of this justice system in finland
>1st timer?
>sentenced to go home

PSP and Dissidia Duodecim

>All these fatass
You have no idea what a proper human being looks like. Keep chugging on these hamburger fatties. You're clearly delusional.

>tfw gay and my fantasy is prison rape
I choose Peggle and an xbox 360

Where's that Terraria image?

The OP said you got to bring one game, too, retard. Why would you waste your console option on a console with no games? You only needed one.

But America is the greatest country in the world. We house all the blacks and make them work jobs for pennies an hour. But since they're in jail, it's not considered "slavery"


PS4 with Dissidia Arcade.

Why did you include me in your list? I said nothing of the sort.

someone give this man some food

All game (most anyways) come with manuals in their cases.

I don't see why I can't just print out a paper copy of the wiki or some smaller guide.

bring that ass an that 360 here, boi

Dude if you're 6'3 and weigh 120 lbs you are ANOREXIC, borderline almost DEAD.

150 lbs = Extremely thin at SIX FOOT THREE.

180 lbs = ideal weight for 6 foot three inches.

This, but loaded to the brim with emulators and their libraries. Fuck taking up space with last gen titles, I'd rather have all the variety 8-16bit systems and the arcades had to offer.


katawa shoujo

one of those anime porn games

>let damarcus, jamiqua and tyrone fap to my console
>"sheeid deez some big anime tiddies mane"
>they smuggle stuff in for me and protect me

prison btfo

PS Vita with Freedom Wars
Purely for the irony.
Fuck that game

cute zombie doggo

seconding dwarf fortress, play a shitton of it
(no wiki just means it'll take me longer to re-learn to play it, extending it's life)

spend time i'm not playing documenting the lives of all the fucking crazy shit that happens,
write a book of dwarven tales, get it published,
have my obvious willingness to contribute society help reduce my sentence

LSD: Dream Emulator

are you being real? I like being prepared for anything and if I do end up in jail will saying I'm a homo get me put in a more cushy area or get me raped? I don't know if I could trust the word of the mentally ill but I'll put your advice on a list of things to consider.