The female version of the armor puts on a skirt

>the female version of the armor puts on a skirt

what games do this

Other urls found in this thread:


>Full face helmet on male covering whole head
>Wear it on female
>Has open face and her hair hanging out the back



>Tokimeki Crisis


How do you know it is female version and not simply a Poppy Pipopapo upgrade for a male hero?

says "Kamen Rider Poppy is born!" or some shit

What game can I play that will infect me with a cute girl virus?

Rider is called Kamen Rider Poppy, and she's using Bugvisor 2 long until Dan kills her?

Jokes on you, she can just upload herself into the internet when she is at low health because isn't a person.

>Poppy becomes a rider
>Buggle Driver

>First half of the game has a rival character that kicks your ass
>he joins you in the 2nd half with a sick upgrade

Yeah that totally helped this guy!

So is Poppy kill, or do only girls die if they were once humans?

considering Genm is supposed to be running around with Buggle Driver and this is version two of it, she's going to get Nintendo'd just like Burgmon

Too soon

He looks like Sonic and Knuckles

>the best weapon and armor is colored gold

>Probably based on Tokimeki Memorial
>she's going to die before declaring her love to Emu

You can't fuck bugsters anyway

Bugvisor 2

think of Playstation -> Playstation 2

methinks this won't have a voice that is trying to kill you

But Emu is also a bugster now

She's either kill or Nico is wearing her data.


but Emu's a bugster too user

is there a site to watch/download this


When was the last gold colored final form? W Extreme was white with only his movie upgrade being gold, OOO, people are probably still arguing which was the final form, Fourze was blue, Wizard was white, Gaim was white again, so was Ghost, Drive was red, oh right Emperor was gold

>Buggle Driver II doesn't have a clamshell design


>Health Bar

I don't think Pallad is in there.




If its confirmed that Bugvisor 2 is going to ship with Kamen Rider Chronicle, sure. If its just another one of Dans wacky projects, its probably going to keep the voice.

And it should, the voice is fucking great. Its only beat out by ParaDX.

but user that's gonna be weird

>something something about date and love

Fuck, I'm sorry; force of habit. RTA for speedsubs, Excite! for full quality. Granted I can understand why they didn't pick it up, Ghost was a turd and Drive was meh at best.

delete this

Wait shit no do the opposite of that.

The game is a yandere simulator clone
>and Drive was meh at best

They'll probably pull something out of their ass with them Poppy-fying the Bugvisor. Pretty much exactly how she Poppy-fyed DoReMiFa Beat

>Poppy becoming a Rider


don't you mean


Judging by the suit design, don't expect anything more than Nadeshiko-tier.

and that's actually good, Nadeshiko is one of the best female riders we got

But this is actually the first time a female rider has a completely unique suit


what, Nadeshiko wasn't unique?

>Space goo is best girl
Human women on suicide watch

Think he means it has its own design motif rather than being a female version of the main Rider.

>Poppy is a bugster
So is the formula to making a good female rider is to make them non-human?

Well Aria was a Ganma but I don't think she counts.

Please don't tell me there's a strong uncontrollable videogame that makes him go berserk.



>> Nico is wearing her data.

no user do not even think that

>Pallad joining the good guys

>Please don't tell me there's a strong uncontrollable videogame that makes him go berserk.
There is, but only for a bit

It was somewhat obvious when you hear what gamer driver does with his gashat, these clips were way too original and way too upbeat to belong to an evil rider

Lolno. Enjoy being killed by Dan and used as armor

Already happened, he had to do a 4-people co-op to control it

at least she did something than be an autistic sore loser gurlgamer

Pretty sure Ganma are humans

how's ex-aids so far? any good?

they made a fucking promotional episode about burgers depressing

okay, now I'm curious
is it part of the main series? I might pick it up after binging a bunch of Gundam

by promotional episode I mean it's generally, well supposed to be, a lighthearted filler episode promoting a toy (sponsored by mcdonalds), yet they made it so good and well done and it ends with a fucking plotpoint and the main character being broken

Ex-Aid's been great so far. Definitely worth watching

This was their Christmas episode.

His sacrifice was not in vein, as now we'll get this

I'm glad he's back even if it's just for the Chou Super Taisen movie

>every other episode Emu's either suffering or is in despair

if they keep this up he'll overtake Gills

That frame clearly belongs to a girl.

She'll use the Bugle Driver 2, but in time it will turn out that it was a set up by Dan. He then absorbs and imprisons her into the Driver like the rest of the Bugsters.

he'll meme himself to death

Men are on the inside of "girl" characters all the time

user we have stuntwomen in toku suits since the 90s

That's semantics. Yeah, male stuntmen play plenty of transformed female characters. However, this is concept art we are talking about.

It's obviously Poppy. The Gashat is not actually hers (being the Poppy edition of Doremifa Beat) and the Japanese translates as "Kamen Rider Poppy".

in-canon there's only one Doremifa Beat which is where she came from

the toy just has the exclusive version that has her voice rather than the standard one

Yes, but in his post he talks about using her "as armor", implying he thinks that Gashat is her version of Doremifa Beat (which is armor) even though it is not.

Ah I thought you were referring to "two" Doremifa Beats

So fucking good.

Yeah, I was going by his logic because he clearly had the idea that the 2nd one was gonna be in the show even though that's not what the Gahsat in the scan is. It's completely new.

>meanwhile Zyuohger got the third SUPER SECRET Sentai ending

>finally get the first 10 gashats besides doremifabeat but I ordered the poppy version
>now all this other shit

I can't afford to be a kamen rider fan I swear.

>yfw Poppy dies after becoming a rider

>Series about video games is edgier than series about dead people

le laffing social justice man

Poppy is not gonna survive the series. We all know this.

It's video games, but it plays around with the whole idea of video games. Shit like game overs, clearing the games, the thing Dan did to the burger Bugster which was basically cold hard murder and nothing else.

>You're sleeping
>Suddenly you hear sounds outside like some kind of earthquake
>Giant cube towers grow out of the ground, one destroying the local town hall
>Suddenly a penguin zyuman is in your room

What do.

have sex with him



>drive was meh

>ep 18 is twenty minutes of taiga mercilessly buttfucking nico
>at the end, dan walks in the scene and laughs maniacally
how would you react?

>Drive was meh

>Buggle up driver
I think they mean Bug it up driver.

Fucking idiots don't even know.

user it literally is Buckle + Bug

I'm joking.

I'm just mad RTA changed it from buggle up to bug it up.

There's always Excite

I always get both.

Doubt she will last long.

Another hero who will join the ranks of those who died like:

>the majority of the ryuki riders
>black condor
>cure echo (tho people seem to hate her guts)
>cure mofurun

Kinda sad when you think about it.


>don't really like Mofulun when she shows up
>ends up being one of the best things about that show

Funny how that works.

You talking Fluted set from Demon's Souls, how it goes from an awesome, iconic full plate armor set on a male to some shitty chestplate with gauntlets and an open faced helmet piece of shit on a female?

You mean all of them.
I hate the time reverse ending so much. Such an asspull to make kids less sad.

>meanwhile, in outer space