What games have the tightest controls? Tightest controls in videogames ever, tight as all hell
What games have the tightest controls? Tightest controls in videogames ever, tight as all hell
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hmmm, I'm not sure how tight we're talkin', OP. Could you maybe demonstrate using a photo ;))))))))))
I bet he's tight as hell.
come on guys let's talk about video games, super tight games
Who's this pussy-toochie?
Uhhm DMC 3/4 I guess
sm64 obv
He or She ?
Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she Please be she
>Instagram ani.ya
It's a Jew
LOL found your instagram OP aha
:P :))))) xD
haha sho more tight photos lol hehehe
Hay an actual on-topic post:
Honestly, I think Nier Automata had tight as fuck controls, it was a blast to play it. The demo, that is.
Are you mentally handicapped? Just curious.
Girl ?
Fuck your topic. Cute grills on the interwebs. Go nuts.
>Google just ASSUMES their gender
Excuse me????????
She's fucking gorgeous
Dark Souls
League of Legends
Yeah, she's beautiful. She seems underage though.
Kinetica, now post moar
I want to hate fuck a Jew
Metal Gear V
Ninja Gaiden 2
>"i'm kawaii uguu~ desu ne"
Weeb girls are always cringe.
>point and click action game
if league is anything like dota, it's a brawler controlled through RTS ui. opposite of tight
God Hand
Nigga's saving her photos lol
I find it funny how we've gone completely backwards now, that there are women who actually pretend to be traps now.
I know the image is a woman, and isn't pretending to be a trap but just thought I'd mention because of how... ironic it is.
Pretty much the horse shoe effect.
me too