Thanks, WoW addicts

Thanks, WoW addicts.

I don't get it





Both communities are fucking toxic.

What's even the map about? The most played game?

rich versus poor.

I cant imagine many of the wow fags not playing lol also

I haven't played a game of LoL in 4 years but still keep up with the esports for it. It hurts.

>unironically playing either in the modern Era of thousands of other better games


Numale with hurt feelings detected.

he's a faggot but he's a correct faggot
online communities have gotten notably worse over the last few years

i enjoy that

why is that bad

i have never heard that word being used properly
please stop

Toxic means: Thing I don't like.

His use was fine.

>random map with ambiguous key and no source
Great thread OP.

it's a purple state actually. not as repub as ignoramuses assume

t. Resident of League of Legends state

>democrats: following every new shitty trend that fuck them over in long time but they do it anyway because friends and it's progressive
>republicans: clinging hard to the old beaten idea until it finally dies and hopefully something better comes over

seems fair i guess


>Old WoW player and voted for Trump.
I can already taste the tears when I hit "Post"

So dems are the ones always uselessly chasing awful new things and reps are deathly afraid of change and will never go forward?

That's not true

I've been playing online games since Ultima Online

They have always had shit communities

Woah, CTR shills are still around.


the jews are toxic

>Implying anyone would ever need to shill the best kart racer ever made.