Man, that barron environment and sound design

Man, that barron environment and sound design.

I know its not a massive budget game.. but I am disapoint.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, they made some poor color choices here.

looks like a boring empty collectathon N64 platformer. So a success at what they were aiming at.

Why is it so goddamn dark

>I know its not a massive budget game.. but I am disapoint.

the kickstarter made millions of dollars


Okay this screen shot looks bad

i don't get it.
what's the problem?

Games cost billions to make them not shitty today

MN9 2

Even rocket robot on the wheels looks a more completed game than this, gosh even Taz Wanted

i could name several obscure and forgetable plataformers that are better than this

how issit MN9 2?
there isn't any Pepperoni

Nah. Games cost billions to shill today, yeah.


if it doesn't cost billions to make games why don't we have hundreds of unknown devs making budget games that just focus on gameplay???

check mate asshole

I've been secretly hoping for this game to be shit.
I hate banjokazooie fags, they're so obnoxious in smash and nostalgia threads.

>why don't we have hundreds of unknown devs making budget games that just focus on gameplay???
We do. Not my fault you only play shit games on purpose, I don't know what to tell you.

>banjo-kazooie theme song is the level music
also since when did any collectathon have worlds filled to the brim and not half empty

One level, and it looks fine to me.

Have you played the toybox? Its fun.

>Games cost billions to make them not shitty today

What timeline youre in?

collectathon platformers are literally among the worst types of games out there, its like having 500 collectibles excuses them for having absolutely abysmal level design

I never understood the people that like these kind of games, I played banjo when it came out and thought it was absolute dog shit even when I was 14

What's wrong with this exactly?

I can only say that the characters seems to be way too loud, but that's about it
Any collectathon map is bound to have empty spaces, like in any of the older games, and considering you have a fast mode of travel that isn't an issue

>play video in 360p
>it's a perfectly fine PS2 game.
no idea why you faggots are complaining about it.

The lighting is absolutely terrible. I don't know if they were going for a cheap, chintzy look because it's a shitty casino but it doesn't even look like that.

Sad fuck.

>casino level
>everything brown, not shiny and colorfull

Well Unity isn´t nice, but else game looks pretty good and feels like a banjoo game.

Feels like an XBLA unity game.

It's not just that the characters make annoying sounds. Why don't enemies make any noise when you kill them?

>the characters make annoying sounds
I dunno, most 3D platformers have that, it's kind of a stable by now, so I'm probably just used to it

They only have one shot to prove that they're the shining light of the industry and not just another nostalgia-banking bunch of has-beens and contractors here to make a buck like every other fuckhead.

They're not doing a good job.

>game has gone gold
>this is the final product

>There are people Sup Forums right now who think Yooka-Laylee is going to be better than Mario Odyssey.

>that text sound

Why is Kirk phoning it in so much? Did he have a mental breakdown? Seriously he used to have more range than this.

For reference.

>Seriously he used to have more range than this.
Well I mean he did the fucking Ninja Gaiden: Yaiba soundtrack of all things.

>barron environment
So it's an autism-themed level?

What the... It looks good to me but those fucking sounds what the fuck?

Lol sorry, I have dyslexia

What's the issue?

Looks like more of banjo kazooie with just some more space between all the content.
The rolling looks faster than kazooie running so it evens out.

>I played banjo when it came out and thought it was absolute dog shit even when I was 14
You have different tastes in games. Why talk like it's objective fact?


It was obvious from the start that this game would be worse than Hat in Time

Another kickstarter blunder.


in the IGN video, a few of the HOO HAHs are severely mistimed by the player.

This probably will be Barron Trump: The Game.

nigga thats not even finished, it literally has no enemies

You're on step 1 now.

Why does this game look so bad??

>idk if legit but anyway from neogaf

Hi all,

Andy from Playtonic here.

There was some miscommunication on our side which meant that this video went up not quite as we intended (absolutely no fault of IGN’s) and doesn’t really offer the full picture of the level.

However, later this month media will have the opportunity to capture the first few hours of the near-final game, so you should get a much more representative look at what the whole Yooka-Laylee package has to offer :)

memeing aside, i've been following the updates and it really seems they're doing shit, every month or so they release development updates, i just hope at the end iga doesnt pull a mn9

>conker's bad fur day (released in 2001 for a console released in 1996) has better lighting

Did it actually come out on time? This game seemed to come out faster than most other kickstarter funded concept games.

Yokalaylee is some Unreal engine garbage right? These games ALWAYS look samey, and terrible. They just use the default systems.

Inti-Creates has no clue how to use Unreal Engine. They proved this with MN9. No one on the team was a proper programmer. It shows in the final project. These problems will carry onto the next project.

Empty environments and lack of background clutter are a sure sign of a budget project. These small details take unproportionally large portion of dev time and budget, so they are usually the first one to be cut.

t. amateur dev

>barron environment
Hey PM me before posting again and I'll help you proofread

It's some barebones Unity shit

The environment I'm fine with. It does seem bigger than Banjo levels, but as other anons have pointed out, methods of travel seem faster so hopefully that'll even out.

The thing that concerns me most is the sound. The level music is boring and repetitive. I hope that's a placeholder track.

Also, I feel like the animations are kinda lacking.


well at least iga said on september he was looking to replace lots of devs because they didnt met his "quality standards"


Just as bad.

So it's not final?

>Andy from Playtonic here.
Proof or fuck off.

>Yokalaylee is some Unreal engine garbage right?
even worse its Unity

wow, rude

The environment is fine imo.

The sound design is pretty awful though.

>well at least iga said on september he was looking to replace lots of devs because they didnt met his "quality standards"

lol did he? That's code for Inti-Creates being a bunch of cheap hacks.

Word is, they spread around usb drives to keep code up to date instead of using git. And there was not one really competent programmer on the whole team. They just had some people who knew how to use the Unreal level building programs. Real basic tier shit.

He literally said "idk if legit"
fucking sperg

>unity is bad

Nice meme.


>they spread around usb drives to keep code up to date instead of using git.
This can't be real

>“In short: To ensure the game meets his quality standards, IGA is bringing on additional developers and has moved his estimate for the game's release back to the first half of 2018.”

unity can be great, but low production budget unity games tend to all have the same look.

It's just anonymous Sup Forums posts, so who knows. Not the best source. Guy claims he knew a guy who worked on the game. But MN9 game shows serious technical incompetency.

voice acting for the chameleon is complete garbage, like it's not done by a professional voice actor, sounds like some kid is doing an imitation.

Sorry but the game looks like another lazy cash-in from washed up devs who have forgotten how to make good games.

>still PS2-era shovelware character design
>empty levels with absolutely no atmosphere
>music sounds like they recycled rejected tunes which didn't pass the grade for release in banjo

They really captured that N64 look.

>unity can be great, but low production budget unity games tend to all have the same look.

Like this?

There's a few reasons for this

How fast you can travel through a world matters. Even if everything is spread out with fuck all to do in between it doesn't matter when you can reach points of interest in a reasonable amount of time. This adds the positive effect of giving you a sense of scale though, you think the world is massive but in reality only the key locations matter.

Games have higher budgets now and graphics have advanced so that you can actually make out things in the distance and you don't have to put them so close to each other since the drawing distance is good enough now.

I cannot imagine how a project with more than one developer can possibly work without source control these days. Merging the conflicts must be really fun

At a glance I thought that thumbnail was conkers bad furday

Aren't casino's supposed to be brightly lit? Why are so many areas dim and gloomy?

>Doctors hate her!

wut game?

>Enemies bounce from your invisible forcefield of protection
>IGN player still gets hit several times

Never been to a big Vegas style Casino but most gambling areas are dark as shit. I guess the lack of vitamin D helps you gamble more or something.

Ya its actually not too bright in many places in vegas. Its not dark or gloomy but its darker than your average public space.

It's the *poof* noise whenever you kill any enemy that gets me. So unsatisfying.

The way the floor reflect the lights looks so bad and cheap

The general idea of the bright lights is sensory overload.
Your brain mistakes the casino environment for daytime, even at 5AM. The copious amounts of alcohol help with this too, leading people to spend all night long gambling money with an inhibited sense of time.

Honestly, the only issues I see comes from the sound design and lighting. This casino should be blinding my fucking eyes out, while the music blasts jazzy trumpets in my ears. None of that is happening, and that's what's giving the level a sort of lackluster feel even though the level design is solid.

The biggest problem with the music is that it feels too well-put together and muted. Many levels from Nuts and Bolts had that same problem. I mean, just compare these two songs,

The former references TTC pretty heavily, but the issue is that the TTC segments are the only memorable parts of the melody.

Why doesn't the lizard have a reflection? Vampire bat?


He's great with the cyber.

>Why doesn't the lizard have a reflection? Vampire bat?

Conker was ahead of its time I just played it recently. Its a fucking shame it took me that long.

yeah, the level looks very dull and uninteresting. the thing is, in banjo kazooie, the hardware and memory was limited, so everything was streamlined. Nothing was bigger than it had to be. If they just made the open areas a bit smaller, and made it more compact, it'd be awesome.

Since the beginning they've been trying to aggresively piggyback banjo kazooie and still can't see what does this game do for justifying its existance.

It offers the same, only without attention to detail.

I think the common complaints so far are:
>bad lighting
>lackluster sounds effects and music
>big empty spaces

I'm actually okay with the last one because it seems like the movement is pretty fast.

What are the chances the first two get changed before release?

It's a standard Unity floor panel using MirrorReflection2 shader what did you expect?

combat looks a little janky its staggering how bad the west is at combat feedback

Man I'm so hype for this. Shit looks fucking beautiful, I want to lick that floor.