Satisfying jumping

What games nailed it ?

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Having a feel of total control of your movement in the air is a good feeling.

>game so fun to play, you end up wasting time in the beginning hub-world every time you launch it
SM64 has not been surpassed.

>game is so fun, doing ANYTHING is fun
kind of a truth of any 10/10 game to be honest

Any game where a sound plays when you land, not just when you jump

Kingdom Hearts 2

Honestly? You got me.

64 never felt like a waste of time. Goofing off in the game was F U N.

Here's a dishonorable mention for fucking up so hard and never once realizing how hard they fucked up over multiple releases.

Little Big Planet.

>see that player
>you can climb it

psssst, games are not supposed to be fun.
If you think that you are a normie.

Games are just for meme and calling each other a faggot on Sup Forums

Maplestory jump quests

those weren't satisfying at all

I might get shat on for this but Thomas Was Alone has very good jumping. It feels so smooth.

Harder question: what games nailed double jumping? Pic almost related. It would have been perfect if not for controls being ever so slightly unresponsive. Ugh.


The Smash Bros. games.

You don't have to jump high for the jumping to be satisfying.

Crash bandicoot 3

>Double jump

None because double jumping is a lazy mechanic.

Psychonauts has really nice double jumping, same with Jak & Daxter

Jumper series has some interesting applications of double jumping.
Generally speaking Matt Thorson's games got the jumping right.

Is that TAS? Either way, I don't think that gif is a good representation of the game, considering how much dedication it requires to get right.


I wonder how many man-hours they poured into just how moving around in SM64 felt. Or rather, I wonder how much of it is effort and polish, which money can buy, and how much is Miyamoto and co.'s genius, which it can't.

team fortress 2 scout. paired with the ability to switch directions entirely, and stop on a dime by pressing +back at any time, allows very precise movement

This, honestly.
Scout probably has the best double jumping control in vidya.

Yoshis Island


this and meat boy

You know miyamoto's team spent months with Mario's model on a completely barren plane just trying to get him feel cood to control.

They started designing the levels around mario once this was almost perfect.

Yeah, there was a time Miyamoto had great ideas... He wasn't JUST some pain in the ass yet. Now, every Nintendrone are wating for him to die quickly freeing Nintendo in the process

Rocket League

>Now, every Nintendrone are wating for him to die quickly freeing Nintendo in the process
Da fuq?

Actraiser and Actraiser 2 has pretty satisfying jumping.

>Miyamoto: That’s why I say this, and it’s no exaggeration, but we only used about 60% of the N64’s capabilities in this game. No, actually, if you look at everything, maybe only 40%.

God damn.

There's nothing lazy about double jumps, they're an easy way to add depth to a game's platforming. The problem is that there's a lack of creative challenges utilizing the double jump, devs just give it to the players as a crutch and call it a day.

Certainly not that one.

>Miyamoto: Game developers are starting to have a lot of pretensions with 3D. It used to be, in the past, people would ask me “Making games is a lot like making movies, isn’t it?” And I’d always respond, “Yeah, it kind of is. It’s a similar process.” Then they’d ask me, “So, do you want to make movies then?” And I’d always reply in the negative, that no, we don’t want to make movies—because we’re making games.

>But lately, everyone making games seems to aspire to be some kind of movie director! Part of me is like, what the hell, do you all have some inferiority complex about movies?!


Sunshine had better movement in my opinion, too bad about the rest of the game.

t. contrarian

I've hated Mario's controls since the first time I tried the game. It's the main reason why I was so adamant in wanting a Mega Drive for Christmas rather than a Super Nintendo. And after all this time nothing has changed, and I still haven't finished a single 2D Mario after trying them all through emulation (well, Mario 2, but that doesn't really count).

Well done?

Well, I also shifted to Mega Drive afterwards, but I still think Mario's jump at the time was near perfect.
Sonic only got it right from the second game onwards (as far as classics go anyway)

>best Mario game
>doesn't really count

>posting TAS shit

So, Half-Life and Quake is one of best platformers, right?