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>thinking about that one user who was unironically attracted to this granny

I pray 4 u

This is worse than hitting random in the character creator.

Artists need to understand that you need to design a good face before putting on hair.

Hair has a tendency to hide the faults of a person's face.

They aren't even trying

how many companions in this one ?

The Asari in Andromeda is goofy troll-looking, the human woman looks like a tumblr tranny, It´s like they are trying to make all romance options for straight men incredibly unappealing.

Just put a bag on it

>this is a 10/10 at bioware

This game looks so fucking lazy.

I thought The Asari looked cute desu. To each their own.

Is her ass... sagging?

>Danger Hair
>Feminist Lips
>Pandering Nose
>"Progressive" Eye Shadow
>Looks like a granny
>"Repressed" ear lobes
>LGBT-looking neck
>Ugly uniform to remain inclusive for ugly people wearing ugly uniforms.
>Poor lighting on face.>
>Poorly rendered skin texture.
>Dumbed down Frostbite 3.
>Will more than likely have god awful SJW-tier dialogue.

Just another BioCuck game.

She has Mirandaitis.

for now 6, like in me1

That's probably true. Ever since pig elf, they seem to care more about designing deliberately ugly characters to "challenge our norms of beauty" than to actually make appealing characters that will enhance their product.

Or maybe they're just that incompetent.

>I thought The Asari looked cute desu
Pray mods will remove dirt line and eyebrows and add traditional asari makeup

This looks like that little shit people post when they make a "mom said it's my turn" thread. Super punchable face, clear signs of FAS. It's like he grew up and became a faggot.

>I thought The Asari looked cute
Get your eyes checked.

These are average Mass Effect developers.

>OPs girl
>WE WUZ guy
>Generic white soldier
>Turian girl
Who's the last one?

>second to the left is almost literally this guy

what the fuck is going on with her ass?

Who the fuck is the fat cunt?
Looks like he ate his mother inside out while still in the uterus.
Like a living Deviantart page.


Rectal prolapse.
BioCuck wants to cater to the physically disabled, so all disorders count.


that's fucking cheap, i see nobody bro tiers

His name is Kyle Land. He is voicing one of the characters


as visually impaired/disabled
I say fuck you cater to me by making scaleable UI

In a perfect world this shitpile of a game would sell under 1 million copies and EA would jettison Bioware.

fucking sad

Bioware are creatively and artistically bankrupt. There's not an ounce of talent left in the whole company.

I honestly wish EA would just finish them off. Whatever studio is making 'Bioware' game shouldn't be called Bioware anymore.

Wait a second

Another SJW with danger hair

It's 2017, woman don't have to be pretty shit lord

I will make pure Aryan babies with Cora to colonize Andromeda.


Refer to image OP

>Bioware are creatively and artistically bankrupt.
That applies to all the industry, though.

she looks alright for 60-70 yo

I can't get over the fact they actually named someone Peebee. Is the MC going to call her Pee for short once they get close?

you know who really will be the ones to "LMAO"? Bioware when ME:A turns out to be fantastic and you will all be wrong for being so negative.

Hell magic and implants do their thing

>danger hair
Why are all these politically minded nicknames so cringeworthy.

I will spend a few hour and make Geralt character, voice is wrong though.

Her name means "prophetic urine" in asari.



Don't you fucking dare. You know full well that is after demonic corruption


It's short for Pissbitch.

>Mass Effect Androgynous

is this a new alien?
looks ugly

>It´s like they are trying to make all romance options for straight men incredibly unappealing

Half the writers from this game are from DA:I, the game where you could romance a frog-faced middle-aged virgin or a horse-faced cunt with a ridiculous fake accent.

Take that back you shitlord. Cass a cute.

is the whole squad confirmed? because they look like shit.

why cant bioware make an attractive female character anymore? how do you go from miranda to that?
>le wacky asari AKA Sera in space
>jacob 2.0
>maybe cool krogan
seriously compare this to me1 and me2 some of the best and most interesting side characters around.

i really hope there's more companions because im really not interested in any of these. it looks even worse than DA2.

It's like a less attractive pagan min.


hahahahahahah, wait you serious?

This is your date tonight.

>Pelessaria B’Sayle
>"The Milky Way was so... been-there-done-that. Even if I hadn't done it, someone had."

Fucking kill me.




I imagine that even Bioware created a good looking face by accident and their quota employee (zero degree in programming; major in social "science") comes along and is triggered

>thats noooooot what a real woman looks like
>I mean looook at meeeeee
>I feel uncomfortableeeeee
>is this micro aggressioooooon?

Bioware dug its own grave

>female turian hopefully with no romance to spite the spergs
>new vagina face alien

Don't touch him, he is my husband!

> because they look like shit.
Looks like they follow Mass Effect traditions.

>me1 and me2 some of the best and most interesting side characters around.
I am going to assume you are brain damaged, or something.

Mass Effect has been legitimate 3/10 garbage from ME1 to Andromeda.


Ron Perlman looking cute there

ah, so who i was thinking off

Lick one, user.

>how do you go from post-op Michael Jackson to post-OP Casey Cage cosplayer
What did he mean by this?

>Mass Effect has been legitimate 3/10 garbage from ME1 to Andromeda.
Wrong user.

It was 3/10 from a start and it got quickly to 1/10 from ME2

But it seems that (You)!
The Dragonborn!

Yvonne Strahovski is more attractive than any other face bioware is capable of.

trying too hard m8

>Lick one
despite face I would lick her

No, they are the same kind of crap, 3/10 all the way through.

I'm not even going to bother asking for a counter argument considering your first attempt was le fedora.

Yvonne Strahovski is a very attractive women. Miranda is an abomination.

>Yvonne Strahovski

Bioware obviously isn't capable of making her face either.

>Yvonne Strahovski
Because having the body of a 70 year old is hot shit, plus no boobs.
Get laid.

how is yvonne strahovski not attractive? or is this some meme i am unaware of?

yeah but bioware doesn't have a proven record of capturing faces very well

>get laid
the irony


Still wonders me how many dicks she sucked to get into game.

Broad shoulders, fridge torso, no tits or ass is what we're supposed to be attracted to now.

what a fucking pointless character

Why are the faces in the mass effect games so fucking ugly

SWTOR faces looked better than this even with 1/10th the triangles

That's unfortunate.

why was there no option to punch her?

>tells others to get laid

Think we'll run into Anita in Andromeda?

How did they ever think Miranda was attractive is what I'm wondering. Could've at least tried to make her look attractive. Cora has an awful haircut, but at least her face is okay looking.

>he actually liked miranda
that's a good goyim, fuck

ME2 characters were all special snowflake faggots, except jacob (the token black) who was so fucking boring it almost made him special.

ME1 at least kept them grounded- worst offender was Tali, who was the daughter of a fleet commander for NO REASON.
Everyone else was a random schmuck with a believable backstory.

>Miranda Bogdanoff

>For you

Did they release a nest of hornets to sting her face before mo-cap?

She's the true final boss of Andromeda.

she literally looks a tranny grandma.
miranda's face looks good it's just bioware ruins it, like everything else they touch.

How I said it before, no romanceable Quarian qt, no buy

So we have to pretend this is unattractive now? have the memes gone too far?