Mafia 3 is the best selling mafia

>mafia 3 is the best selling mafia

how do you feel about this?

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I bet its budget was fucking massive





Who cares how many sales they got? Lets see the expenses and whether this actually translates into a profit.

yea but what was the budget?

It's more about the fact that 60's racial issues in the USA is such an alien concept here that it didn't alienate the player base like it apparently did in America. It sold well due to the cult status the Mafia series has

sales dont mean the game is better otherwise minecraft shits all over the market

I'm okay with this. I actually had a lot more fun with Mafia 3 than I expected.


How do I feel about shit game outselling previous shit games in completely mediocre series? Oh man that's a hard one, don't even know.

You know, Mafia 3 had quite a few pretty strong moments. It's a shame that the rest of it was so mediocre and repetetive. The setting, the characters, most of the writing was genuinely interesting.

nothing, the older mafias weren't really popular and mafia 3 was marketed and advertised to death.. so selling less would be shocking.

How is that a surprise? The first two games were complete shit. The only thing they had were main missions. The whole point of an open world was thrown out the window.

>Here's a massive city to drive around in.
>You wanted to do something else? Tough shit.

The only thing surprising about mafia 3 is that it exists. That's a franchise that no publisher should have touched after the first game.

2 million on Steam alone (never was on bundle)
meme chartz xbox 360 2m

ps3 1.5

sure .

Don't care tbqh

>muh racial issues

no one here gives a fuck

>makes a mafia game
>you are not part of the mafia

how did they do this? why dont just call it mafia: nigger stories or some shit?

2.28m for AAA doesn't sound like a success to me

Remaster of Mafia 1 when?

>Mafia 1 is bad
this thread is shit taste general

The original was a pc game that was then ported to consoles
The second is the best selling one because it was well made but still was a huge seller on pc, outselling both x360 and ps3 individually
Then Mafia 3 was a horrible port, a mess of a game that still managed to sell on consoles but was somewhat of a bomb on pc

it's a decent game if you skip as much of the sidequest bullshit as possible, focus on the main story.

the racial stuff is just history, if you get personally offended by that I suggest you take it up on your next klan meeting.